College Site approved by committee

Ashford Borough Council’s Planning Committee voted to approve the reserved matters planning application to build 160 dwellings on the Ashford College site in Jemmett Road last night (17 May).

Proposals for redevelopment of the site were first produced 10 years ago in tandem with a plan to relocate the college to a new campus in Victoria Road. At that that time an application for 241 houses was permitted by the Council. Lack of funding led to the college not being able to relocate.

The college sought to renew the application in 2011, this time with proposals to relocate to the site now being constructed in Elwick Road. The Council asked for the proposals to be amended to comply with their Residential Space standards which resulted in the number of dwellings being limited to 154. Although the Planning Committee decided to allow the development, permission was only granted in December 2016 when the College signed the Section 106 agreement.

Although supporting the proposals, Bob Shrubb, Chair of  South Ashford Community Forum, spoke to express concerns regarding traffic, parking and the inclusion of a four storey block of apartments, contrary to a condition on permission granted under the outlline application. The planning officer noted that traffic matters had been dealt with under the outline application and could not be revisited. She said that Kent County Council, as highways authority had accepted the parking proposal based on a survey carried out for the applicant. A councillor said that taller buildings should be expected in “Town Centre” locations.

The reserved matters application is case reference 17/00354/AS posted in our Planning notices on 14 March 2017 

The outline application is case reference 11/00405/AS posted on  10 December 2016

Swaddling & slings

Safer Sleep WeekSwaddling

Some believe swaddling young babies can help them settle to sleep. Whilst we do not advise for or against swaddling, we do urge parents to follow the advice below.  If you decide to adopt swaddling, this should be done for each day and night time sleep as part of a regular routine:

  • use thin materials
  • do not swaddle above the shoulders
  • never put a swaddled baby to sleep on their front
  • do not swaddle too tight
  • check the baby’s temperature to ensure they do not get too hot


Slings and baby-carriers are useful for holding a baby hands-free, however they are not always used safely. Although there is no reliable evidence that slings are directly associated with SIDS, there have been a number of deaths worldwide where infants have suffered a fatal accident from the use of a sling. These accidents are particularly due to suffocation, and particularly in young infants.

The risk appears to be greatest when a baby’s airway is obstructed either by their chin resting on their chest or their mouth and nose being covered by a parent’s skin or clothing.

The safest baby carrier to use will keep the infant firmly in an upright position where a parent can always see their baby’s face, and ensure their airways are free. Complete guidance is available by visiting The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.


Lullaby Trust factsheet on mattresses, bedding and cots—–internal-documents/Fact-Sheet-Mattresses-bedding-and-cots.pdf


The Lullaby Trust, ‘Safer Sleep for babies: a Guide for Parents’,


SACF AGM and March 2017 Meeting

The Annual General Meeting and next Ordinary Meeting of South Ashford Community Forum will take place
at 7:00 pm
on 22nd March 2017
at South Ashford Baptist Church
Brookfield Road, TN23 4EY

The Draft Agenda can be downloaded from this link or from the Minutes and Agendas page on the South Ashford website. If there are any items that you would like added, please contact us by 10th March.

Please do encourage your friends, colleagues and acquaintances, that live or work in South Ashford to come to this meeting.

SACF Committee

Places exist on the Community Forum Committee. If you would be, or know somebody who would be, willing to join the committee please contact us.

We are also planning to create a wider group that would, by email, contribute directly to the responses to planning applications, consultations and other issues that arise between meetings. If you would be interested in joining this group, again please contact us.

SACF January Meeting

The next meeting of South Ashford Community Forum will take place

at 7:00 pm
on 25th January 2017
at South Ashford Baptist Church
Brookfield Road, TN23 4EY

The agenda includes:

  • Crime
  • Updates on
    • Victoria Park & Watercress Fields Masterplan
    • Electoral Review
    • District Council Merger
    • Parliamentary Boundary Review
  • Councillors’ reports
    • Borough Council
    • County Council
  • Council Tax 2017-18
  • Planning and Development
    • Ashford College Jemmett Road Site
    • Powergen Plots 3,4,5

The full Agenda can be downloaded from this link or from the Minutes and Agendas page on the South Ashford website.

Please do encourage your friends, colleagues and acquaintances, that live or work in South Ashford to come to this meeting.

SACF January Meeting

The next meeting of South Ashford Community Forum will take place

at 7:00 pm
on 25th January 2017
at South Ashford Baptist Church
Brookfield Road, TN23 4EY

The Draft Agenda can be downloaded from this link or from the Minutes and Agendas page on the South Ashford website. If there are any items that you would like added, please contact us by 17th January.

Please do encourage your friends, colleagues and acquaintances, that live or work in South Ashford to come to this meeting.

Consultation on ABC draft warding proposals

Boundary CommissionThe Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) has announced the dates for the public consultation on draft recommendations for warding for Ashford District as 7 February 2017 to 3 April 2017.

This will be the second stage of consultation during the Electoral Review of Ashford. South Ashford Community Forum’s proposal for wards for the unparished area of South Ashford can be viewed here: Other submissions can be viewed on the LGBCE website

The aim of the electoral review is to recommend ward boundaries that mean each councillor represents approximately the same number of voters. The Commission also aims to ensure that the pattern of wards reflects the interests and identities of local communities as well as promoting effective local government.

We will post the announcement of the consultation.