
Have your say on wheelchair services

The NHS in Kent and Medway is reviewing the way Wheelchair Services are currently delivered. If you are a wheelchair user, are a parent of a wheelchair user or if you care for someone that uses a wheelchair, they would appreciate your feedback. 

Your comments and feedback will help them understand what people think is important when it comes to the provision, maintenance and repairs of your wheelchair.

Wheelchair Service budgets are under pressure due to increasing demand. The NHS needs to find ways to support as many people as possible within the available resources and still provide the very best service, especially to those people who need their help the most.                                                                                                                                                                                      Complete the survey

The survey will close on Monday 31st August.  If you would prefer to receive a paper copy please contact

Residents encouraged to recycle smart

Recycling LabelRecently Ashford Borough Council (ABC) has seen an increase in the amount of unrecyclable materials being placed in recycling bins; this has resulted in some waste loads being rejected. This has an effect on Ashford’s recycling rates, costs taxpayers an additional £50 for every tonne rejected, and leaves residents confused when the crews are unable to take the recycling presented.

In order to save taxpayers’ money and continue the excellent environmental efforts of residents, helping Ashford climb even further up the DEFRA league table, they have been encouraging our residents to focus on the quality of items they are recycling.Unfortunately mistakes can happen, as seen recently in certain areas of the Borough, which has resulted in a drop in the quality of items being received at the recycling facility.

That’s why from 24th August, Biffa will be placing advisory stickers on bins which contain unrecyclable items. The sticker will say “Warning” and clearly state which incorrect material was placed in the bin so the household is aware for future collections. On this one-off occasion the bin will be emptied, however if incorrect items are found on subsequent occasions, the crew will not collect the waste and a sticker will be placed on the bin to indicate this. (more…)

Register my appliance

Register my applianceRegister my appliance is a new website on which you can register your household appliances.

Registering is a wise safety precaution.

In a very small number of cases, manufacturers may identify problems with an appliance once the product has been in use for some time.  They then need to contact you to get the fault corrected as quickly as possible. Normally a quick in-home fix by a qualified technician will banish any risk. (more…)

Council publishes 5 Year Housing Supply Statement

Ashford Borough Council have published their  five year housing land supply statement, which sets out the Council’s assessment of its supply of housing land over the next five years, from a start date of April 1st 2015. It shows that the Council can demonstrate a supply of deliverable housing sites in excess of the five year plus buffer requirements.


Find health help with NHS website and app

The NHS in Kent and Medway has a free website and app to help you find the right treatment, especially when you are not sure what to do or who to contact.

Whether you have a baby with a high temperature, a child who is being sick, a teenager who is feeling low or you have sprained your ankle and for many other health problems, the Health Help Now app can guide you to the service that will help you best.

Health Help Now lists common symptoms for people of all ages and helps you find the best place for treatment for them in the local area. It shows the nearest services, whether they are open or closed, and provides a map of their location and directions. (more…)

Choose the right care


Choose the right care


Self Care

Grazed Knee
Sore throat


NHS 111

Need help?
GP surgery closed



Painful cough
Runny nose



Persistent vomiting
Unexplained pains


Urgent Care Centre or Minor Injury Unit

Broken bones
Severe sunburn


Emergency Department
or 999

Chest pains
Heavy bleeding
Severe burns

the Emergency Department and 999 is for Emergencies Only

Local Warden Support Officer (LWSO) vacancy – Great Chart with Singleton

GreatChartCWSOtopAre you passionate about volunteering within your community?

Do you have the drive and desire to help people?

Would you like to be part of an exciting new team?

We are offering you an opportunity to be part of an exciting new pilot project across Kent. Working alongside our Community Wardens, Kent Police and local councils, volunteers will be working within their own communities providing information, guidance and support on a wide range of services and issues as well as being the eyes and ears of their community.

Ideally, you will be resident in or have close association with the area you apply for. (more…)

Pop into the community advice drop-in shop

Ashford’s Community Safety Partnership is having a ‘drop-in shop’ between Monday 10th and Saturday 15th August.

The purpose of the shop is to raise public awareness of the wide range of agencies and services available to support them in dealing with issues and problems affecting their quality of life.

During the week the following agencies will be available: Ashford Borough Council, Kent Police, Kent Fire and Rescue Services, Kent County Council, Sk8side, Citizen’s Trust and Turning Point. (more…)