
Opening of J10a London facing slip roads

Highways England are pleased to announce that the London facing slip roads will be available for traffic on 20 December 2019. The availability of these slip roads will make junction 10a fully operational.

The construction of the London facing slip roads of junction 10a, involved building two new bridges to allow the new slip roads to span over the Aylesford stream. It also required the permanent closure of the existing Junction 10 coast facing slips to enable the new slips to safety join onto the M20.

The fully operational new junction 10a will:

  • Relieve congestion around the existing junction 10 and therefore will reduce queues forming on the slip road which often extend back onto the M20.
  • Improve safety; and
  • Will improve journeys and open the door for further inward economicinvestment for communities in the area which is also part of an international route widely used by freight and holiday traffic.

Earlier this year work was fast-tracked so that key sections of this new junction would be available for traffic by 31 October. As a result, the east facing slip roads at the new junction, as well as the new A2070 link road, were open at the end of October.

Next year work will involve landscaping and completion of the non-motorised user route, these works may require some localised traffic management to safely access the works.

Highways England hope this information is helpful; we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and we apologise for any inconvenience these works may have caused. However, if you have any questions please contact us by visiting our scheme webpage at

J10A East facing sliproad opening

Click to enlarge

You may have heard recently that there have been some changes to our plan for opening the new junction 10a we are building on the M20 near Ashford, and I wanted to write to you to tell you what our plans are and what they mean for you.

The main thing that has changed is that we are fast-tracking work to have the new east facingslip roads at the new junction and the new A2070 link road open in time for 31 October. This will mean that drivers will be able to use the new coastbound entry and London-bound exit slip roads, and the new A2070 link road from this Thursday 31 October 2019.

Drivers will be able to access the M20 travelling eastbound using the new A2070 link road and M20 J10a. Drivers travelling westbound will also be able to exit the M20 at the new junction 10a and travel towards Ashford using the A2070 link road. Having these new links available for traffic is significant good news that will benefit thousands of drivers every day and improve access to and from Ashford. We accelerated this work to help
lorries move smoothly to and from Ashford Truck stop when the UK was expecting to leave the European Union on 31 October.

Opening these new links will also allow us to move on to the next stage of finishing the improvements. From early November the coast-bound slip road onto the M20 at junction 10 and the London-bound exit slip road will be permanently closed, allowing us to complete construction on the new west facing slip roads at junction 10a.

The A20 will remain on its current temporary alignment for the time being and will be connected to the new junction 10a in phases. The A20 will be connected to the east side of junction 10a on Monday night 4 November and will be open in both directions. Drivers will be able to exit at the new junction 10a and travel towards Sellindge, and will also be able to travel from Sellindge and access junction 10a. The A20 will be connected to the west side of junction 10a, via a oneway system. During this period, there will be no access to the A20 from junction 10a traveling towards junction 10. Drivers seeking to travel to junction 10 from junction 10a, will be directed to use the A2070 link road instead. This temporary road layout is shown in the diagram above.

The final changes should be complete – and the new junction fully open to traffic – in spring 2020.

I hope you agree that this is an exciting time for Ashford, as we take the final steps to open this major road improvement to traffic. We hope this information is helpful and we apologise in advance for any inconvenience this work may cause.

If you have any questions please contact us by visiting our scheme webpage at

M20 junction 10a Project Manager

Jemmett Road

In 2015 South Ashford Community Forum raised the condition of Brookfield Road and Jemmett Road at one of it’s meetings. We were told “There are jetpatching works scheduled for Brookfield Road in coming weeks and Jemmett Road has been patched in recent months. The specific roads referred to are structurally sound and therefore do not require reconstruction as suggested.”

The County Councillor commented that Brookfield Road is the priority due to the sheer traffic volume which includes heavy vehicles. To ensure a more permanent solution the concrete slabs need to be taken out and new surface laid down. The patching work at Jemmett road is not to satisfactory standards.
We pointed out that when Ashford College move out of their site in Jemmett Road, the demolition and construction works on the site could potentially damage Jemmett Road.

At the time we photographed the defects in Jemmett Road.

As the works on the college site are now well advanced we have raised the issue again with the current County Councillor and carried out a further photographic survey. The photographs have been plotted on a Google Map which can be viewed at

  • Photographs taken in 2019 are shown by red markers
  • Those taken in 2015 are shown by blue markers
  • Green markers have similar photographs taken in 2019 and 2015

The photographs show a severe deterioration in the general condition of the road and that repairs undertaken in or before 2015 are themselves beginning to fail.

Railway timetable consultation

December 2019 Timetable Consultation

London & South Eastern Railway

Closes: 09 September 2019

Southeastern are consulting on proposed timetable changes for December 2019

The proposals will have a positive impact on Southeastern’s passengers, with faster Highspeed services, faster Mainline services, and more reliable Metro services. As a result of the proposals, passengers may see the timings of their regular service changed by a few minutes. Southeastern are consulting with their passengers and stakeholders to get their views on these proposals.

Download December 2019 timetable proposal  

Southeastern are also seeking feedback on some broader proposed changes, further ahead in May 2020. 

Please use the link below to participate. 

Complete the online feedback form (on SurveyMonkey)

Stagecoach price changes

Stagecoach logo

From Sunday 28 April Stagecoach are changing the price of some bus tickets.

