
Internet Safety Taster Session

Computer userAshford Library is supporting Safer Internet Day 2016 by holding a free taster session on using the internet safely.  Delivered by Adult Education, the session will cover various aspects of using the internet safely, such as online shopping and banking, and how to recognise spam emails.

The course will take place at Ashford Gateway Plus on Tuesday 9 February from 12.30pm to 1.30pm.  Places are free but limited so please book in advance by contacting Ashford Library on 03000 41 31 31, email or call in and speak with a member of staff.

We have added this event to our calendar

Find out more about Safer Internet Day

Beware clothing collection bags

Skyecycle bag labelSkyecycle Limited have been distributing clothing collection bags in some parts of Ashford,  advertising the National Hereditary Breast Cancer Helpline (NBCH). It could easily be assumed that NBCH receive a donation from Skyecycle as a result of clothing donated, but there is no indication on these bags to indicate that this is the case.

If you wish to donate clothes to charity we recommend that you donate them through a Charity Shop. Our local Charity Shop is YMCA in Brookfield Court. There are also a number of Charity Shops in Ashford Town Centre.

How well do you know Ashford?

Kent County CouncilCelebrate National Libraries Day with Ashford Library by taking part in their Ashford Streets quiz, using photographs from their local studies collection.

See how many streets you can correctly name from the photographs – all correct quiz sheets will be entered into a prize draw. Why not also try our quiz on how well you know your library?

Saturday 6th February 2016 – 10.00am to 4.00pm

Think twice before you act

Fraud committed via links in unexpected emails, posts or texts, or email attachments, is becoming all too commonplace, with millions affected every year. So are phone calls from strangers claiming to be from your bank, your credit card company or the police … but who are actually fraudsters. We call this ‘social engineering’ – which cunningly manipulates you into a position where you can be scammed. The scams range from simple emails to complex multiple phone calls. Whichever the method, they are designed to steal your money or your identity … or both. (more…)

Application submitted for Powergen Site

powergenDeveloper, Quinn Estates, has submitted a planning application to Ashford Borough Council (ABC) for the development of the site of the Powergen site in Victoria Road. The application is in two parts

  • A full application for the eastern part of the site, including 400 dwellings, a retail kiosk/cafe unit and associated parking, public surface car park
  • An outline application for the remainder including demolition of existing buildings/structures and erection of up to 260 dwellings and associated parking

The application follows an exhibition on 26th October in County Square and a presentation by Quinn Estates at South Ashford Community Forum’s November meeting.

The application, ABC Reference 15/01671/AS can be viewed on the ABC website.

ABC’s consultation on the application is open until 11th February 2016

We have now submitted our Comments (pdf opens in Google viewer).

Alternatives to TPS, Bogus TPS & scams

The hand holds telephone receiver above the phoneThe Telephone Preference Service (TPS) is warning against responding to commercial alternatives to TPS and bogus and scam TPS calls.

TPS is the only official UK ‘do not call’ register for opting out of live telesales calls. The TPS register is established and supported by legislation. Organisations which want to make live telesales calls in the UK are legally required to screen their sales lists against the TPS list. It is FREE to sign up to the TPS register. (more…)