Ashford Borough Council

Application submitted for Powergen Site

powergenDeveloper, Quinn Estates, has submitted a planning application to Ashford Borough Council (ABC) for the development of the site of the Powergen site in Victoria Road. The application is in two parts

  • A full application for the eastern part of the site, including 400 dwellings, a retail kiosk/cafe unit and associated parking, public surface car park
  • An outline application for the remainder including demolition of existing buildings/structures and erection of up to 260 dwellings and associated parking

The application follows an exhibition on 26th October in County Square and a presentation by Quinn Estates at South Ashford Community Forum’s November meeting.

The application, ABC Reference 15/01671/AS can be viewed on the ABC website.

ABC’s consultation on the application is open until 11th February 2016

We have now submitted our Comments (pdf opens in Google viewer).

Interested in leasing an allotment?

allotment photoAshford Borough Council (ABC) currently have several vacant plots at Musgrove Farm, Musgrove New and Christchurch Road Allotments. If you would be interested in taking on a plot at either of these sites please contact Eileen Law of ABC on 01233 330528 as soon as possible as these plots will be let on a first come first served basis.

As part of ABC’s approach to healthy living they have a number of allotment sites, with over 400 plots throughout Ashford, that residents find very popular. Plot sizes are approximately 125 sq m (around 5 perch) and currently cost in the region of 22p per sq m (£5.50 per perch or £27.50 per year per 5 perch plot). The exact cost of a plot is determined by its size. ABC offer a concessionary rate of 50% off for the first 5 Perch and full price thereafter to residents claiming certain types of benefit and for those residents in receipt of state pensions. All our allotment sites have water points. (more…)

ABC Warn of bogus calls

Warning of bogus calls - 11th Jan

Be aware that there are currently bogus callers in operation, claiming to be from Ashford Borough Council’s legal and accident investigation team.

They are saying that they are contacting you following an accident.

If you receive one of these calls hang up immediately. Do NOT give them any information as they are not genuine.

Please share with friends and family.

Ashford Borough Council 11th January 2016

There have been reports of similar calls for other authorities, such as the KCC scam we reported on in September

Kent County Council phone scam

If you receive one of these scam telephone calls please report it to Kent Trading Standards or telephone the Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06.


Your views sought on ABC draft budget

ABC CrestFollowing the Ashford Borough Council’s (ABC) December cabinet meeting the Council has formally proposed a draft budget.

The budget will be considered by the council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee as part of the democratic process and, ultimately, will be considered by full council in February 2016. However, there is now an opportunity for residents to express their views.

ABC say that the draft budget has been put together at a time of continued uncertainty for local government. The comprehensive spending review took place in late December and the details are still being analysed. It is clear however, that the traditional way that central government has funded local authorities is being phased out.

This emphasises why the Council has stated its ambition to seek to be independent of government grant by the 2018-19 financial year, or as soon after as is possible. Initiatives such as the council’s property acquisition strategy, securing additional revenue streams, and innovations such as the creation of two companies wholly owned by the council, are helping to bridge what would otherwise have been gaps in budget. (more…)

Christmas Recycling & Refuse Collections 2015/16

recyclingAll refuse and recycling should be out for collection by 6am over Christmas and New Year. Please note collections may take place up to one day later than shown, with possible extra collections on Saturdays.

There will be NO garden or bulk collections for two weeks; w/c 28/12/2015 and w/c 04/01/2016 (except for those due for collection on Friday 25 December, which will be collected on Monday 28 December instead).

During the festive period, your recycling and refuse collections may take place on different days. … 2015/11/18/christmas-recycling-refuse-collections-201516/

Estate inspection changes

ABC CrestAshford Borough Council are changing the way they carry out estate inspections to make sure they are as thorough as possible. They will be carrying out one estate inspection per month which will enable them to spend more time assessing and improving each area in the borough.

Please let them know at the end of the month before your area is due to be inspected of any particular issues you would like us to look at. They will continue to send out review letters to you after the inspection if you have already registered an interest in this.

Below is a list of when areas in South Ashford will be inspected – please look online at or contact your area manager for further details or to register to receive feedback for your area.

  • January – Brookfield West and North
  • February – Hillbrow, Clockhouse
  • August – Woolreeds
  • October – Hampden, Brookfield East, Godfrey Walk and Forrester Place

Community Council Decision

ABC CrestFollowing a ‘lively’ debate, Ashford Borough Council have this evening (10th December), as expected, decided not to create a Community Council in South Ashford, Central Ashford or North Willesborough., they did however, vote to create Community Councils in Kennington and South Willesborough and Newtown.

South Ashford Community Forum will continue to to represent the views of people living and working in South Ashford and to help communicate those views to Ashford Borough Council, Kent County Council and other statutory organisations.

Elwick Place to go before planning committee

Elwick PlacePhase one of the proposals for the old Ashford Market site and adjacent land will be considered by Ashford Borough Council’s Planning Committee on 16th December.

Committee Agenda

Previous posts relating to this site: