
Pop into the community advice drop-in shop

Ashford’s Community Safety Partnership is having a ‘drop-in shop’ between Monday 10th and Saturday 15th August.

The purpose of the shop is to raise public awareness of the wide range of agencies and services available to support them in dealing with issues and problems affecting their quality of life.

During the week the following agencies will be available: Ashford Borough Council, Kent Police, Kent Fire and Rescue Services, Kent County Council, Sk8side, Citizen’s Trust and Turning Point. (more…)

#scamaware CallerID spoofing

Many phone handsets now let you see the number of the person calling before you answer.

This feature – known as ‘Caller ID’ or ‘Calling Line Identity’ (CLI) – is a handy way of screening the calls you want to answer from the ones you don’t.

However, there have been growing instances of nuisance callers and criminals deliberately changing the Caller ID, a practice known as ‘spoofing’.

Don’t trust the number displayed.

SACF registered as Parliament Week Partner

Parliament Week - Do democracySouth Ashford Community Forum has registered as a Parliament Week Partner.

Parliament Week 2015 runs from 16th – 22nd November and is a programme of events and activities that connects people with Parliament and democracy in the UK.

The Forum’s Parliament Week meeting on 17th November will include a discussion on Local Councils and the opportunity they provide for all who live in the Community to be involved in decisions on local matters.

Elwick Square developers commence planning process

Having presented their proposals to the public at the end of last week, the developers for the Elwick Square development, in Ashford’s Town Centre, have submitted an application for “Screening Opinion” on the requirement for an Environmental Impact Assessment . This is the first stage of the formal Planning process for a large development.

The application has been included in our Planning Notices

A website has been set up for the development at

Elwick Square, Elwick Road, Ashford, Kent

Planning Application

Proposed mixed use development (screening opinion)


This is an application asking the council whether or not any future planning application needs to include an Environmental Impact Assessment when/if it is submitted or the scope of any future assessment. It is not a planning application and the planning merits of the proposal will not be considered.

The decision of the council is limited by the requirements of the EIA Regulations. The parish council and local residents are not consulted on EIA applications but will be if a planning application is made in the future.

More information is available on the EIA page on the Ashford Borough Council web site.

Decided: EIA not required