
Flood Alert

Upper River Stour

Flood alerts are also active for other areas of the Borough

Flooding is possible – be prepared

River levels are forecast to rise as a result of heavy rainfall overnight tonight. Flooding of roads and low lying land is expected from early tomorrow morning, Thursday 14th January 2021. We believe there is a possibility of flooding of low lying land and roads along the East Stour, Great Stour and tributaries around Ashford. Flooding of properties is not expected at this point. Prolonged rainfall is forecast over the next 24 hours. We are closely monitoring the situation and our incident response staff are prepared to respond if required. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses and plan driving routes to avoid low lying roads near rivers which may be flooded. This message will be updated by 10am tomorrow morning, Thursday 14th January 2021, or as the situation changes.

This information was last updated at 7:06pm Wednesday 13 January 2021

Flood alert – Prepare

  • prepare a bag that includes medicines and insurance documents
  • check flood warnings

Monitor the river level feed from on our River Levels page

What to do before, after and during a flood:

Environment Agency:

Covid vaccine scam

Action Fraud, the national reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime, has received a number of reports in relation to the COVID-19 vaccine.

Pauline Smith, Head of Action Fraud, said:
“The vaccine is a crucial tool in fighting the coronavirus and keeping people safe. Thankfully, the number of reports into Action Fraud are relatively low but we have seen an increase in the last two months, particularly around scam text messages. 

If you receive an email, text message or phone call purporting to be from the NHS and you are asked to provide financial details, this is a scam.”

Action Fraud has received reports from members of the public who have been sent text messages claiming to be from the NHS, offering them the opportunity to sign up for the vaccine. The texts ask the recipient to click on a link which takes them to an online form where they are prompted to input personal and financial details. In some cases the online form has looked very similar to the real NHS website.

How to protect yourself:

In the UK, coronavirus vaccines will only be available via the National Health Services of England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. You can be contacted by the NHS, your employer, a GP surgery or pharmacy local to you, to receive your vaccine. Remember, the vaccine is free of charge. At no point will you be asked to pay.

  • The NHS will never ask you for your bank account or card details.
  • The NHS will never ask you for your PIN or banking password.
  • The NHS will never arrive unannounced at your home to administer the vaccine.
  • The NHS will never ask you to prove your identity by sending copies of personal documents such as your passport, driving licence, bills or pay slips.  

Booking a Coronavirus vaccination

If you have received a letter inviting you to book a coronavirus vaccination, book it directly from the NHS website:

Do not use links in emails or texts.

Do not try to book a vaccination if you have not received a letter.

Covid-19 scams

Watch out for other Covid-19 related scams. Visit our Covid-19 scam post

Report Fraud

If you receive a call you believe to be fraudulent, hang up. If you are suspicious about an email you have received, forward it to Suspicious text messages should be forwarded to the number 7726 which is free of charge.

If you believe you are the victim of a fraud, please report this to Action Fraud as soon as possible by calling 0300 123 2040 or visiting

East Stour Park appeal delayed.

Riverside view of proposed development

Update, 05/01/2021: We have received notification that the appeal hearing due to commence on 13th January has been ‘cancelled’. We await notification of a new date for the hearing.

Update, 10/12/2020: We have today receive a letter from Ashford Borough Council confirming the hearing date as 13th January for up to 3 days. The letter is reproduced below. You must register to participate in the ‘informal virtual hearing’

09/12/2020: The hearing of the appeal against Ashford Borough Council’s decision to refuse the planning application for the proposed ‘East Stour Park’ development has been delayed.

The hearing was due to take place yesterday (8th December 2020) with provision for a second day today. Although no change to the timetable had been published a new date of 13th January 2021 had been shown on the ABC planning portal but this has been removed.

Today a statement by the Planning Inspector was uploaded to the portal that the Secretary of State had considered whether an Environmental Impact Assessment was required for the site. The Secretary of State had confirmed that an EIA was not required, agreeing with ABC’s screening decision.

Ashford Borough Council letter:

With reference to the above appeal, the Planning Inspectorate has now confirmed that the appeal is being dealt with by way of an informal virtual hearing which will start at 10.00am on 13 January 2021 and it is anticipated as sitting for 3 days but the duration is not fixed and will depend on how the evidence emerges.

An Inspector has been appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions under paragraph 1(i) of Schedule 6 to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to determine this appeal.As I indicated in my earlier letter, I have forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate and to the Appellants all comments that I have received from you or other people relating to the application for planning permission which has led to this appeal.

If you wish to see the Council’s reasons for refusal of the application and the appellant’s grounds of appeal, proofs of evidence, summaries and statement of common ground, these may be inspected online at: Should you wish for any further information, please contact the ABC Case Officer named in the application details.

Anyone wishing to attend the hearing must make that interest known to the Planning Inspectorate Case Officer as soon as possible prior to the hearing either by email or telephone message after reading the Hearing Attendance Information set out below, which you should include with your hearing notification letters; please also include the Case Officer’s name and contact details as per the site notice published on the councils website.

Hearing Attendance Information

Before deciding whether to take an active part in the Hearing, you need to think carefully about the points you wish to make. All written submissions from application and appeal stage will be taken into account by the Inspector and re-stating the same points won’t add any additional weight to them.

If you feel that taking part in the Hearing is right for you in whatever capacity, you can participate in a number of ways:

  • To take part using video, participants will need to have access to Microsoft Teams (via an app or web browser). This link gives further information on how to use this:
  • Alternatively you can take part by telephone. NB Calls would be to an 020 number which will incur charges.

If you wish to just observe the event, you should make that clear in your response to the Case Officer. If you wish to take an active part in the discussions, please make clear in your response to the Case Officer if possible, which topic areas you are particularly interested in.

If you want to take an active part but feel unable to for any reason, and/or the points you want to make are not covered in the evidence of others, consider whether someone else could raise them on your behalf.

Registered participants in whatever capacity will receive individual joining instructions, providing details of any requirements, guidance and support whether joining by Teams or telephone.

Stay at Home

You must stay at home. The single most important action we can all take is to stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives.

You should follow this guidance immediately. The law will be updated to reflect these new rules.

Stay at homeMeeting OthersExercise
You must not leave, or be outside of your
home or garden, except for a very limited set of exemptions e.g. to shop for basic
necessities, exercise, go to work if you cannot do so from home, or to escape
risk of harm.
You cannot leave your home to meet
socially with anyone, except with your
household or support bubble (if eligible to
form one). Stay 2 metres apart from anyone not in your household or support bubble.
You may exercise on your own, with your
household or support bubble, or with one
person from another household (when on
your own). Stay 2 metres apart from anyone not in your household or support bubble.
RetailPersonal CareLeisure and Sporting Facilities
Essential shops can open. Non-essential
retail must close and can only run click-andcollect and delivery
ClosedClosed, with limited exceptions.
Bars, Pubs and RestaurantsWork and BusinessEducation
Hospitality closed aside from sales by
takeaway (until 11pm), click-and-collect,
drive-through or delivery. Alcohol cannot be purchased through takeaway or
click-and-collect from hospitality venues.
Everyone must work from home unless they are unable to do so.Early years settings open. Primary and
secondary schools and colleges move to
remote provision except for vulnerable
children and children of critical workers.
Most university students to move to
remote learning.
TravellingAccommodationOvernight Stays
You must stay at home. If you do leave
home for a very limited set of exemptions,
you should stay local in the village, town,
or part of the city where you live where
possible. Do not travel abroad unless an
exemption applies.
Closed (with limited exceptions)You must not stay overnight away from
home. Limited exceptions apply e.g. to stay with your support bubble.
EntertainmentPlaces of WorshipWeddings and Funerals
ClosedPlaces of worship can remain open and
communal worship is permitted, but you
must not mix with those outside your
household or support bubble
Funerals of up to 30 people permitted.
Weddings up to 6 people permitted in
exceptional circumstances. Wakes and other linked ceremonial events of up to 6 permitted.
MedicalClinically Extremely VulnerableCare Home Visits
You can leave home for a medical reason, including to get a COVID-19 test, for medical appointments and emergencies.Shielding reintroduced across England. You
should not travel to work, school, college
or university and should limit the time you spend outside the home. You should only
go out for medical appointments, exercise or if it is essential.
Visits can take place with arrangements
such as substantial screens, visiting pods, or behind windows. Close-contact indoor visits are not allowed. No visits will be permitted in the event of an outbreak but end of life visits are permitted in all circumstances.
Harm and compassionate visitsAnimal welfare
You can leave home to be with someone who is giving birth, to avoid injury or illness or to escape risk of harm (such as domestic abuse). you can leave home for animal welfare reasons, such as to attend veterinary services for advice or treatment.

Flood Alert

Upper River Stour

Flooding is possible – be prepared

River levels have risen as a result of persistent rainfall. Flooding of roads and low lying land is expected from 09:45 today, 05/01/21. We expect flooding to affect low lying land and roads along the River Great Stour, particularly around Great Chart. Further light rainfall is forecast over the next 24 hours until tomorrow morning, 06/01/21. We expect river levels to continue to rise until tomorrow evening, 06/01/21. Our incident response staff are actively monitoring the situation and are prepared to respond if required. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses. This message will be updated by 20:00 this evening on 05/01/21, or as the situation changes.

This information was last updated at 7:34am Tuesday 5 January 2021

Flood alert – Prepare

  • prepare a bag that includes medicines and insurance documents
  • check flood warnings

Monitor the river level feed from on our River Levels page

What to do before, after and during a flood:

Environment Agency:

Resilience of Domestic Waste Collection Service

Ashford Borough Council is currently in the process of contingency planning for the possibility that daily bin collections will be adversely affected, due to potential disruption caused by traffic congestion across the borough, following the Brexit EU exit transition on the 1st January 2021.

ABC has been working with both the Government and KCC to ensure that additional waste collection and disposal resources are funded and work closely together. We have agreed longer working hours and priority delivery slots for our collection vehicles at the transfer station, as well as additional operating hours for collections crews. ABC will be taking a number of actions to minimise disruption to collections and to ensure they are completed in a timely manner, whilst keeping residents updated. These actions will include:

  • Residents being asked to present bins, when possible, the evening before collection, if this isn’t possible we will be asking residents to present them no later than 6am on the morning of collection.
  • The contractor will be providing additional collection crews to continue collections after 6pm if needed, to do our utmost to ensure collections are completed. If necessary, additional collection crews will be working late into the evening. Staff from the Street Scene service will be working rotational shifts to ensure service is monitored throughout so that issues that we can resolve (outside traffic congestion) are dealt with promptly. Missed collections can be reported here
  • The Council will be highlighting that additional recycling can be placed in clear sacks or cardboard boxes, or held over to place in the recycle bin once emptied.
  • The council will be posting regular updates on social media and on the council website, regarding the status of collections, to ensure residents understand what is happening so they can act accordingly.

ABC will continue working with Kent County Council and their contractor Biffa to ensure we deliver the most effective service possible for our residents.

Flood warning

The area covered by flood alerts has been extended to include the whole of the Great Stour from Lenham to Ashford, the East Stour from Postling to Ashford, Aylesford Stream and the Great Stour from Ashford to Sturry.

The threat on Ruckinge Dyke and Whitewater Dyke has been raised to Flood Warning.

