Travis Perkins applications to be considered by planning committee
Two applications for construction of a total of 59 flats on two sites in Victoria Crescent/George Street, vacated by Travis Perkins, are to be considered by the Planning Committee of Ashford Borough Council on 16th November.
The sites are adjacent to the residential part of the Victoria Way site, for which councillors voted to permit development at last months Committee Meeting. The third application for the Victoria Way development, for a 120 bed hotel, is also to be considered at the November meeting.
The officer’s recommendation for all three applications is to permit, subject to the applicants first entering into S106 agreements.
The Travis Perkins site case reference are 16/00981/AS and 16/00986/AS, as notified in our posts of 6 July 2016
The Victoria Way case reference is 16/01164/AS and was posted by us on 10 August 2016