
Improved service for people who need community equipment

Ashford CCGAshford Clinical Commissioning Group and the other clinical commissioning groups in Kent have been working with Kent County Council to improve services for people who need community equipment to live independently at home.

After a procurement led by Kent County Council Nottingham Rehab Limited (trading as NRS Healthcare) have been appointed to deliver a countywide Integrated Community Equipment Service from 30 November 2015.

NRS Healthcare provides equipment such as hospital beds, pressure care equipment, walking frames and other things that older people and disabled people of all ages need to live independently in their own homes. It also provides Telehealth services in Kent. (more…)

Is smoking getting in the way of your fitness?

KCHNFTlogoQuit to Get Fit’ is a new NHS programme, combining the support of a stop smoking programme with a fitness session. It’s free and it can change your life. We have courses starting in January 2016 in these venues:

Ray Allen Centre, Ashford (Thursday mornings)

Call 0300 123 1220 (option 1) for more details or visit

Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust 30 November 2015

KFRS Safety and Wellbeing Plan 2016/18

Kent Fire and Rescue LogoHelp Kent Fire and Rescue Service’s plan for the future

This is your chance to have your say about Kent Fire and Rescue Service’s (KFRS) plans to develop and improve their services, while still making essential savings by filling in our online Safety and Wellbeing Plan survey.

The consultation is open until 16 January 2016, and the outcomes will be presented to Kent and Medway Fire and Rescue Authority at its meeting on 12 February 2016. You can read the Safety and Wellbeing Plan 2016/18 and all the supporting documentation using the links on KFRS web page. (more…)

Apply now for a primary school place

Kent County CouncilApplications are open for Primary, Infant and Junior places in Kent schools, with about 16,000 families expected to apply for a place to start school next September.

Families are being encouraged to apply as soon as possible for a Primary school place for their children and not miss the 15 January deadline. Last year there were more than 500 late applications, which made it more difficult for parents to secure the preferred places. (more…)

Council tax support consultation

Ashfored Borough CouncilCouncil tax support has now been in place for three years. Following extensive consultation back in 2012, Ashford Borough Council introduced a localised council tax support scheme to replace council tax benefit, which was phased out by the government. The principle of the council’s scheme is to support working-age claimants to return to employment.

The existing scheme, which is based on a countywide scheme with local variances, has worked well and council tax collection rates have remained at over 98%. Following the consultation, Ashford Borough Council adjusted its proposed scheme and is proud to be the only borough in the county offering additional protection to disabled claimants and carers. (more…)

Hannah’s story: a personal account of domestic abuse

This is an honest and frank account of domestic abuse so some readers may find her story distressing…/hannahs-story-a-pers…/

Talk about abuse

If you are affected by domestic abuse there are specialists who can help you.

Ashford Domestic Abuse One Stop Shop offers free advice, information and support from a range of agencies under one roof to help victims of domestic abuse. Domestic abuse can affect anyone and therefore, if you are a man or a woman and would like to discuss your issues, you are welcome to attend. No appointment is required just turn up.
The Willow Centre, Brookfield Road, Ashford, Kent TN23 4EY
Telephone: 07598 74504
Opening times: Every Tuesday morning 9.30am – 12.30pm

Domestic Abuse Support in Kent website, a new resource covering Kent and Medway providing advice and information on services for victims, friends & family, and perpetrators of Domestic Abuse.

Citizens Advice online advice on domestic abuse, where you’ll find lots of organisations that can help.

If you think a friend or family member may be experiencing domestic abuse, see Citizens Advice’ guidance on how you can talk to them about it and direct them to places where they can get further help.


December News-sheet published

South Ashford December News-sheetThe December 2015 edition of the ‘South Ashford’ news-sheet has been published and is currently being delivered to 4,700 residential addresses in South Ashford.

This edition includes an update on the Campaign for Community Councils, advice on treating yourself for winter illnesses, information on how to save on your energy bills and details of proposals for development of the ‘Powergen site’ and other sites in and around South Ashford.

A copy of the News-sheet can be downloaded from the Publications page on this site or by clicking on the image on the right.