Kent County Council

KCC Consults on Infant Feeding Services

Kent County CouncilInfant Feeding Service

Kent County Council

Opens: 17 July 2017
Closes: 3 September 2017

Families across Kent are being asked their views on proposed changes to infant feeding services, including breastfeeding support.

KCC Director of Public Health, Andrew Scott-Clark explained: “The current contract is coming to an end and we have been investigating what service users and providers need – the consultation runs until the beginning of September and considers timely support, more joined up services and more information about the peer support teams with rapid referral to a lactation consultant when needed.

“As part of the development of the Health Visiting model, there have also been discussions with PS Breastfeeding CIC, Early Help and KCHFT. As a result of these conversations, we are consulting on transferring responsibility for community infant feeding support to the Health Visiting Service and are inviting people’s views.”

He adds: “We expect that this proposal will enable all families to access nutrition advice as part of a comprehensive infant health service that links to Children’s Centres and maternity services, making best use of the existing professional skills and resources in the Health Visiting Service. (more…)

Norman Road closure

Kent County CouncilWhen we plan to carry out the work and how long it will take:

This is to let you know that, as part of the on-going maintenance and improvement of the highway network, Kent County Council will be strengthening and resurfacing the circulatory of the roundabout and approaches at the junction with Gallagher Retail Park/ B&Q access Rd

The work will take 3 nights to complete, between 28th July 2017 and 1st Aug 2017 (excluding the weekend). All work will be between the hours of 7.30pm and 5am. This type of work can be affected by bad weather, so if it is not possible for us to carry it out at this time, we will arrange a new date and let you know via a letter drop to your home. We will also put up signs along the road, before we start, showing the date we plan to start work.

What we plan to do:

  • We will remove some of the existing road surface by a method known as milling. The complete area will then be swept by a mechanical sweeper to ensure the prepared surface is clean and free of dust and debris.
  • If required, the existing manhole covers or rain water gully gratings will be adjusted or replaced to the correct level before the new surface is laid. Please note that this operation is noisy and can be prolonged as it is carried out using pneumatic hand tools.
  • The new surfacing material will then be laid using a machine called a paver and compacted with a roller. This is a relatively quick process and dependant on the design will either be a one or two layer process.
  • Finally, following completion of the surfacing, all associated high friction surfacing and road markings will be re-painted.
  • The road will then be re-opened.

Please note that during the whole process, audible warning reversing sirens will be heard; this is a health and safety requirement and cannot be turned off but will be kept to a minimum.

How you can help

During these essential works, it will be necessary to close Norman Road, between the junction with Beaver Road and Romney Marsh Road so that we can carry out the works safely for both the workforce and road users. There will be limited access via the diversion route to Gallagher Retail Park and B & Q. An alternative diversion route for traffic will be signed whilst the road is closed. The diversion route for through traffic along Norman Road will be Beaver Road, Kingsnorth Road/ Wotton Rd/ Malcolm Sargent Rd / A2042 Romney Marsh Road. The footways will remain open at all times and pedestrian access to businesses and residential properties will be available.
It is inevitable that residents and businesses near the works will experience some disruption and we apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused, but we will try to keep this to a minimum. Access to properties will need to be restricted for a short period while work is carried out in front of each property and across road junctions. If you have any particular access needs, please let the workforce on the site know.

We need your help to make sure the work is done as quickly as possible and to the best possible quality. If your vehicle is usually parked on the carriageway, please make sure you park it somewhere else away from the site whilst the works are carried out, so the road is clear for us to resurface.

If you need more information, please call us on 03000 418181

You can also visit our website to find out how we look after the roads throughout

Kent or report any faults you find on our roads.

For your safety and the safety of our workforce, please drive carefully and slowly through the road works.

Kent County Council 10 July 2017

Grantley Close closure

Kent County CouncilRoad closed 17th July for up to 4 days to allow KCC Highways to carry out urgent carriageway repairs. The road will be closed for the entire length. There is no alternative route as the road is a cul-de-sac. Every effort will be made to maintain access for residents whenever it is safe to do so. It is planned that the road will be closed between 07:00 hours and 17:00 hours each day. Please allow extra time for your journey.

Severity: Medium

Category: Carriageway works

Incident time: 17 July 2017 07:00
Completion time: 21 July 2017 17:00:00

Kent County Council 10 July 2017 10:20

Make the right call

There are times where it would be unthinkable for you to use your mobile phone – such as playing football, or getting married – so why do it while driving?

KCC – Make The Right Call from Kent Road Safety on Vimeo.

Despite legislation, recent figures have shown that over a third of individuals admitted to using their mobile phones whilst driving to text or access apps. This is troubling statistic considering that when using a mobile device, your ability to react quickly in an emergency is likely to be worse than that of a driver at the drink-drive limit.

