
Election campaign literature

We noticed a number of comments on social media regarding the lack of information relating to the candidates for the recent Kent County Council Election.

We have asked all of the parties fielding candidates for the Ashford Constituency for the General Election and the Ashford Borough Council By-election for the Victoria Ward to provide us with pdf copies of their campaign leaflets. Those that have been provided can be viewed from the links below.

Neither South Ashford Community Forum nor the South Ashford website supports any of the candidates nor their parties for either election, nor do we accept any responsibility for, nor necessarily agree with, the information provided by the candidates.

General Election

Name of Candidate Party Literature
GATHERN Sally Labour Party Not yet available
GEE-TURNER Adrian John Liberal Democrats View
GREEN Damian Conservative Party Not yet available
O’BRIEN Gerald Michael UKIP View
ROSSI Mandy Green Party View


Name of Candidate Party Literature
GALLOWAY James Angus Liberal Democrats View
PIZZEY Maria Ann Green Party View
ROBEY David Conservative Party Not yet available
SUDDARDS Charles Labour Party Not yet available

As we do not want this website used for political debate, comments are disabled on this post.

Last chance to register for elections

Your vote matters - don't lose itIf you want to vote in the General Election or
the Victoria Ward by election
you must be registered by 11:59pm tonight.

Register now:


You will need to provide your national insurance number to register. This can be found on your national insurance card if you have one, or on paperwork such as your payslip, letters about benefits, tax credits and some pension documents. Please make sure you enter it correctly as it will be checked before you can be registered.  If you do not have a national insurance number you can still use the website to make an application but it will ask you to give a reason and you may be contacted for more details.


the Electoral Services Office on 01233 330402,

Write to

Electoral Services
Ashford Borough Council
Civic Centre
Tannery Lane
TN23 1PL

Am I already registered?

It is not possible to check online whether or not you are already registered. You can contact Electoral Services on 01233 330402 if you want to discuss any issues around your registration or call into our offices to view the current electoral register. Please note Electoral Services will not discuss your registration with anyone else including family members.

Electoral registration

About My Vote

Ashford Bourough Council


Gateway Church takes over Wyvern School building

The Gateway Church have acquired the Wyvern (Riverside) School building in Clockhouse. The New Frontiers Church have for many years met at the North School. For some time they also ran the furniture project in Dover Place and still undertake activities at “The Hub” in Park Mall in Ashford town centre.

The Riverside building has been vacant for some years following the relocation of the Wyvern School to its current building to the north of Brookfield Road.

We understand that the Church expect to have the “Riverside Centre” operational in September of this year.

Voters with no fixed address

Your vote matters - don't lose itYou can still register to vote even if you do not have a fixed address. This may be because you are:

  • A patient in a mental health hospital
  • Homeless
  • A merchant seaman
  • Part of the gypsy or travelling community
  • Living on a boat or other moveable residence
  • A person remanded in custody

If you are staying at an address for an extended length of time then you can be considered as residing there and can register for that address. This could be a hospital, hostel, prison facility or similar place.

You can register online at

If you do not have a permanent address, you can register at an address where you spend a substantial part of your time or have some connection. This could be a previously permanent address, shelter or similar place.

You can register by filling in a form called a ‘Declaration of local connection’. You can download a Register to vote form (no fixed address) from There are two forms – one for people in England and Wales and one for people in Scotland. Alternatively, you can get the form from your local electoral registration office:


the Electoral Services Office on 01233 330402,

Write to

Electoral Services
Ashford Borough Council
Civic Centre
Tannery Lane
TN23 1PL

You can read more detailed information relevant to you on the Your Vote Matters website

You must register to vote by the coming Monday, 22 May, to vote in the General Election or the Victoria Ward By-election

Voting for those with visual impairment

Your vote matters - don't lose itVoters who have sight loss or visual impairment can get help when voting.

In partnership with the Royal National Institute for the Blind, The Electoral Commission has produced an information sheet to help those with sight loss, explaining how to vote and register to vote and explaining what help they can get.

We have reproduced the text below or the document can be downloaded as a pdf from the Your Vote Matters website.

If you want to vote, you must be registered. You can apply online at or by contacting the electoral services department at your
local council.

The deadline to apply to vote in these elections is Monday 22 May (more…)

College Site approved by committee

Ashford Borough Council’s Planning Committee voted to approve the reserved matters planning application to build 160 dwellings on the Ashford College site in Jemmett Road last night (17 May).

Proposals for redevelopment of the site were first produced 10 years ago in tandem with a plan to relocate the college to a new campus in Victoria Road. At that that time an application for 241 houses was permitted by the Council. Lack of funding led to the college not being able to relocate.

The college sought to renew the application in 2011, this time with proposals to relocate to the site now being constructed in Elwick Road. The Council asked for the proposals to be amended to comply with their Residential Space standards which resulted in the number of dwellings being limited to 154. Although the Planning Committee decided to allow the development, permission was only granted in December 2016 when the College signed the Section 106 agreement.