So what’s happening?

Some fares will increase slightly in price, but single fares above £5 will be frozen. Return fares will be capped so they don’t exceed the price of a South East adult dayrider (£7.30).

dayrider and megarider tickets will increase in price – but if you use the Stagecoach bus app, you can still get them cheaper.


Op Brock in place next week

From next week, Operation Brock will be available as a tool for managing disruption in Kent. Operation Brock queues lorries bound for mainland Europe on the coastbound M20 and uses a contraflow on the London-bound carriageway to enable other traffic to travel in both directions.

Under the new arrangements, in addition to the M20 contraflow lorries can be routed to Manston Airfield and, if needed, the M26 motorway can be closed and used to queue HGVs too.

The M20 contraflow is planned to be in place by 6am on Monday 25 March, and there will be roadworks on the M20 and M26 over the weekend and into next week as the final preparations and adjustments are made.

Drivers are advised that sections of the M20 will be closed this weekend for the final work to take place, signed diversions will be in place. From Monday drivers will need to follow the different layout on the M20 from just north of Junction 8 (for Leeds) to Junction 9 (Ashford).

The M20 will be closed overnight (8pm – 6am) each night until Monday morning between Junction 7 (for Maidstone) and Junction 9. Overnight closures may also be required on this section next week if there is remaining work to complete. For the preparations for the M26, there will also be overnight closures on the weekends of the 23 and 30 March.

What is Operation Brock?

Operation Brock is a set of measures to keep the M20 open in both directions between junctions 8 and 9 in the event of disruption to services across the English Channel, by using different holding areas.

The queuing system only applies to lorries heading to mainland Europe from Kent. All other drivers should check conditions before setting out and, if they’re crossing the channel, check with their service operator for updates.

Phase 1 – In the event of excessive disruption to services across the English Channel, improved holding capacity in the Port of Dover and Eurotunnel, as well as on the A20 approach to the port (Dover TAP), would be used.
Phase 2 – If phase 1 capacity is reached, we will start queuing Europe bound lorries that are 7.5 tonnes and over on the coast bound section of the M20 between junction 8 and 9 with cars and other vehicles using a contraflow on the London-bound carriageway.
Phase 3 – If phase 2 becomes full, lorries heading for Port of Dover will be directed to Manston Airfield, while the M20 is used to hold traffic for Eurotunnel. Traffic lights on the A256 after Manston Airfield will help to manage traffic arriving at the port.
Phase 4 – If the M20 holding area and Manston becomes full, the M26 could be used to hold additional lorries heading for Eurotunnel.

Highways England: Operation Brock: ready for action 22 March 2019
Highways England: Operation Brock

For information on driving when operation Brock is in place refer to the Highways England page about Operation Brock

Other ‘Brexit’ preparedness information:

Road Closures – Arlington

Kent County Council gives notice that Arlington, Ashford will be dosed to through traffic, on or after Wednesday 2 January 2019 for up to 3 days.

Arlington will be closed in various phases along its length. Access to the remainder of Arlington continues from either direction up to where the road is closed at any time. Access to the various side-roads will be maintained from one or other direction as signposted on site.

It is planned that the road will be dosed between 07:30 hours and
16:30 hours each day.

The closures are to enable Kent County Council to carry out urgent
essential carriageway repairs.

This Notice applies when the relevant signs and barriers are on site
and is valid for a period of no more than 5 days.

M20 Closures January 2019

As part of the improvement works for the construction of junction 10a scheme, a new motorway gyratory is being built over the M20. This gyratory will comprise of two bridges otherwise known as the East and West Interchange Bridges. The steel beams for the interchanges are to be installed in January 2019.

In order to complete the installation of the steel beams, full weekend closures are required. The planned closures can be found in the table below:

Activity Start of Closure End of Closure  (M20 J9 -11 and J11 – J10 reopens)
Placing of steel beams for East Interchange Bridge Friday 11 January – 22:00 Monday 14 January – 06:00
Contingency weekend – if original weekend unachievable – East Interchange Bridge. Friday 18 January – 22:00 Monday 21 January – 06:00
Placing of steel beams for West Interchange Bridge Friday 25 January – 22:00 Monday 28 January – 06:00
Contingency weekend – if original weekend unachievable – West Interchange Bridge. Friday 4 February – 22:00 Monday 7 February – 06:00

Market path bridge lighting

Kent County Council

We have sent an email to Cllr. Dara Farrell, 
KCC Ashford South Division, ABC Victoria Ward

We have been complaining for over a year regarding the poor/lack of lighting on the footbridge between Victoria Road and Elwick Place. KCC Highway’s solution is to, this morning, close the steps to the bridge; I was told because there have been accidents on the steps. Whilst this may protect KCC against claims, it does not resolve the issue of lighting on the bridge itself. It is totally unsatisfactory, that the claimed access issue has not been resolved during the time for which this issue has existed.

Please could you press KCC Highways to resolve this issue.

Cllr Mike Whiting, KCC Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste
Cllr Charles Suddards, ABC Victoria Ward,
Cllr Brad Bradford, ABC Portfolio Holder for Health, Parking & Community Safety
Cllr Paul Bartlett, ABC Joint Transportation Board Chairman