Domestic Abuse Service Integration Consultation
Domestic Abuse Support Services in Kent are currently funded through a mixture of commissioned services, grant funding and charitable funds. The landscape of service provision varies across the county with different levels of support available in different areas of Kent.
The three largest commissioned services are Women’s Refuges, Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA) and Floating Support. Refuges and Floating Support are commissioned by Kent County Council, and these contracts come to an end in 2016. The IDVA service is partnership funded, with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) holding the contract. This contract is also due to end in 2016.
We are proposing to integrate these existing services into a single service, to be delivered by service providers working together within partnership and subcontracting arrangements to improve client journeys and provide clarity on where to go for support. This will ensure consistency of support available wherever a client is living. The proposal includes the introduction of a central referral process to ensure those accessing the service can be referred appropriately at their first contact.
Have your say:
Please have a look at the Consultation Document, the summary of the proposed service and the draft service specification.
You can have your say by using the online questionnaire or by sending in a paper version which may be downloaded below.
The consultation closes on the 15th of July 2016