
Safer Internet Day 2016

Safer Internet Day Masthead

Play your part for a better internet!

Today is Safer Internet Day!

Safer Internet Day 2016 is taking place today, on the 9th February, with the theme Play your part for a better internet!

Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre the celebration sees over a thousand organisations get involved to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people. (more…)

Watch out, rogue traders about

Kent Trading Standards Alerts logoKent Trading Standards are warning residents to watch out for rogue traders claiming work needs doing to your home as a result of bad weather.

Rogues often claim that your roof tiles need replacing or that your chimney stack is unsafe.

Don’t wait for a rogue trader to knock at your door, contact Checkatrade
for Kent County Council approved traders that you can trust. (more…)

KCC to consider return to all-night lighting

Streetlights-LEDA preferred option to return to all-night street lighting when Kent’s new energy-efficient Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps are installed – meeting residents’ needs and savings targets – will be considered next week by Kent County Council members.

Work to convert the county’s 118,000 street lights to LED is due to begin in residential areas next month and will be completed within 38 months.

This will save Kent taxpayers up to £5.2 million a year, once installed.

The newly-upgraded lighting will be connected to an individual central management system (CMS) that will allow the authority to monitor and provide optimal lighting levels in the future. (more…)

Plans for £180 million regeneration projects

Beaver Road/ Victoria Road VisualisationTwo new schemes across 14 acres will bring more than 800 homes and over 200 jobs to local area. Sale has been agreed on one site to deliver 400 homes for the private rented sector in partnership with Kent developer Quinn Estates.

Leading property regeneration company U+I is developing plans to bring forward more than 800 homes and new amenities across two sites in Ashford with a total GDV of £180 million. Both sites are in close proximity to Ashford International Station with direct fast trains into central London. The proposed schemes for both sites, designed by local architect, Guy Holloway, will help to create over 200 jobs for the local area and build a new community on Victoria Way, which is already benefiting from £25m of public realm investments and improved highway infrastructure. (more…)

South Ashford burglaries

Kent against burglaryWe understand that five burglaries were committed in the Beaver Road area yesterday.

As was the case with these, most burglaries happen on weekdays, in daylight, when you’re more likely to be out.

Kent Police remind you:

Burglars are often opportunists who will target an open window, an unlocked door or valuables on display if they think they can get away with it.

Remember to lock up before you leave


  • double-lock uPVC doors and windows
  • keep keys, cash and expensive items out of view
  • use timer switches on lights and radios to make it look like someone is home
  • keep garden gates locked and garden boundaries secure
  • lock sheds and garages – bikes, tools and garden items could be stolen or used to break into your home
  • watch Kent Police’s video Burglary – keep your home safe

Battery risks to children

Small in size. Risk of a large problem
The poster by Newcastle City Council’s
Trading Standards department on button cell batteries.

What do key fobs, musical toy books and calculators all have in common? All three, along with some remote controls and other electrical devices are powered by small button cell batteries.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is warning parents about the dangers of children swallowing these batteries as with more and more compact electronic devices appearing in the home, the risk of children swallowing these small batteries is increasing.

We all know that very young children find out about the world by putting things in their mouths, but what many parents don’t realise is that lithium batteries react with saliva so that they leak acid within as little as an hour.

Therefore, if a child swallows a battery it can cause severe trauma, such as burning a hole in their throat or stomach or further damage to other internal organs within a few hours. (more…)

Alerts feed added to web site

We’ve added a twitter feed to our website for alerts from:

  • Kent County Council Public Protection
    Consumer & business alerts about Scams, Rogue Traders, Major Incidents, Severe Weather, Recalls & more.
  • Recall Database
    Aiming to bring all of the UK product safety notices and recalls together in one place.
  • The National Trading Standards eCrime Team
    tackling online consumer scams, rip-offs and fraud, as well as those committed by text or email.
  • Action Fraud
    The UK’s national fraud & cyber reporting centre where you can report, get advice and information

Check the Public Protection feed in the right hand margin to keep abreast of consumer and fraud alerts