Ashford Borough Council

Get your dog microchipped

You must make sure your dog is fitted with a microchip by the time it’s 8 weeks old.

You can be fined up to £500 if your dog isn’t microchipped by 6 April 2016

Your dog’s microchip must be fitted by a trained professional

Victoria Park Masterplan

Victoria ParkFollowing the presentation by Chris Dixon at the South Ashford Community Forum September 2016 Meeting, Chris with other officers and consultants employed by Ashford Borough Council have produced a Draft Masterplan for the development of Victoria Park. The Draft Masterplan will go before ABC’s Cabinet on 10th March for adoption.

The first part of the proposals that will be developed is based on the heritage of the Park, focused on the Hubert Fountain. A Heritage Lottery Fund bid is planned to finance this part of the work. The first stage of the bid will be submitted this month, to fund Development of the heritage proposals. If the bid is successful, the Development Phase is expected to take a year to complete, after which a further bid will be made to fund Delivery (implementation) of the Proposals. The Delivery is expected to take 15 – 18 months from March 2018, completing between July and September 2019. (more…)

Young People’s Sculpture Trail for Victoria Park

Victoria Park avenue and Hubert FountainFunding to create a new Young People’s Sculpture Trail in Victoria Park has been granted to Ashford Borough Council by Tesco as part of the Tesco Bags of Help Grant Scheme.

In a bid to engage young people and families in the natural heritage of Victoria Park, officers from the council proposed creating an exciting new sculpture trail in the heart of the borough. The outdoor trail will take people on a journey of discovery, telling stories of the park’s past, and encouraging learning and engagement in green spaces management.

The sculptures will be created by local young people with the help of artists and craftsman, through school workshops, youth groups and open drop in sessions. Youngsters will learn woodland craft skills and create a sculpture trail across the park and Watercress Fields. (more…)

Council Tax rise confirmed

ABC CrestAs expected, Ashford Borough Council have agreed the rise of £ 4.55 in Council Tax recommended by the Cabinet, for a Band D property. ABC is the last of the authorities whose charges contribute to Council Tax in the unparished areas of Ashford to confirm their charges for the 2016/17 financial year.

We published the figures for each authority and the total in our post of 17 February.

Below are the total Council Tax rates for each Band (more…)

Community Council Campaign – Close-out letter

The following letter has been sent to all residents in the unparished area of South Ashford:


Dear Resident

Early in December of last year, Ashford Borough Council completed a review of how local communities in Ashford are represented and governed. If you are a registered voter living in South Ashford you would have had the opportunity to vote in the ballot on whether or not you wanted a Community Council for South Ashford. Voters in the other unparished areas of Ashford also voted on whether they wanted a Community Council in their areas. In South Ashford, of 9,220 voters, 906 voted for a Community Council and 1,492 voted against. Although the Council stated that the results of the ballot were non-binding they have decided not to create a Community Council for South Ashford.

For sixteen years South Ashford Community Forum has been representing the views of people living and working in the unparished area of South Ashford and helping to communicate those views to Ashford Borough Council, Kent County Council and other statutory organisations. Following the decision of the Council we will continue to provide that representation and will be redoubling our efforts to ensure that we are representative of as many of those who live and work in South Ashford as possible. To do this we need to hear your views and invite you to our next meeting. (more…)

ABC Cabinet recommends £ 4.55 Council Tax increase

ABC CrestLast Thursday night Ashford Borough Council’s cabinet members considered new options put to them by central government about the level at which council tax can be set for the financial year 2016-17.

Ashford’s element of council tax is the lowest in Kent. Indeed, as it sets one of the lowest precepts in the country, Ashford has been given special dispensation by central government to raise its element of council tax by up to £5 a year for the forthcoming financial year, without triggering a referendum.

The news that the borough council was to have this option came last Monday afternoon, when the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Greg Clark MP, addressed the House of Commons. He stated that this option was open to “the most economical authorities” which includes Ashford Borough Council.

However, cabinet members took the view that it would not recommend raising council tax by the full £5 but by £4.55 per year. If full council approves this approach on 18th February it means that the average charge for a band D property for the 2016-17 financial year in Ashford will be exactly £150. The average district council tax for Kent is set to be £190.35 for 2016-17. (more…)

Create Festival – Saturday Date

Create Tree LogoAshford Borough Council have announced that the 2016 Create Music Festival will be held on Saturday 23rd July in Ashford’s Victoria Park. ABC say in their announcement “due to public demand, Create will switch from its usual Sunday slot, hoping to encourage an even bigger festival feel for the town”.

The new Saturday date falls on the 175th birthday of George Harper, the man who kindly gifted the exuberant Fountain to Victoria Park in 1912. To mark this, festival organisers will be introducing a new “Fountain Stage” showcasing young local talent and community music groups. It will however prevent an event similar to last years Mr. Harper’s Birthday celebration which was attended by a large number of younger children. (more…)

Plans for £180 million regeneration projects

Beaver Road/ Victoria Road VisualisationTwo new schemes across 14 acres will bring more than 800 homes and over 200 jobs to local area. Sale has been agreed on one site to deliver 400 homes for the private rented sector in partnership with Kent developer Quinn Estates.

Leading property regeneration company U+I is developing plans to bring forward more than 800 homes and new amenities across two sites in Ashford with a total GDV of £180 million. Both sites are in close proximity to Ashford International Station with direct fast trains into central London. The proposed schemes for both sites, designed by local architect, Guy Holloway, will help to create over 200 jobs for the local area and build a new community on Victoria Way, which is already benefiting from £25m of public realm investments and improved highway infrastructure. (more…)

Application for use of Leacon Road site as lorry park

Brett’s have applied for retrospective, temporary planning permission for use of their site off of Leacon Road as a ‘transit point for exchange of trailers’. The site, that is opposite the Ford and was previously an aggregates treatment plant, is allocated for housing in the Council’s Urban Sites and Infrastructure Development Plan Document.

Use of the site for what appeared to be a lorry park commenced last March. It seems that Ashford Borough Council have advised Brett’s that planning permission for change of use is required. The application states that the site is currently being used by ‘ETS Forwarding Ltd’, who wish to continue to operate from the site until permanent premises are found. The change of use is requested for two years.

The planning application can be viewed on ABC’s website.