Kent County Council

Kent parents encouraged to get Sugar Smart

Sugar Smart by change 4 lifeA new campaign has been launched, encouraging Kent parents to get “Sugar Smart” and take control of their children’s sugar intake.

The Change4Life campaign follows revelations that four-to-10 year olds consume an estimated 5,500 sugar cubes a year (22kg), weighing the same as an average five-year-old.

Currently, 22.5% of four to five-year-olds are overweight or obese in Kent, increasing to 33% in 10 to 11-year-olds. This means they are more likely to become obese adults who are more prone to a range of serious health problems, such as heart disease, some cancers and Type 2 diabetes. Nationally, there are now 2.5 million people suffering from Type 2 diabetes, 90% of which are overweight or obese.

A new Sugar Smart app has been launched nationally to help parents to see how much sugar there is in everyday food and drink. The free app works by scanning the barcode of products and revealing the amount of total sugar it contains in cubes and grams. (more…)

Ashford needs foster carers

Kent County CouncilAs the New Year kicks off those people thinking about a new career might want to consider becoming a foster carer.

Foster carers need a spare room in their home and the determination and understanding to make life better for vulnerable children in Kent.  They can be single, in a long-term relationship, with or without children and do not need to own their own home.

Anyone interested should come along to the next fostering information evening being held on Thursday 14 January in Singleton Village Hall, Ashford, the presentation will start at 7pm. 21 January 2016, 7pm (more…)

Apply for a primary school place before 15th January

Kent County CouncilApplications are open for primary, infant and junior places in Kent schools, with about 16,000 families expected to apply for a place to start school next September.

Families are being encouraged to apply as soon as possible for a primary school place for their children and not miss the 15 January deadline.

Last year there were more than 500 late applications, which made it more difficult for parents to secure the preferred places.

Every child born between 1 September 2011 and 31 August 2012 needs to be registered for a school place, along with those who are moving from Infant school to junior school.

When a child has older brothers or sisters already in school, their family still needs to apply for a school place so they can start at the same school in September 2016. (more…)

Become a cycling instructor

Kent County CouncilAre you interested in becoming a cycling instructor?

To find out about vacancies or for further information on KCC’s National Standard Instructor training course carried out in partnership with Cycle Training UK, please contact the Bikeability team on 03000 41 81 81 or at

These 4 day courses will be run at Ashford Rugby Club on the following dates:

  • 18, 19, 25 and 26 January 2016
  • 9, 10, 16 and 17 May 2016
  • 10, 11, 17 and 18 October 2016

Apply now for a primary school place

Kent County CouncilApplications are open for Primary, Infant and Junior places in Kent schools, with about 16,000 families expected to apply for a place to start school next September.

Families are being encouraged to apply as soon as possible for a Primary school place for their children and not miss the 15 January deadline. Last year there were more than 500 late applications, which made it more difficult for parents to secure the preferred places. (more…)

Waiting Restrictions and Street Parking Places

Ashfored Borough CouncilNOTICE is hereby given that the KENT COUNTY COUNCIL acting as local traffic authority and in exercise of its powers under sections 1(1), 2(1) to (3), 3(2), 4(1) to (3), 32(1), 35(1), 45, 46, 49, 53 and 124 and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and of all other enabling powers, intends to make the above Order, the effect of which will be to amend The Kent County Council (Various Roads, Borough of Ashford) (Waiting Restrictions and Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2015′ (as amended), the
effect of which will be:
In the Town of Ashford (listing only the changes in South Ashford)

  • Beaver Lane: Introduction of Double Yellow Lines round the entrance to No’s 113 to 127 Beaver Lane.

This Order will also make administrative changes to certain parts of The Kent County Council (Various Roads, Borough of Ashford) (Waiting Restrictions and Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2015′ (as amended), which will not change the extent of any restrictions as they presently appear on the ground (listing only the changes in South Ashford).

  • Arlington: Administrative amendment to improve accuracy of description.
  • Bowens Field: Amendment to times of restriction to match on street signage.

A copy of the proposed Order and supporting documents may be inspected on line at www, or in hard copy format at Ashford Gateway Plus, Church Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 1AS between 9am and 6pm Monday to Wednesday, 9am and 8pm Thursday, 9am and 6pm Friday and 9am and 5pm Saturday. A copy of the proposed Order will also be available at the main reception of Sessions House, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1XQ between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday.
Any objections or other representations relating to this Order must be made in writing to: Engineering Services, Ashford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, Ashford, Kent, TN23 1PL or by email to Any objection must specify the grounds on which it is made.

Objections or other representations to this Order should include return address details and quotereference “2015/Am7”, but must be received by no later than midnight on Thursday 10th December in order to be considered.

Barbara Cooper, Corporate Director; Growth, Environment and Transport; Kent County Council; County Hall; Maidstone; Kent ME14 1XQ

Dated Thursday 19th November 2015


Health Improvement Services Consultation

Kent County CouncilKent County Council is canvassing residents’ thoughts on a proposed new model for future public health improvement services that aims to assist them to live longer lives.

A consultation is underway to ensure that all KCC Public Health services are based around the needs of the person, encourage personal responsibility and, wherever appropriate, are delivered within integrated services. There will be a particular focus on the health inequalities within and between communities.

KCC Public Health Director Andrew Scott-Clark explains: “The way that Public Health currently commissions means that these services work independently and each has specific outcomes to achieve. For example; in the smoking services, success is measured by how many people have quit smoking. An individual may need to access a number of these services if they have more than one health behaviour that they wish to change. (more…)

Health Visiting and School Public Health Service Consultation

Kent County CouncilKent County Council (KCC) is seeking views on the proposed service delivery models for Health Visiting and the School Public Health Service.  Consultation responses will be used to improve services and ensure that they are designed around the needs of Kent residents. Residents are at the heart of what KCC do and how we deliver services.

KCC continues to actively engage all stakeholders, undertake ongoing service evaluation, research and focus group work to tailor all services to local needs. They value the opinion of all current, past and potential services users and want to create the opportunity for the wider public to shape service delivery in the future.

Kent County Council would like to hear your views on future models they have proposed to deliver services to children and young people, and which will best achieve the desired outcomes for the 0-19 population.

Consultation ends 14 December 2015

Kent County Council 2 November 2015

Rogue Traders claim to be Trading Standards

Say No to Rogue TradersKCC Trading Standards has received reports of rogue traders impersonating Trading Standards officers to obtain money.

Last week a resident in Canterbury opened their door to a man wearing a uniform and speaking with an Irish accent. The man claimed to be investigating work done to their driveway and asked for a phone number. Later that same day a man telephoned the resident and told them they had to pay £3500 to the court which they would receive back with their compensation. (more…)

Enjoy the South East by bus with a Discovery Ticket

BusResidents are being given a better deal with the launch of the Discovery Ticket, which allows users to explore and discover everything the South East region has to offer by bus.

Now passengers can travel from Thanet to Chichester, or Dartford to Brighton – anywhere in West Sussex, East Sussex, Surrey, Brighton & Hove, East Hampshire and Kent & Medway – with a Family Day Ticket for £16.00, an Adult Day Ticket (£8.50) or an individual Child Day Ticket at £7. (more…)