
When it’s safe to be cool

Published on KCC Media Hub: 29 June 2015

While many of us will simply be pleased that the long, wet winter is far behind us, it is important to be prepared for sustained hot weather.

Heatwave Alerts, such as the one in place at the moment – known as a level 2 – are triggered as soon as the Met Office forecasts a 60 per cent chance of temperatures being high enough on at least two consecutive days to have significant effect on health.


Reporting concern for welfare of a horse

The British Horse Society (BHS) and their dedicated network of 200 volunteer Welfare Officers work hard to promote the prevention of neglect, cruelty and harm to horses.

BHS Welfare Officers provide support, advice and education to horse owners to try and remedy problems before they become too serious. In more serious cases they work with partner organisations to reach the best possible resolution for the horses and people involved.

For more information please refer to the BHS website

Throughout the UK, horses are managed and kept in many different ways. Sometimes we may not agree with the way in which a horse is kept but if its needs are being met and the horse is not suffering, then it is unlikely that any action can be taken. Please see the BHS page, What is a Welfare Concern?, for some of the reasons that horses should be reported to them.

This post will also appear on our Local Information/Emergencies page for future reference