
Powergen Planning Committee date announced

powergenThe date on which the Planning Committee of Ashford Borough Council (ABC) will discuss the application for redevelopment of the Powergen Site in Victoria Road/Leacon Road has been announced as 15 June 2016. The Officer’s Report recommends approval of the application, (subject to the developer entering into a Section 106 agreement for contributions to infrastructure and services).

230 application documents have been added or amended in the last three weeks. The decision will be based on these amended documents.

The planning application and Officer’s Report can viewed on the ABC website. The Case No. is 15/01671/AS – ➚

The developer attended the South Ashford Community Forum (SACF) meetings on 17th November 2015 and 18th May 2016. The notes of the meetings can be viewed on the Minutes and Agendas page –

SACF commented on the application. The comments can be viewed on the publications page

Full time carers are twice as likely to be in bad health


Full time carers are twice as likely to be in bad health as non-carers.

When carers faced barriers to maintaining their health

  • 51% let a health problem go untreated
  • 50% said their mental health got worse
  • 31% only got help when it was an emergency

Carers Week 2016 Research Report



Carers Week 2016

Carers WeekCarers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges that carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK.

The campaign is brought to life by the individuals and organisations who come together to organise activities and events throughout the UK, drawing attention to just how important caring is.

Do you find it difficult to get an appointment with your GP?

Healthwatch Kent

You won’t be surprised to know that Healthwatch Kent hear a lot from people who struggle to get an appointment with their GP. So they are going to look into it further and they need your help.

Please share your stories with them and help them to understand what people are really experiencing in Kent.

They have invited three GP practices in South Kent Coast to work with us on this project.

Call them anytime on 0808 801 0102 or email

Healthwatch Kent 03 June 2016

What happens next in Oak Tree Road

Oak Tree Road flatsOn 15th June 2015, an explosion in a property in Oak Tree Road and a subsequent fire damaged neighbouring flats and disrupted in an instant the lives of residents both in the eight Ashford Borough Council owned homes and those living nearby.

At the time the Council worked quickly going well above its statutory duty to provide displaced residents with support and advice and give financial assistance for any immediate items they needed. It also paid the equivalent of B&B costs to those staying with family and friends at the time and, where it was possible, possessions were recovered and stored free of charge until new properties were identified and secured. (more…)

Download and read magazines via Kent Libraries for free

Kent County CouncilTravelling around and want something to read but you don’t have the time or room to grab a few magazines for your journey?

Want to check out the latest issue but don’t want to wait for the library to open?

Now you can download electronic versions of some of the most popular magazines for free via the Kent Libraries website.

As part of a one year pilot looking at new ways of providing services to the people of Kent, anyone with a Kent library card will be able to login to the Zinio service and read and download electronic copies of the latest issues of magazines. (more…)

New Local Plan for Cabinet Approval

ABC CrestAshford Borough Council’s Local Plan to 2013 will go before the Council’s Cabinet on 9 June 2016. The Plan includes proposals for development on new sites in South Ashford as well as further development in Kingsnorth.

Following approval by Cabinet the proposals will be published for public consultation.

Daniel Carter, Principal Policy Planner from Ashford Borough Council will attend the South Ashford Community Forum Meeting on 13th July to discuss the proposals.

Add your voice to health and care changes in east Kent

Ashford Clinical Commissioning GroupThe NHS across England is changing, including here in Ashford.  So a new drive to get people involved in shaping their local services has been launched today.

Across the NHS Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area, people are being encouraged to join the Health Network so that they can have a say in how hospitals, family doctors, social care workers and community nurses work together to look after the people who need care and keep others healthy and well.

Some of our local services were designed to meet the needs of people in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s.  Now they need updating for 2020 and beyond.  Local NHS doctors and leaders are getting together over the coming months to talk about what needs to change and share their current thinking about ways to make that happen.

As well as new evidence about the best way to treat certain conditions and new national standards to meet, there are challenges in funding, an ageing workforce due to retire with not enough specialists to fill vacancies and the need to join up health and social care services more effectively. But new ways of delivering health and care services need to be designed with patients and local people.  Have a voice and get involved.  Now is the time to be heard. (more…)

Launch of Ashford’s Heritage Trail

Heritage Trail MapA brand new, exciting trail highlighting Ashford Town Centre’s heritage sites will be launched on Sunday 5th June, in conjunction with Ashford Farmers’ Market.

The Heritage Trail takes visitors on a journey through history as they discover many of Ashford’s significant sites. Visitors can see the beautiful Edwardian architecture in North Street, Victoria Park’s Grade II* listed Hubert Fountain and much more.

Three tours will take place on the day led by Blue Badge guides at 10.30am, 11.30am and 12.30pm. The meeting point will be on the Lower High Street at the Heritage Trail stand.

Starting from the High Street, the tour will meander through the Town and finish at Ashford Borough Museum. The walk takes approximately half an hour, is free to enjoy and is suitable for all ages. (more…)

Application to rebuild fire flats

Oak Tree Road flatsTwo planning applications have been submitted to rebuild a block of flats, in Oak Tree Road, partially destroyed following an explosion on 15th June, last year. The entire roof and part of the first floor of the building were destroyed, leaving the occupants homeless. The remains now comprise of the ground floor shell and some walls to the remaining first floor flats.
Separate applications have been submitted:

  • the first is for the repair of the existing remains, retaining some the existing structure and re‐building where required,
  • the second is for the demolition of the existing remains down to the ground floor slab level and re‐building off the existing footprint

The applications can be viewed on Ashford Borough Councils on the website using Case No.s 16/00674/AS and 16/00669/AS