
Take a stand against doorstep scams

doorstepscansProtect yourself from doorstep crime
If you are not sure don’t answer the door
Top 5 tips to take a stand against against doorstep stands
  1. Use a door chain to check who’s calling
  2. Don’t trade on the doorstep
  3. Ask a trusted friend or family member for advice on reputable traders
  4. Display a no cold calling sticker outside your door
  5. Always report suspicious activity
  • if you’re not sure get advice
  • always report a scam

SACF Local Plan Representations

Web bannerSouth Ashford Community Forum have commenced preparation of Representations on Ashford Borough Council’s Draft Local Plan. The Drafts of these representations are available on the South Ashford website,  Your comments on these representations and any suggestions for additional representations are welcome.

Future of public parks inquiry launched

Victoria ParkThe Communities and Local Government Committee launches an inquiry into public parks to examine the impact of reduced local authority budgets on these open spaces and consider concerns that their existence is under threat.

Public parks inquiry

The Committee looks at how parks should be supported now and in the future. This includes studying alternative management and funding models, such as a mutual or a trust.

Send a written submission

The Committee invites submission of written evidence to its website on the following issues:

  • Who uses parks and open spaces, how often and for what
  • The contribution of parks to the health and well-being of communities
  • The impact of reductions in local authority budgets on parks
  • What the administrative status of parks should be in light of declining local authority resources for non-statutory services
  • How new and existing parks can best be supported
  • What additional or alternative funding is available and what scope is there for local authorities to generate revenue from park users
  • What the advantages and disadvantages are of other management models, such as privatisation, outsourcing or mutualisation

The Committee would be grateful to receive written submissions by 30 September 2016. (more…)

Bowens Field Bridges

Important message for those coming to Create on foot

Please note that one of the footbridges in Bowens Field (no.2 on the left of the plan below) has had to be closed for urgent repair.

Boens Field Bridge

With Create coming up on Saturday, accessing Victoria Park from Beaver Road, access is still available through the footpath/cycle path in Bowens Field via the entrance into Godfrey Walk (marked no.1 on the right of the plan).

You can also walk through Bowens Field housing estate via the footways.

Ashford Borough Council 20 July 2016


Minutes of SACF Meeting July 2016

South Ashfprd Community ForumJuly 2016 Meeting

The Minutes of the South Ashford Community Forum Meeting of 13th July 2016 with attachments:

  • Daniel Carter’s Presentation,
  • Caroline Harris’s Statement and
  • a letter from Jo Gideon.

can be downloaded from the Minutes and Agendas page. The minutes are draft until accepted at the next meeting. Please do let me have any comments on the minutes.

Travis Perkins Application

Our draft comments on the application can be viewed on the Publications page. We welcome your suggestions for amendments or additional comments.

Local Plan 2030

We have added further extracts from the Local Plan to website under Local Information / Planning and Development / Local Plan. Each section is a separate post allowing you to make comments. A link is provided to open the relevant part of the Plan online so that you have access to the full text. You can, of course, make your own comments via the Council’s Consultation Portal but comments need to be in the form of an objection with justification showing that the part of the Plan concerned is not ‘sound’.

Share your experience of East Kent Hospitals with CQC

cqclogoCQC is inspecting East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust Starting on the 5th September 2016. Whether they have received good care or poor care they are asking patients to tell them their experience of care in the hospitals. The information provided helps them decide when, where and what to expect.

You can share your experience:

You don’t have to give your name.

Alternatively you can share your experience with Healthwatch Kent in confidence for free:

Join The Big Friendly Read

banner_NM_Summer-Reading-Challenge_1Kent’s libraries are calling for children to sign up to read six books this summer as part of The Big Friendly Read, Summer Reading Challenge 2016.

The Summer Reading Challenge asks 4-11 year olds to borrow and read any six library books over the summer.

It has a new theme each year and in 2016 the Challenge is delivered in collaboration with The Roald Dahl Literary Estate to celebrate 100 years of the world’s favourite storyteller.

Throughout 2016, there will be celebrations for Roald Dahl 100, focusing on Roald Dahl’s gloriumptious stories and characters and delivering a year packed with squiffling surprises and treats for everyone.

The Big Friendly Read, Summer Reading Challenge 2016 will feature some of Roald Dahl’s best-loved characters and the amazing artwork of his principal illustrator, Sir Quentin Blake. It will encourage reading on a giant scale.

To take part in the Challenge, all children need to do is sign up at their nearest library. (more…)

Sculpture Trail installed

A Young Peoples Sculpture Trail Sculpture Trail has been installed in Victoria Park in readiness for the official unveiling at Create Music Festival ( ➚) on Saturday. Ashford Borough Council commissioned artist Martin Brockman of Outdoor Studios ( ➚) to create the sculptures with children from Ashford Oaks and St. Simon’s Primary Schools and Victoria Park Nursery. Martin Brockman will have a stand in the new Love Ashford Zone at Create and will be giving out maps, info and leading tours of the trail.

The trail has been funded by a Tesco ‘Bags of Help’ grant ➚.

Summer Activities for Children and Young People

Ashford Children’s Centres have published their Summer Programme of activities for children, primarily from 0 – 8 years of age but including some activities for all families. ➚ while Ashford Borough Council have published their Summer Activities brochure for young people aged from 11 – 18 years ➚.

Beware Subscription Traps

I'm glad I listened to my gut feelingOnline shopping has become more popular over the past few years. In April 2016 alone, UK consumers spent £12.6 billion online  using credit and debit cards. Although very convenient it is not without risks – online fraud in the UK totalled £261.5 million in 2015.

Earlier this year Citizens Advice  published “Locked in” on one kind of online scam, subscription traps. In this article I will explain what a subscription trap is, how you can protect yourself and what to do if you do become a victim. (more…)