46 Kingsnorth Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 6HT
Planning Application
Notification for Prior approval for a proposed change of use – conversion from retail (A1) to residential dwelling (C3)
Decision: Prior Approval Not Required
Planning Application
Notification for Prior approval for a proposed change of use – conversion from retail (A1) to residential dwelling (C3)
Decision: Prior Approval Not Required
Planning Application
Proposed new dwelling and associated parking and access
Withdrawn By Applicant
The independent Local Government Boundary Commission for England is asking people across Kent to comment on its draft proposals for new county council division boundaries.
An eight-week public consultation on the recommendations begins today and will end on 6 July 2015. The consultation is open to anyone who wants to have their say on new county council electoral divisions, division boundaries and division names across Kent. (more…)
We have added information on Rail and Bus Services under Local Information/Transport.
If you have an idea for additional information we could include on the website please add it as a comment.
The results of the Borough Council Election have been announced. We list the results for the South Ashford Wards:
Jill Britcher – Labour Party
Beverley Murphy –UKIP
Jenny Webb – Conservative Party
Harold Apps – Conservative Party
Dara Farrell – Labour Party
Read on for detailed results
South Ashford Community Forum (SACF) in common with other community forums, is currently preparing a submission for Stage One of the Community Governance Review being undertaken by Ashford Borough Council (ABC).
The submission will comprise proposals for a new Community Council to serve South Ashford. (more…)
Colette Chaffey of Carers Support will be attending South Ashford Community Forum’s Meeting on 20 May 2015 to provide information on their Dementia Visitor Scheme
The aim of the scheme is to improve the experience of people with Dementia and their Carers during a stay in hospital.
Are you kind, patient and understanding?
Can you spare a minimum of 4 hours a fortnight ?
Would you like to be a volunteer visitor? (more…)
Ashford Borough Council is continually seeking to improve the parking facilities and related highway services for our residents and visitors to the borough. From time to time they will invite views and comments using parking consultations. Current consultations include changes to on-street parking in South Ashford
Yesterday evening, a few of us attended a beautiful candlelit vigil arranged by our local Nepalese community. They have asked us to share their appeal for help. Many of them have lost friends and family in the Nepalese earthquake that occurred on Saturday. Many of them are still desperately waiting on news of their loved ones. Conditions are awful, with survivors homeless and in desperate need of help. (more…)