Ashford Borough Council

Travis Perkins applications to be considered by planning committee

travisTwo applications for construction of a total of 59 flats on two sites in Victoria Crescent/George Street, vacated by Travis Perkins, are to be considered by the Planning Committee of Ashford Borough Council on 16th November.

The sites are adjacent to the residential part of the Victoria Way site, for which councillors voted to permit development at last months Committee Meeting. The third application for the Victoria Way development, for a 120 bed hotel, is also to be considered at the November meeting.

The officer’s recommendation for all three applications is to permit, subject to the applicants first entering into S106 agreements.

The Travis Perkins site case reference are 16/00981/AS and  16/00986/AS, as notified in our posts of 6 July 2016

The Victoria Way case reference is 16/01164/AS and was posted by us on 10 August 2016


Recycle smarter!

Biffa staff will continue to check what is being placed in recycling bins to try and ensure that the loads collected are clean and can be recycled. If Biffa find an unrecyclable item in your recycling bin, the crew will not collect it for that week. Your recycling bin will be collected upon your next recycling collection, provided the correct items are present.

Read the tops tips and useful information below to make sure you’re recycling smart.Do not line your recycling container with bags

  • Do not put carrier bags/plastic sacks of items into your green recycling bin. Carrier bags and plastic sacks themselves cannot be recycled as part of this service.
  • Sanitary waste items such as nappies are not recyclable. Please place them in your grey refuse bin.
  • Food waste packaging should be emptied of its contents and rinsed before placing in your green recycling bin.
  • Garden waste should be placed in your brown recycling bin – not the green recycling bin.
  • Do not put dark plastic food trays (from microwave meals for example), or crisp packets in your green recycling bin. Please place them in your grey refuse bin.

Public Spaces Protection Order consultation

ABC Crest

Ashford Borough Council

Opens: 7 November 2016
Closes: 28th November 2016


Ashford Borough Council has launched a consultation on the introduction of Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) for four areas within the borough. The consultation began at 9am on Monday 7th November 2016 and runs until midnight on Monday 28th November 2016.

PSPOs allow councils to tackle ant-isocial behaviour which takes place in a specific, geographical area (as opposed to criminal behaviour orders and injunctions which are directed at individuals). A PSPO is tailored for defined activities, meaning that anyone carrying them out in an area under one of these orders can be prosecuted.

The areas within the consultation have been identified by the council, police reports and complaints received from local residents for nuisance issues. Examples of these include anti-social behaviour, drinking and urinating in public.

The four proposed areas are; the churchyard in the Ashford town centre, the Coney Bear site in South Ashford, the town centre and Singleton Lake. (more…)

Boundary Review recommendations delayed

Boundary CommissionPublication of draft recommendations for ward boundaries for Ashford Borough Council, which was due to today (5th November), has been delayed, The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has added an announcement to its website saying “New dates for the consultation on the Commission’s draft recommendations for Ashford District Council will be published shortly.”

Any decision on ABC wards could be superfluous if ABC merges with other East Kent district councils, a possibility currently being considered by the leaders of the councils of Ashford, Canterbury, Dover, Shepway and Thanet.

Related stories:

ABC improved online reporting system

ancreportAshford Borough Council has improved its online reporting system, making it easier for residents to report issues such as flytipping, littering, dog fouling, vandalism, anti-social behaviour or planning enforcement issues.

The new system replaces some of its online forms and allows residents to report incidents and then track their progress via a unique reference number.

This is part of the council’s tough but fair approach to enforcement and compliance.
For more information, visit the ABC enforcement section. (more…)

Parking restrictions consultation

ABC CrestAmendment 4 2016 (Ashford) to ‘The Kent County Council (Various Roads, Borough of Ashford) (Waiting Restrictions and Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2016 (as amended).

Ashford Borough Council

Opens: 03 November 2016
Closes: 24 November 2016

Ashford Borough Council, as agents working on behalf of Kent County Council is proposing to make a Traffic Regulation Order that will bring into force amendments to parking controls in Ashford.

