How to recognise abuse and neglect – 3
There are different kinds of abuse and it can happen anywhere. It occurs when someone exploits another person or treats them in a way that harms or hurts them. It can happen once or on multiple occasions. People who abuse are not always strangers. They can also be: partners, relatives, a friend, neighbour or carer.
Types of Abuse
Some more of the types of abuse are described below.
Organisational abuse
is where an adult is placed at risk through poor professional practice and/or organisational failings. It can be a one-off incident or ongoing ill-treatment or neglect. This abuse can happen when care and support is provided at home or within an institution or care setting, such as a hospital or residential home.
is when someone deliberately or unintentionally causes a person to suffer by failing to provide the required medical or physical care. This may include failing to provide access to appropriate health, social care or education. This can result in their essential day to day needs, such as: medication, food, drink and heating, being denied.
is when a person’s behaviour, such as neglecting to care for personal hygiene, health or surroundings, has a detrimental effect on their health and wellbeing. It can include behaviour such as hoarding
To report abuse,
contact Kent County Council on 03000 41 61 61 or if someone is in immediate risk, dial 999. Support will be provided by specially trained people to victims of abuse and those who report it
Kent County Council, Stop adult abuse – how to protect yourself and others (PDF, 107.2 KB)