
Changes to rules for backless booster seats

Q954: I’ve heard that the rules in relation to backless booster seats for children have changed in 2017– is this true?

The UN have notified the Department for Transport that there are new rules for the manufacture of backless booster seats. The new rules mean that manufacturers aren’t allowed to introduce new models of backless booster seats for children shorter than 125cm or weighing less than 22kg.

However, it’s important to realise that the change doesn’t affect existing models of seats or cushions and it certainly doesn’t mean they’re unsafe or illegal. Therefore, if you have such a seat, you can still use it and you won’t be breaking the law if you continue to use it. The change has been brought about because research indicates that hi-backed booster seats offer better protection than backless booster seats, especially in side impacts.

Note that if you’re about to buy a booster seat there may still be some of the older models available for sale. So if you want the new specification hi-backed booster seat, make sure you read the label and know what you’re buying. We would suggest you only buy from a reputable source and seek clarification from the shop if you need it.
‘Ask the Police’ (Police National Legal Database)

Smoke alarms don’t wake children – advice

Kent Fire and Rescue LogoNews that sleeping children are not woken by smoke alarms has prompted Kent Fire and Rescue Service to advise parents to wake children as part their fire escape plan.

Kent Fire and Rescue Service Community Safety Manager Colin King has said:

“Working smoke alarms save lives and their use has significantly contributed to the long-term downward trend in fire fatalities. They can provide valuable early warning of a fire, allowing families to get out, stay out and call 999, but it is also crucial that people test their smoke alarms once a week.

“However as this research indicates that some children may not wake to the sound of a smoke alarm; parents, guardians and responsible adults should ensure that they prepare an escape plan that includes waking and evacuating children as part of their plan.” (more…)

Speakup CIC survey on Mental Health services

Feedback on services in Kent and Medway – survey

Speakup CIC

Speakup CIC has released a new survey this week and would like to hear your experiences using mental health services, whether in the past or currently.

This information will be made anonymous and used towards improving local mental health services in the future.

Click this link for the survey:

Healthwatch Kent 09 March 2017

SACF AGM and March 2017 Meeting

The Annual General Meeting and next Ordinary Meeting of South Ashford Community Forum will take place
at 7:00 pm
on 22nd March 2017
at South Ashford Baptist Church
Brookfield Road, TN23 4EY

The Draft Agenda can be downloaded from this link or from the Minutes and Agendas page on the South Ashford website. If there are any items that you would like added, please contact us by 10th March.

Please do encourage your friends, colleagues and acquaintances, that live or work in South Ashford to come to this meeting.

SACF Committee

Places exist on the Community Forum Committee. If you would be, or know somebody who would be, willing to join the committee please contact us.

We are also planning to create a wider group that would, by email, contribute directly to the responses to planning applications, consultations and other issues that arise between meetings. If you would be interested in joining this group, again please contact us.

Tackling domestic abuse

silhouette of figureAshford Borough Council’s Cabinet has agreed to continue to provide funding for invaluable domestic abuse work in the Ashford borough and to make permanent the post of Domestic Abuse Co-ordinator.

The domestic abuse annual report highlights an increasing demand on services as more victims are gaining the confidence to come forward and seek help.

It also praises the work of professionals across the health, police, fire, voluntary, local authority and charitable sectors in dealing with an increasing workload in spite of some reductions in resources.

The charity Ashford Domestic Abuse Forum (ADAF) leads services across the borough and created the One Stop Shop; a weekly drop in centre where victims can receive advice and support.

Ashford has one of the busiest One Stop Shops in the county but can boast a high level of staff attendance and good reputation for partnership working, thanks in part to the appointment of a full time Domestic Abuse Co-ordinator. (more…)

Proposal for Elwick Road Car Park

Ashford Borough Council (ABC) have submitted a planning application, to their own planning department, for creation of a temporary car park in Elwick Road. Part of the site comprises land that was included an outline application submitted by Stanhope plc for residential development, as Phase 2 of the planned cinema complex on the old Ashford Market site.

The application states that the “car park is intended to replace spaces lost at Dover Place during construction and to assist parking on the new K College campus which is opposite the site”. The car park will have a maximum of 107 spaces, which may reduce during its life.

It is ot envisaged that the works will have a life longer than three years.

ABC planning case references:

Case Ref: Description Posted on
17/00201/AS Creation of a new temporary car park on redundant land. Change of use from the previous B1 use to Sui Generis proposed car park 17th February 2017
15/01282/AS Outline application for development of up to 200 residential units with access to be considered at this stage (Phase 2) 12 October 2015

College Site Public Event

Note corrected times for Public Surgery

Chartway Group, the developers of the Ashford College site in Jemmett Road, are holding a public surgery, at the campus, this Thursday, 16th February, between 6 pm and 8 pm. Information will be provided about the development that will deliver a range of 1 – 4 bedroom properties to meet the needs of different members of the community, ranging from starter homes to larger family houses.

Chartway, in partnership with Orbit Homes, a leading housing association will release the homes as mixed tenure:

  • 25 rented,
  • 50 shared ownership – part-buy, part-rent
  • 53 outright sale by Orbit,,
  • 30 outright sale by Chartway Group’s Westerhill Homes.

Information relating to the development is available on the website: