Opening of J10a London facing slip roads
Highways England are pleased to announce that the London facing slip roads will be available for traffic on 20 December 2019. The availability of these slip roads will make junction 10a fully operational.
The construction of the London facing slip roads of junction 10a, involved building two new bridges to allow the new slip roads to span over the Aylesford stream. It also required the permanent closure of the existing Junction 10 coast facing slips to enable the new slips to safety join onto the M20.
The fully operational new junction 10a will:
- Relieve congestion around the existing junction 10 and therefore will reduce queues forming on the slip road which often extend back onto the M20.
- Improve safety; and
- Will improve journeys and open the door for further inward economicinvestment for communities in the area which is also part of an international route widely used by freight and holiday traffic.
Earlier this year work was fast-tracked so that key sections of this new junction would be available for traffic by 31 October. As a result, the east facing slip roads at the new junction, as well as the new A2070 link road, were open at the end of October.
Next year work will involve landscaping and completion of the non-motorised user route, these works may require some localised traffic management to safely access the works.
Highways England hope this information is helpful; we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and we apologise for any inconvenience these works may have caused. However, if you have any questions please contact us by visiting our scheme webpage at