
Dental Care for Babies and Toddlers

AshfordCCsDid you know 27.9% of 5 year olds have tooth decay requiring surgery for tooth removal?

Oral Health experts will be visiting our groups to support families with advice on brushing babies and young children’s teeth, dummies, and lots more.

The team will be attending the following sessions:

  • Willow Centre Under 1’s group: Monday, February 1st 2016
  • Ray Allen Parent & Toddler: Tuesday, February 2nd 2016
  • Willow Centre Family Club: Wednesday, March 2nd 2016

If you require further guidance please contact your local Children’s Centre

Please watch out for future updates of further Oral Health support sessions.

Register by tomorrow (6th Jan) to Treecycle your tree

Treecycling posterDonate to Pilgrims’ Hospice and they’ll take away your Christmas tree.

  1. Register and make your suggested donation
    online registration will close at midnight on Wednesday 6 January
  2. Leave your tree outside on Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th January
  3. Volunteers will make doorstep collections

Register and pay online
or call the hotline 01233 504111

Collections are available for all Ashford Borough residents

Ashford needs foster carers

Kent County CouncilAs the New Year kicks off those people thinking about a new career might want to consider becoming a foster carer.

Foster carers need a spare room in their home and the determination and understanding to make life better for vulnerable children in Kent.  They can be single, in a long-term relationship, with or without children and do not need to own their own home.

Anyone interested should come along to the next fostering information evening being held on Thursday 14 January in Singleton Village Hall, Ashford, the presentation will start at 7pm. 21 January 2016, 7pm (more…)

SACF January 2016 Meeting

The first meeting of South Ashford Community Forum in 2016 will be held

  • at 7:00 pm
  • on 13th January 2016
  • at South Ashford Baptist Church
    (Brookfield Road, Ashford, TN23 4QW)

We are pleased that Stephanie Karpetas, of Sustainability Connections, will be speaking about Community Energy and the Big Energy Saving Network

Please download:

  • the Agenda for the meeting
  • and the Minutes of the meeting of 17th November 2015

from the Minutes and Agendas page.

M20 Junction 10A Consultation

highwaysenglandHighways England (HE) will be carrying out community consultation to obtain feedback on our plans for M20 junction 10a. The consultation will run for nine weeks, from Thursday 14 January until Thursday 17 March 2016.

You can find out the full details of our consultation by looking at the Statement of Community Consultation (SOCC) (please see Publications below)

You can give your views by:

  • completing our online survey, which will be live from 14 January 2015 until Thursday 17 March 2016
  • attending a public consultation exhibition and complete a questionnaire


Apply for a primary school place before 15th January

Kent County CouncilApplications are open for primary, infant and junior places in Kent schools, with about 16,000 families expected to apply for a place to start school next September.

Families are being encouraged to apply as soon as possible for a primary school place for their children and not miss the 15 January deadline.

Last year there were more than 500 late applications, which made it more difficult for parents to secure the preferred places.

Every child born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012 needs to be registered for a school place, along with those who are moving from Infant school to junior school.

When a child has older brothers or sisters already in school, their family still needs to apply for a school place so they can start at the same school in September 2016. (more…)

Young Parents

Are you aged 13 – 19 years, have a child under 5 or are pregnant?

Are you a dad or dad to be?

Starting Monday 11th January 2015, 1:30 – 3:00 pm
at the Willow Centre, Brookfield Road, TN23 4EY

Working alongside the midwifery teenage clinic, with regular input from the health visiting team and other partners.

  • Meet new friends
  • Confidence building
  • Messy play
  • Baby massage
  • Sexual Health
  • Antenatal and post-natal skills
  • Housing

For further information contact a member of Ashford Children’s Centres Early Help Team on 03000 410305