Kent County Council

Roadworks Chart Road 15 August

Chart Road Gas Mains ReplacementSouthern Gas Networks are undertaking gas main replacement in Chart Road between 15 August and 26 August 2016. During the works, that will be taking place opposite the Brunswick Road Junction, two-way traffic signals will be used to control the flow of traffic and Bruswick Road will be closed at the junction.


Join The Big Friendly Read

banner_NM_Summer-Reading-Challenge_1Kent’s libraries are calling for children to sign up to read six books this summer as part of The Big Friendly Read, Summer Reading Challenge 2016.

The Summer Reading Challenge asks 4-11 year olds to borrow and read any six library books over the summer.

It has a new theme each year and in 2016 the Challenge is delivered in collaboration with The Roald Dahl Literary Estate to celebrate 100 years of the world’s favourite storyteller.

Throughout 2016, there will be celebrations for Roald Dahl 100, focusing on Roald Dahl’s gloriumptious stories and characters and delivering a year packed with squiffling surprises and treats for everyone.

The Big Friendly Read, Summer Reading Challenge 2016 will feature some of Roald Dahl’s best-loved characters and the amazing artwork of his principal illustrator, Sir Quentin Blake. It will encourage reading on a giant scale.

To take part in the Challenge, all children need to do is sign up at their nearest library. (more…)

Summer Activities for Children and Young People

Ashford Children’s Centres have published their Summer Programme of activities for children, primarily from 0 – 8 years of age but including some activities for all families. ➚ while Ashford Borough Council have published their Summer Activities brochure for young people aged from 11 – 18 years ➚.

KCC Waste Disposal Strategy Consultation

Kent County CouncilKent County Council (KCC) is consulting on its draft Waste Disposal Strategy 2017-35 ➚, which sets out their current position, identifies the future pressures and presents the Ambition and Priorities for the household waste disposal service.

They are keen to know what you think about the overarching ambition of the Strategy, the key priorities involved and the specific objectives they have set out.  KCC welcome any comments or concerns that will help us improve the Strategy before KCC moves forward to implementation, supported by further public consultation in 2017.

It is recommended that the draft Strategy is read in conjunction with the detailed evidence base ➚. (more…)

Domestic Abuse Service Integration Consultation

Kent County CouncilBackground:

Domestic Abuse Support Services in Kent are currently funded through a mixture of commissioned services, grant funding and charitable funds. The landscape of service provision varies across the county with different levels of support available in different areas of Kent.

The three largest commissioned services are Women’s Refuges, Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA) and Floating Support. Refuges and Floating Support are commissioned by Kent County Council, and these contracts come to an end in 2016. The IDVA service is partnership funded, with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) holding the contract. This contract is also due to end in 2016.


We are proposing to integrate these existing services into a single service, to be delivered by service providers working together within partnership and subcontracting arrangements to improve client journeys and provide clarity on where to go for support.  This will ensure consistency of support available wherever a client is living.  The proposal includes the introduction of a central referral process to ensure those accessing the service can be referred appropriately at their first contact.

Have your say:

Please have a look at the Consultation Document, the summary of the proposed service and the draft service specification.

You can have your say by using the online questionnaire or by sending in a paper version which may be downloaded below.

The consultation closes on the 15th of July 2016


Parking consultation

ABC CrestAshford Borough Council, as agents working on behalf of Kent County Council is proposing to make a Traffic Regulation Order which will bring into force amendments to parking controls in Ashford, Charing and Tenterden.

A notice giving details of the changes proposed by this Traffic Regulation Order and plan(s) showing the extent of changes within South Ashford are attached to this email. A copy of the proposed Order and supporting documents, including the statement of reasons for making this Order and plans showing the extent of proposed changes may be inspected on line at ➚ under ‘Amendment 2’. Hard copies of deposit documents will also be available to view at the addresses and times listed below. (more…)

Download and read magazines via Kent Libraries for free

Kent County CouncilTravelling around and want something to read but you don’t have the time or room to grab a few magazines for your journey?

Want to check out the latest issue but don’t want to wait for the library to open?

Now you can download electronic versions of some of the most popular magazines for free via the Kent Libraries website.

As part of a one year pilot looking at new ways of providing services to the people of Kent, anyone with a Kent library card will be able to login to the Zinio service and read and download electronic copies of the latest issues of magazines. (more…)

ITL Finalists in 3 KEiBA Categories

ITLlogoSouth Ashford based, Integrated Technologies Ltd are finalists in three categories in the 2016 Kent Excellence in Business Awards, announced on Wednesday.

Kent Excellence in Business Awards (KEiBA) is an annual awards scheme staged and produced by Kent County Council and KM Media Group to recognise and reward excellence in Kent’s businesses.

The winners in the 15 KEiBA categories – such as Young Entrepreneur of the Year, Employer of the Year and Business Commitment to the Community Award – will be revealed at a ceremony at the Kent Showground in Detling next month. (more…)

KCC Active Travel Strategy Consultation

28.13 - (REV4) Active Travel Strategy Consultation A6 postcardKent County Council’s (KCC) Active Travel Strategy aims to make active travel an attractive and realistic choice for short journeys in Kent. By developing and promoting accessible, safer and well-planned active travel opportunities, this Strategy will help to establish Kent as a pioneering county for active travel.

Active Travel means walking or cycling as a means of transport in order to get to a particular destination such as work, the shops or to visit friends. It does not cover walking and cycling done purely for pleasure, for health reasons, or simply walking the dog. Active travel can be for complete journeys or parts of a journey.

More people travelling actively can lead to a range of positive outcomes. These include improved health, reduced traffic congestion, reduced pollution and financial savings.

Have your say

KCC want to know what you think of their draft Active Travel Strategy, and the ambition and actions outlined within it. (more…)

Foster Care Fortnight

Kent County CouncilKent County Council needs more people to become foster carers after facing huge numbers of children needing loving homes in the past year.

This Foster Care Fortnight (16-29 May), KCC is calling for anyone who could offer a stable and loving home to children including those with a disability, sibling groups to keep brothers and sisters together, 16-18 year olds working towards independence and unaccompanied asylum seeking young people.

Fostering with KCC means giving a home to local children, with local support in your own community and a local social worker.

There is also the opportunity to support unaccompanied asylum seeking young people who have often fled traumatic home lives and taken harrowing journeys to arrive in the county with no one to care for them.

KCC wants to recruit 150 more households to its fostering service this year.

Peter Oakford, KCC Cabinet Member for Specialist Children’s Services, said: “Our foster carers do an amazing job supporting vulnerable children from our own county and those who have fled their homelands to come to Kent.

“Whether you foster a disabled child, a teenager or an unaccompanied asylum seeking young person, Kent County Council makes sure you have all the skills and support you need to make sure you can do the best you can for the child in your care.

“Few roles are as rewarding as being a foster carer, knowing that the love and support you offer can change the course of a child’s life.”

Fostering is a paid role, you can be single or in a relationship, and age and experience are no barrier.

Foster Carers with Kent County Council get round-the-clock support and advice, they get their own ‘mentor’ – an experienced foster carer to support them through their first months, their own personal development plan, a chance to get new qualifications, payment for new skills and local support groups for both carers and their birth children.


If you think you have the energy, enthusiasm and love to support a vulnerable young person in Kent, call 03000 420002 or visit to find out more.

Kent County Council 09 May 2016