Details of the changes proposed by this Traffic Regulation Order within South Ashford are given below. A copy of the proposed Order and supporting documents, including the statement of reasons for making this Order and plans showing the extent of proposed changes may be inspected on line at under ‘Amendment 4’. Hard copies of deposit documents will also be available to view at the Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, TN23 1PL, Monday to Friday, 9:00 – 15:30.

If you wish to comment on these proposals you can submit comments through our website at, or alternatively comments can be returned by post to the Civic Centre. All comments must be submitted by midnight on Thursday 24th November 2016 in order to be considered.

Francis Road Introduction of a disabled persons bay
Zone G Victoria Crescent – The entire length
Victoria Road – Numbers 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 & 40 only
Amendment of Conditions on designated parking bays to prohibit return within 4 hours

Vehicles displaying a valid residents’, visitors’ or business permit will be unaffected by this change

Recycle smart to ensure your bins is collected

recyclewheelAshford Borough Council’s recycling service is certainly one to be proud of. The service has seen the borough quadruple its recycling performance, become the country’s most improved recycling authority, and been shortlisted for two categories in the 2015 National Recycling Awards.

You may remember the yellow ‘Warning’ stickers Biffa issued last year which indicated any incorrect items placed in the bin, and warned if they were found again the bin would not be collected. Following the crackdown, residents made an excellent effort to improve their recycling habits. However, recently standards have unfortunately slipped and we have seen a significant amount of unrecyclable materials being placed in recycling bins which has resulted in some waste loads being rejected.

Once again we are cracking down on contamination by encouraging residents to recycle smart to ensure their bins are collected. We are working closely with Biffa to ensure that the recycling collected is of the highest quality, but we need our residents to help us achieve this. Biffa staff will now be checking what is being placed in recycling bins to try and ensure that the loads collected are clean and can be recycled.

If Biffa find an unrecyclable item in your recycling bin, unfortunately the crew will not collect it for that week. We advise you to take your waste to the KCC Household Recycling Centre for disposal instead. Your recycling bin will be collected upon your next recycling collection, provided the correct items are present. (more…)

Victoria Way applications approved

brewery buildingAshford Borough Council’s Planning Committee, this evening, voted overwhelmingly in favour of permitting two of the planning applications for land at the junction of Beaver Road  and Victoria Road, dubbed ‘Victoria Way’ by developer U+I.

Councillors generally spoke in favour of the application for a brewery, with shop, bar and restaurant, three commercial units and 216 residential units (case ref.: 16/01157/AS) but some reflected concerns expressed by local resident, Mr. Hawkins, regarding adequacy of parking and potential traffic impacts. Concerns regarding the tenure and size of the apartments were also voiced by some. Council officers stated that parking had been increased by the applicant and any further increase would impact the viability of the proposals. It was stated that residents of the flats would not be eligible to apply for on street residents parking permits. Junction improvements agreed with KCC and funded by the Commercial Quarter development, were more than adequate to deal with the extra traffic created by the this and the Powergen site developments. Leader of the Council, Cllr Clarkson, said that the Council needed to reassure residents that traffic management was continuously monitored.

Similarly the only concerns expressed regarding for an Aldi superstore (case ref.: 16/01167/AS) related to parking and problems with trolleys being removed from the site. It was agreed that a condition relating to trolley management should be added to those recommended in the officer’s report.

A third application for a 120 bedroom hotel (16/01164/AS) was not considered at this meeting.

Addressing homelessness

ABC CrestConsistently around 100 people a month approach Ashford Borough Council stating that they face the threat of homelessness and on Thursday 13th October Cabinet members agreed the council’s homelessness strategy.

A Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) report published on 28th September 2016 showed that local authorities across the country accepted 15,170 households as being statutorily homeless between 1st April and 30st June 2016, up 3% on the previous quarter and 10% on the same quarter of last year.

Of those representations, the council is able to prevent homelessness in 80% of those cases through the wide range of proactive options it has put in place. (more…)

Hampden Road appeal dismissed

ABC CrestAn appeal against Ashford Borough Council’s decision not to allow the building of a new house in Hampden Road has been dismissed by the planning inspector. The inspector has agreed with the Council’s view that the proposal would be harmful to the character and appearance of the area.

The application, decision and appeal can be viewed on the Council’s website,
Case Reference 16/00257/AS ➚

We have updated our notice of the proposal: