
Amazon Scam Alert

KCC Public Protection have received reports from Kent residents relating to the following Amazon scams:

Amazon Prime subscription scam

“An automated phone call to her landline advised Mrs Wallace that her Amazon Prime subscription was going to be renewed and if she did not want to renew, she should press one.” Read this BBC article on how a resident in Northern Ireland lost her savings to this scam

Amazon ‘brushing’ scam

“At first glance, receiving packages you haven’t paid for might seem like a great problem to have. But it’s likely to be a new scam known as ‘brushing’.”
Read this article on Which? website explaining how this scam works


Check the Amazon website to find out more and information on how to protect yourself from Amazon scams

Please warn family members, friends and neighbours.

Report it

Contact details

For advice and to report issues to KCC Trading Standards contact
Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 03454 04 05 06
Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

KCC Public Protection 07 October 2019

Powergen plots to be sold

Layout of plots
Layout of Plots on Powergen site. Plots to be sold are those to East of Gasworks Lane

An application to Ashford Borough Council requesting the Council confirms that access works undertaken to Plots 1 and 2 of the Powergen site were undertaken lawfully to implement a start of the approved development of the site. The application has been submitted to confirm that the planning approval has not expired hence allowing the site to be sold with planning permission.

The application has been made Gerald Eve LLP on behalf of Victoria Road Developments Limited, which is in receivership.

ABC approved planning application 15/01671/AS giving detailed permission for 400 apartments on plots 1 and 2 and outline permission for 260 apartments and houses on plots 3,4 and 5 in November 2016. A condition attached to a later approval, 17/00018/AS, required the development of Plots 1 and 2 to be commenced within two years of the approval. The apartments were to be built to rent by Neighbour, a private rental company originating in Scandinavia.

The directors changed the name of the company owning the site, from Neighbour Ashford Limited to Victoria Road Developments, in 2018, perhaps indicating that they no longer wanted the Neighbour brand to be associated with the site. The company appointed receivers in August of this year at the behest of Lendinvest Security Trustees, who it is believed provided finance for the development.

Development of Plots 3,4 and 5 is being progressed by Quinn Estates for GRE Assets, a property company with headquarters in Oxford.

Jemmett Road

In 2015 South Ashford Community Forum raised the condition of Brookfield Road and Jemmett Road at one of it’s meetings. We were told “There are jetpatching works scheduled for Brookfield Road in coming weeks and Jemmett Road has been patched in recent months. The specific roads referred to are structurally sound and therefore do not require reconstruction as suggested.”

The County Councillor commented that Brookfield Road is the priority due to the sheer traffic volume which includes heavy vehicles. To ensure a more permanent solution the concrete slabs need to be taken out and new surface laid down. The patching work at Jemmett road is not to satisfactory standards.
We pointed out that when Ashford College move out of their site in Jemmett Road, the demolition and construction works on the site could potentially damage Jemmett Road.

At the time we photographed the defects in Jemmett Road.

As the works on the college site are now well advanced we have raised the issue again with the current County Councillor and carried out a further photographic survey. The photographs have been plotted on a Google Map which can be viewed at

  • Photographs taken in 2019 are shown by red markers
  • Those taken in 2015 are shown by blue markers
  • Green markers have similar photographs taken in 2019 and 2015

The photographs show a severe deterioration in the general condition of the road and that repairs undertaken in or before 2015 are themselves beginning to fail.

Public Spaces Protection Orders

ABC Crest

Ashford Borough Council

Opens: 24 September 2019
Closes: 15th November 2019


Ashford Borough Council is consulting on the renewal of its Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) in four areas of Ashford. This will allow the Council to continue to maintain a range of measures to address anti-social behaviour and help to improve community safety and the local environment in these areas.

The four areas have been in operation for the last three years having been identified as necessary by the council and police following reports and complaints received from local residents. Since their introduction the number of anti-social behaviour complaints has reduced. 