Warnings and alerts are in force elsewhere in the Borough of Ashford

Flood warning – Act

  • turn off gas, water and electricity
  • move things upstairs or to safety
  • move family, pets and car to safety

Flood alert – Prepare

  • prepare a bag that includes medicines and insurance documents
  • check flood warnings

Flood Alert Upper River Stour

Flooding is possible – be prepared

River levels have risen as a result of heavy rainfall. Flooding of roads and low lying land is expected to start around 08:00 today 27/12/2020. This is likely to take place in the following locations: River East Stour, the Aylesford stream and the River Great Stour. Further heavy rain will continue till around 09:00 before the weather will clear apart from a few scattered showers. Further rainfall is forecast late tonight and into Monday. We are closely monitoring the situation. Our incident response staff are patrolling catchments and clearing screens. The public are advised to keep clear of rivers and avoid driving in flood water as bow waves can cause property flooding. This message will be updated later this afternoon.

This information was last updated at 6:05am Sunday 27 December 2020

Flood alert – Prepare

  • prepare a bag that includes medicines and insurance documents
  • check flood warnings

Monitor the river level feed from on our River Levels page

What to do before, after and during a flood:

Environment Agency:

Waterbrook traffic management

Plan of proposed route
Click to enlarge

Temporary traffic management plans announced for duration of Waterbrook inland border facility site operating at the same time as Sevington site; changes to A2070 orbital park roundabout include short ‘loop’ diversion for drivers leaving orbital park wishing to travel south-east toward Finberry, Romney Marsh and Kingsnorth.

The Department of Transport has announced plans to introduce a temporary traffic management scheme at the A2070 Orbital Park roundabout. The Waterbook inland border facility is likely to become operational for a maximum two month period starting 1 January 2021 at the same time as the partial operation of the facility at Sevington (where wet weather has delayed completion of works therefore requiring a period of dual running with functions split between the two sites).

The traffic management scheme, which will be in operation from 1 January as part of the approach to dual operation, consists of portable traffic signal controls on the A2070 westbound from the Orbital Park roundabout, and also Waterbrook Avenue, which is the access road into the Waterbrook site. The lights will manage HGV movements in and out of Waterbrook in the peak morning and afternoon periods.

All traffic on the Boulevard exiting Orbital Park will turn left onto the A2070 eastbound carriageway towards the M20 (even those motorists wishing to turn right at the roundabout to head westwards towards Kingsnorth on the A2070).Motorists wanting to head towards Kingsnorth will drive past the entrance to the Sevington Business Park before arriving at the A2070 Bad Munstereifel roundabout, where they can ‘loop’ around the roundabout before returning westbound along the A2070 back to the Orbital Park roundabout, through the traffic lights and westwards towards Kingsnorth.Motorists living on the Finberry housing development would use the same ‘loop’ because drivers will not be able to use the Orbital Park roundabout in order to turn around as they do now.

Emergency service vehicles travelling under a blue light will be still able to access the closed section of the Orbital Park roundabout.

Ashford Borough Council think it sensible for motorists to avoid this area if they can or allow extra time for their journey, particularly during the early period when the arrangements are bedding-in. They will raise with DfT the need to monitor and fine tune the working of the temporary arrangements, including making sure that those exiting Barrey Road are not unreasonable prejudiced by the scheme.

Christmas Recycling and Refuse Collections

A reminder that during the festive period your recycling and refuse collection days will be altered. Check out the Calendar below for the changes.

WeekNormal Collection DayRevised Collection Day
RecyclingMon 21 DecemberMon 21 December
Tue 22 DecemberTue 22 December
Wed 23 DecemberWed 23 December
Thu 24 DecemberThu 24 December
Fri 25 DecemberMon 28 December
RefuseMon 28 DecemberTue 29 December
Tue 29 DecemberWed 30 December
Wed 30 DecemberThu 31 December
Thu 31 DecemberSat 2 January
Fri 1 JanuaryMon 4 January
RecyclingMon 4 JanuaryTue 5 January
Tue 5 JanuaryWed 6 January
Wed 6 JanuaryThu 7 January
Thu 7 JanuaryFri 8 January
Fri 8 JanuarySat 9 January
Mon 11 JanuaryNormal Service resumes

There will be no garden waste collection over the Christmas period.

Side waste, ie textiles, small electricals or batteries still cannot be collected.