
Need urgent help?

Check the helplines listed on our Useful links page

National Domestic Violence Helpline Tel: 0808 2000 247
Women’s Aid www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/helpline/
provides services to women and children experiencing domestic violence.
Refuge www.refuge.org.uk/get-help-now/
offers a range of services which gives women and children access to professional support whatever their situation.

Samaritans www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help-you/contact-us Tel:116 123. or
visit the local branch www.samaritans.org/branches/samaritans-ashford-and-tenterden
offers confidential and emotional support for those who are experiencing despair.

Saneline www.sane.org.uk/what_we_do/support/  0300 304 7000 from 4:30pm – 10:30pm every evening
offers information and support for those with mental health issues.

Release the Pressure www.kent.gov.uk/social-care-and-health/health/release-the-pressure
Tel: 0800 107 0160
Chat online www.mentalhealthmatters.com/our-services/helpline-services/time-online/
A KCC funded service provided by an independent charity, offers advice and help for those suffering from stress

FRANK www.talktofrank.com/contact-frank Tel: 0300 123 6600,
Need a quick answer? Text a question and FRANK will text you back Text 82111 or
Chat online www.talktofrank.com/livechat 2pm – 6pm every day
helps people with drug problems.

Drinkline Tel: 0300 123 1110
free, confidential helpline for people who are concerned about their drinking, or someone else’s.

Shelter http://england.shelter.org.uk/contact_us Tel: 0808 800 4444
offers housing advice.

Runaway www.runawayhelpline.org.uk/advice/  Tel or Text 116 000,
Chat online using link above, or
email: 116000@runawayhelpline.org.uk
advises young people aged 17 if they are thinking about running away, if they have already run away, or if they have been away and come back and those that are worried that someone else is going to run away or if they are being treated badly or abused.

Childline www.childline.org.uk/get-support/ Tel: 0800 1111,
Chat online: www.childline.org.uk/get-support/1-2-1-counsellor-chat/, or
Email: www.childline.org.uk/locker/inbox/
helps children or young people in distress. Tel: 0800 1111

Silverline www.thesilverline.org.uk/ Tel: 0800 470 8090
provides information, friendship and advice for older folk.

Kent and Medway Case for Change published

Leaders from the NHS in Kent and Medway, along with Kent County Council and Medway Council, have published a compelling ‘case for change’ which sets out why [Health, Social Care and Public Health] Services need to change to meet the needs of local people.

The case for change shows that every day 1,000 people (about 1 in 3 people in hospital at any one time) in Kent and Medway are stuck in hospital beds when they could get the health and social care support they need out of hospital if the right services were available. Doctors and social care leaders say this, along with eight other key challenges, are the drivers for new plans being developed that will see more care provided outside of hospitals and NHS and social care services working in a joined-up way. They are calling for local people to get involved in helping shape these plans for the future of NHS and social care services in Kent and Medway.

Today’s case for change also shows that:

  • We need to focus more on supporting people so they don’t get ill in the first place: Around 1,600 early deaths each year could have been avoided with the right early help and support for example to help people maintain a healthy weight, stop smoking and drink responsibly.
  • GPs and their teams are understaffed, with vacancies and difficulties recruiting: If staffing in Kent and Medway was in line with the national average there would be 245 more GPs and 37 more practice nurses.
  • Services and outcomes for people with long-term conditions are poor: As many as four in 10 emergency hospital admissions could be avoided if the right care was available outside hospital to help people manage conditions they live with every day and to prevent them getting worse.
  • Some services for seriously ill people in Kent and Medway find it hard to run round-the-clock, and to meet expected standards of care:
  • All stroke patients who are medically suitable should get clot-busting drugs within 60 minutes of arriving at hospital. None of the hospitals in our area currently achieve this for all patients.
  • Planned care – such as going into hospital for a hip operation or having an x-ray – is not as efficient as it could be: There is variation across Kent and Medway in how often people are referred to specialists and variation in the tests and treatments people get once they have been referred.
  • Cancer care does not always meet national standards: waiting times for diagnostic tests, to see a specialist and for treatment, are sometimes longer than national standards.
  • People with mental ill health have poor outcomes: people with a serious mental illness die on average 15 to 20 years earlier than the general population
  • Services could be run more productively: Around £190m of savings could be made if services were run as efficiently as top performing areas in England.


KCC improvements to services for disabled

Heathwatch Kent logo

Kent County Council have released new plans for a ‘Lifespan Pathway’, helping individuals transition from Disabled Children Services to Adult Services from April 3rd 2017.

The new services illustrate there will no longer be seperate adult services for Learning Disabilities & Physical Disability. Meaning, individuals with both needs at any age will get the correct and personalised care with less hassle.

This is only one of many changes promoted by the KCC to better the care for service users.

KCC have also released a document to help you understand the changes the new plan will entail. If you would like to know more about the changes, check the document in the link below.


Healthwatch Kent 10 March 2017

Speakup CIC survey on Mental Health services

Feedback on services in Kent and Medway – survey

Speakup CIC

Speakup CIC has released a new survey this week and would like to hear your experiences using mental health services, whether in the past or currently.

This information will be made anonymous and used towards improving local mental health services in the future.

Click this link for the survey:  www.speakupcic.co.uk/survey

Healthwatch Kent 09 March 2017

Tackling domestic abuse

silhouette of figureAshford Borough Council’s Cabinet has agreed to continue to provide funding for invaluable domestic abuse work in the Ashford borough and to make permanent the post of Domestic Abuse Co-ordinator.

The domestic abuse annual report highlights an increasing demand on services as more victims are gaining the confidence to come forward and seek help.

It also praises the work of professionals across the health, police, fire, voluntary, local authority and charitable sectors in dealing with an increasing workload in spite of some reductions in resources.

The charity Ashford Domestic Abuse Forum (ADAF) leads services across the borough and created the One Stop Shop; a weekly drop in centre where victims can receive advice and support.

Ashford has one of the busiest One Stop Shops in the county but can boast a high level of staff attendance and good reputation for partnership working, thanks in part to the appointment of a full time Domestic Abuse Co-ordinator. (more…)

KCC Mental Health Service Consultation

Mental Health Service – Promoting IndependenceKent County Council

Kent County Council

Opens: 10 February 2017
Closes: 24 March 2017

Kent County Council is proposing to integrate two existing services into a single service when the existing contracts expire in October 2017.

The Housing Related Support and Supporting Independence Service both work to enable people with mental health issues to live independent lives in the community. The proposal is to join up these services to allow for more flexible support, a more person focused system which is easier to access and promotes independence.

Bringing these services together and working differently with our service providers, enabling them to meet people’s needs in a person centred and more responsive way will mean that people receive the support they need, when they need it and will enable us to deliver the efficiencies required.

We would like to hear your views on how the new service should work to best meet the needs of the people of Kent. Please read through our consultation document which sets out the existing and proposed service, then use the online questionnaire to tell us what you think.

For alternative formats, please email alternativeformats@kent.gov.uk or telephone 03000 421553 (text relay 18001 03000 421553). This number goes to an answer machine which is monitored during office hours.

Consultation Documents

Respond to this Consultation

Consultation Links

Consultation Summary

Name Mental Health Service – Promoting Independence
Description KCC is consulting on a proposal to combine contracts for Housing Related Support and Supporting Independence into one integrated Mental Health Service – Promoting Independence.
Dates From 10 Feb 2017 at 16:00 to 24 Mar 2017 at 23:59.
Status Open
Consulting Organisation Type Kent County Council
Consulting Organisation Name Kent County Council
District / Borough areas affected by the consultation Ashford, Canterbury, Dartford, Dover, Gravesham, Maidstone, Sevenoaks, Shepway, Swale, Thanet, Tonbridge & Malling, Tunbridge Wells
Consultation Topic General interest, Adult social care, Healthcare and public health
Consultation Methods Online survey / questionnaire / forms
Contact Details

Kent County Council 10 February 2017

Time to talk

Time to talk day 2017“It’s #timetotalk because if you say something, you realise how many people around you haven’t, and needed to”

Conversations about mental health change lives.

At the moment, too many people with mental health problems are made to feel isolated, ashamed and worthless by other people’s reactions.

But talking about mental health doesn’t need to be difficult. It can be as simple as making time to have a cup of tea or go for a walk, and listening to someone talk about how they feel.

Being open about mental health and ready to listen can make a positive difference to someone’s life.

This is what Time to Talk Day is all about – giving us all the chance to talk and listen about mental health.

Whatever the hour, every conversation, every text, every share means more people are reached and more lives are changed. (more…)

‘One You’ health shop comes to Ashford

The start of a new year often brings resolutions for people to get fitter and healthier, so it’s perfect timing that Ashford has teamed up with Kent County Council and the NHS to open a brand new health hub where people can kick-start their journey to becoming more healthy and active.

Ashford Borough Council has joined forces with KCC Public Health and its service provider Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT) to open ‘One You’; a health shop located in Ashford town centre.

The new health shop, which is set to open on Friday 10th February, is part of Public Health England’s national campaign of the same name which encourages people to quit smoking, lose weight and be more active.

Located in Unit 7 of Park Mall, One You will provide support and advice on how to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Services will include: stop smoking support, healthy weight advice for adults and children, on-the-spot blood pressure checks, a weigh-in service plus support and advice on a range of lifestyle issues.

One You offers a friendly and welcoming environment where people are encouraged to pop in, ask questions and take advantage of the free health services on offer. Visitors can either drop-in or arrange a scheduled appointment.

Visitors are invited to the opening launch of One You on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th February between 9am and 5pm where they can pop in and get a free NHS Health Check or health MOT, as well as take part in interactive games. People can jump on the smoothie bike and using pedal power, whizz up a healthy fruit smoothie, guess how much sugar is in everyday drinks, adorn a fat suit to experience carrying around extra weight and much more. (more…)


Are you looking for urgent help or advice

We have added details of some national helplines to our links page https://southashford.org.uk/index.php/417-2/#helplines

Women’s Aid www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/helpline/ Tel: 0808 2000 247
provides services to women and children experiencing domestic violence.

Samaritans www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help-you/contact-us Tel:116 123. or
visit the local branch www.samaritans.org/branches/samaritans-ashford-and-tenterden
offers confidential and emotional support for those who are experiencing despair.

Saneline www.sane.org.uk/what_we_do/support/  0300 304 7000 from 4:30pm – 10:30pm every evening
offers information and support for those with mental health issues.

FRANK www.talktofrank.com/contact-frank Tel: 0300 123 6600,
Need a quick answer? Text a question and FRANK will text you back Text 82111 or
Chat online www.talktofrank.com/livechat 2pm – 6pm every day
helps people with drug problems.

Drinkline Tel: 0300 123 1110
free, confidential helpline for people who are concerned about their drinking, or someone else’s.

Shelter http://england.shelter.org.uk/contact_us Tel: 0808 800 4444
offers housing advice.

Runaway www.runawayhelpline.org.uk/advice/  Tel or Text 116 000,
Chat online using link above, or
email: 116000@runawayhelpline.org.uk
advises young people aged 17 if they are thinking about running away, if they have already run away, or if they have been away and come back and those that are worried that someone else is going to run away or if they are being treated badly or abused.

Childline www.childline.org.uk/get-support/ Tel: 0800 1111,
Chat online: www.childline.org.uk/get-support/1-2-1-counsellor-chat/, or
Email: www.childline.org.uk/locker/inbox/
helps children or young people in distress. Tel: 0800 1111

Silverline www.thesilverline.org.uk/ Tel: 0800 470 8090
provides information, friendship and advice for older folk.