The areas covered are Ashford Churchyard Passage, the Coney Bear site (near Torrington Road, South Ashford), the Town Centre itself and Singleton Lake


Have your say on how health services are commissioned

STP Logo

Transforming health and social care in Kent and Medway

Opens: 11 September 2019
Closes: 23 September 2019

The NHS in Kent and Medway is seeking your views on how health services are commissioned (planned and purchased).

At the moment we are one of eight GP-led clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) across Kent and Medway, responsible for planning and spending the health budget to meet local needs. 

Although we and the other CCGs have much to be proud of over the last six years, the GPs who chair the CCGs, including our clinical chair, now believe the CCGs should merge to form a new single clinical commissioning group for Kent and Medway, which would also be led by GPs.

A single Kent and Medway CCG would:  

  • provide a ‘bird’s eye view’ of health priorities for people across Kent and Medway based on a detailed understanding of local health needs, so that care can be planned effectively for everyone
  • identify where challenging health problems can be shared and tackled
  • allow the consistent commissioning of some services – such as cancer, mental health, children’s services and prevention – across Kent and Medway
  • focus on the health, wellbeing and care needs of the whole population
  • reduce management and administration costs across Kent and Medway.

There was a survey earlier this summer to get people’s initial views on the suggested changes. They include GP practices working much more closely together, and all the services in given areas (such as east Kent) joining up care for local people. Building on the feedback from that survey, we’d now like to find out your views about the specific proposal to create a single clinical commissioning group (CCG) for Kent and Medway.

In June, we published a leaflet Helping local people live their best life which set outs more details. This included a survey which ran until August, to get people’s initial views on the suggested changes. They include GP practices working much more closely together, and all the services in given areas (such as east Kent) joining up care for local people.

Building on the feedback from that survey, we’d now like to find out your views about the specific proposal to create a single clinical commissioning group (CCG) for Kent and Medway.

The survey is open until 23 September. Please complete it and share with your friends, colleagues and family as your views are important to us.

NHS Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group
11 September 2019

Railway timetable consultation

December 2019 Timetable Consultation

London & South Eastern Railway

Closes: 09 September 2019

Southeastern are consulting on proposed timetable changes for December 2019

The proposals will have a positive impact on Southeastern’s passengers, with faster Highspeed services, faster Mainline services, and more reliable Metro services. As a result of the proposals, passengers may see the timings of their regular service changed by a few minutes. Southeastern are consulting with their passengers and stakeholders to get their views on these proposals.

Download December 2019 timetable proposal  

Southeastern are also seeking feedback on some broader proposed changes, further ahead in May 2020. 

Please use the link below to participate. 

Complete the online feedback form (on SurveyMonkey)

Asthma workshop

Do you want to have your say about new asthma services?

KSSAHSN* want to hear from you about your own experiences of healthcare and think about how technology could support you in managing and improving your health and well-being.

This workshop will be one of several, looking at new ways to improve the lives of people living with one or more conditions including asthma, cardiovascular disease, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes.

  • Thursday 26th September 2019,
  • 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • The Kings Studio,
    Aylesford Village Community Centre,
    25 Forstal Road, Aylesford, Kent, ME20 7AU

If you would like more information or to book a place, please contact:

  • designandlearningcentre
  • 07920873682

* Kent Surrey Sussex Academic Health Science Network

Survey: website for adults with Type 2 diabetes

Creating a new website for adults with Type 2 diabetes

NHS England
Closes: 2 September 2019

NHS England and Improvement, Public Health England and Diabetes UK are launching a new online self-management website for adults living with type 2 diabetes.

The website will:

  • Provide education and information about type 2 diabetes and its treatments
  • Offer content on managing your mood and stress
  • Help with adopting and maintaining healthy behaviours (e.g. diet, exercise).

NHS England would love to have your help in making the website as useful as possible.

This survey will take less than five minutes to complete and your answers will help to shape the new website.

Your responses will be completely anonymous and there are no right or wrong answers. They just want the benefit of your opinions and experiences.

Take part in the survey here