Although supporting the proposals, Bob Shrubb, Chair of  South Ashford Community Forum, spoke to express concerns regarding traffic, parking and the inclusion of a four storey block of apartments, contrary to a condition on permission granted under the outlline application. The planning officer noted that traffic matters had been dealt with under the outline application and could not be revisited. She said that Kent County Council, as highways authority had accepted the parking proposal based on a survey carried out for the applicant. A councillor said that taller buildings should be expected in “Town Centre” locations.

The reserved matters application is case reference 17/00354/AS posted in our Planning notices on 14 March 2017 

The outline application is case reference 11/00405/AS posted on  10 December 2016

Voting for those with learning disabilities

Your vote matters - don't lose itIn the general election people with a learning disability have the same rights to vote as everybody else. If you are over 18 years old you may be able to vote.

People with a learning disability should vote so they have a say about things that affect their lives.

More information on voting for those with learning disabilities and their supporters is available from the Mencap website

If you are not registered, you must register before 22nd May to vote in the General Election.




Mental Health Awareness Week

This Mental Health Awareness Week, we have reproduced tips from the Mental Health Foundations on how to thrive with good mental health. You can find out more about the Mental Health Foundations theme of Thriving or Surviving from the Mental Health Awareness Week page on its website

They also have more information and advice on how to look after your mental health

Mental health help and support services

If you’re experiencing mental health problems or need urgent support, there are lots of places you can go to for help.


Telephone: 116 123 (24 hours a day, free to call)

Provides confidential, non-judgmental emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those that could lead to suicide. You can phone, email, write a letter or in most cases talk to someone face to face.

Mind Infoline

Telephone: 0300 123 3393 (9am-6pm Monday to Friday)

Mind provides confidential mental health information services.

With support and understanding, Mind enables people to make informed choices. The Infoline gives information on types of mental distress, where to get help, drug treatments, alternative therapies and advocacy. Mind has around 140 local Minds providing local mental health services.

Rethink Mental Illness Advice Line

Telephone: 0300 5000 927   (10am-2pm Monday to Friday)

Provides expert advice and information to people with mental health problems and those who care for them, as well as giving help to health professionals, employers and staff. Rethink also runs Rethink services and groups across England and Northern Ireland.


Telephone: 0300 304 7000 (6pm-11pm)

Saneline is a national mental health helpline providing information and support to people with mental health problems and those who support them.


Telephone: 0800 1111

ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor for free about anything – no problem is too big or too small.



Elefriends is a supportive online community where you can be yourself. Elefriends is run by Mind.

If you’re a carer needing support you can contact all of the above as well as Carers Direct and the Princess Royal Trust for Carers, both of whom are able to provide support and advice on any issues affecting you.

Live Well Kent

Telephone: 0800 567 7699

Live Well Kent helps people improve their mental and physical health and wellbeing. It is a free service for anyone over 17. Live Well Kent is delivered on behalf of Kent County Council and the NHS by two charities, Porchlight and Shaw Trust.

Release the Pressure

Telephone: 0800 107 0160

Life can get really tough sometimes, but talking can help. We have a highly trained and experienced team waiting to provide you with confidential support to get you back on track.


Care for others

Caring for others is often an important part of keeping up relationships with people close to you. It can even bring you closer together.

Why not share your skills more widely by volunteering for a local charity? Helping out can make us feel needed and valued and that boosts our self-esteem.

It also helps us see the world from another angle. That can help to put our own problems in perspective.

Find out more about volunteering at

Caring for a pet can improve your wellbeing too. The bond between you and your pet can be as strong as between people. Looking after a pet can bring structure to your day and act as a link to other people. Lots of people make friends by chatting to fellow dog walkers.

Mental Health Foundation


More information

Ashford Volunteer Centre provides local volunteering opportunities and volunteer training

Mental health help and support services

If you’re experiencing mental health problems or need urgent support, there are lots of places you can go to for help.

NCSC: International ransomware cyber attack


“It is important that organisations reduce the risks of these attacks happening to them.  There are three pieces of important advice to help protect your organisation:

1) Make sure your security software patches are up to date
2) Make sure that you are running proper anti-virus software
3) Back up your data somewhere else because you can’t be held to ransom if you’ve got the data somewhere else.

Ciaran Martin, CEO of the National Cyber Security Centre said:

“Today we have seen a set of global cyber attacks against thousands of organisations and individuals in dozens of countries.

“The National Cyber Security Centre is working round the clock with UK and international partners and with private sector experts to lead the response to these cyber attacks.

“The picture is emerging that this is affecting multiple countries and sectors and is not solely targeted at the NHS. As the Prime Minister said, we have no evidence that UK National Health Service patient data has been stolen.

“We are very aware that attacks on critical services such as the NHS have a massive impact on individuals and their families, and we are doing everything in our power to help them restore these vital services.

“It is important that organisations reduce the risks of these attacks happening to them.  There are three pieces of important advice to help protect your organisation:

1) Make sure your security software patches are up to date
2) Make sure that you are running proper anti-virus software
3) Back up your data somewhere else because you can’t be held to ransom if you’ve got the data somewhere else.

National Cyber Security Centre 12 May 2017