Crashes caused by mobile phone use are completely avoidable – so make the right call, don’t use your phone and drive.

Kent County Council

KCC Strategy for Adults with Autism

Kent County Council (KCC) is launching its strategy for adults with autism on Tuesday, July 11 which sets out its future commitments and priorities.

In 2010, Government set out a requirement for all local authorities to have a strategy as described in the National Autism Strategy.

Across Kent, approximately over 13,000 individuals are living with autism and current estimates suggest over half these will have autism in the absence of a learning disability.  This strategy addresses these individuals.

The launch event will be chaired by Anne Tidmarsh, KCC Director for Older People and Physical Disability and will include an introduction by Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Graham Gibbens.

KCC Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Graham Gibbens, said:

“In Kent, we want to continue to ensure that adults with autism are able to live their lives free from the risk of discrimination, hate crime and abuse.

“This strategy outlines our core principles, and our vision for how we can ensure that individuals are able to live fulfilling and rewarding lives.”

Director of Older People and Physical Disability, Anne Tidmarsh, said:

“Since the announcement by Government in 2010, we have taken time in developing services for this group including a specialist social care team, diagnostic service and commissioning peer support groups.

“We are now pleased to welcome a strategy that addresses the needs of adults with autism which assesses the current situation and looks at future priorities and commitments.”

For further information about the strategy and any queries, please email to learn more.

Kent County Council 28 June 2017

Registration for the Kent Test

Registration for Kent Test (11+) is now open for any parent of a year five child who would like them to be considered for a place in a Kent Grammar school for 2018.

Parents have until 3 July to register for the test. These will take place after the summer break on 7 September for children who go to school in Kent and 9 September for those children who go to school outside of Kent. Results will be sent out on 12 October.

Roger Gough, KCC Cabinet Member for Education said: “To speed up the process we urge as many parents as possible to register online. 95% of all test registrations are made this way and allows results to be sent by email.

“The Kent Test helps parents and children find the most suitable type of school for the next stage of their education.

“As more grammar schools include priority for pupils eligible for free school meals in their admissions arrangements we are particularly keen to encourage these families  to register and sit the test.“ (more…)

KCC Older Persons Wellbeing Consultation

Kent County CouncilOlder Persons and People Living with Dementia Wellbeing Core Offer

Kent County Council

Opens: 12 Jun 2017
Closes: 23 Jul 2017

Kent County Council is developing a new model for the Wellbeing Core Offer of Services for Older Persons and People Living with Dementa.  The offer seeks to improve people’s wellbeing and support them to live as independently as possible.

Kent County Council (KCC) wants to hear your views on the proposal to ensure that the new model meets the needs of Kent residents and delivers the outcomes which are most important to them.

In designing the new model, KCC is proposing to end annual grants which fund older persons and dementia community and voluntary sector services and re-invest the funding in a new contract. The proposed contract will create a more joined up pathway for supporting people to live well, will be delivered through a Strategic Partner approach and will be in place for 5-7 years. (more…)

KCC and NHS promote jobs in East Kent

Kent County Council and the NHS organisations providing health and social care in East Kent have launched a website to promote employment in the sector in East Kent.

The move comes as the organisations work together towards the Kent and Medway Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP). The STP describes what the organisations think needs to be done differently to bring about better health and wellbeing, better standards of care, and better use of staff and funds.

George Koowaree retains KCC Ashford East

Ballot boxGeorge Koowaree has retained his seat as Kent County Council Councillor for Ashford East.

George is the existing KCC Councillor and Ashford Borough Council member for North Willesborough




Election Candidate Party Votes %
George Koowaree Liberal Democrat 1426 41% Elected
Larry William Krause Conservative 971 28% Not elected
Martin Chandler Labour 534 15% Not elected
Garry George Harrison UK Independence Party 338 10% Not elected
Steven Robert Campkin Green Party 191 6% Not elected

Voting Summary

Details Number
Seats 1
Total votes 3460
Electorate 12888
Number of ballot papers issued 3467
Number of ballot papers rejected 7
Turnout 27%

Dara Farrell takes KCC Ashford South

Dara Farrell, Labour Candidate, has been elected as Kent County Council Councillor for Ashford South Division, winning 32% of the vote of a 23% turnout.

Dara is the also the Ashford Borough Council member for Victoria Ward

Conservative candidate, David Robey, came a close second with 30% of the vote.


Election Candidate Party Votes %
Dara Farrell Labour 1022 32% Elected
David Robey Conservative 966 30% Not elected
Ryan Paul MacPherson UK Independence Party 727 23% Not elected
James Angus Galloway Liberal Democrat 312 10% Not elected
Claire Madeleine Wallington Green Party 146 5% Not elected

Voting Summary

Details Number
Seats 1
Total votes 3173
Electorate 13910
Number of ballot papers issued 3176
Number of ballot papers rejected 3
Turnout 23%