Application submitted for Powergen Site
Developer, Quinn Estates, has submitted a planning application to Ashford Borough Council (ABC) for the development of the site of the Powergen site in Victoria Road. The application is in two parts
- A full application for the eastern part of the site, including 400 dwellings, a retail kiosk/cafe unit and associated parking, public surface car park
- An outline application for the remainder including demolition of existing buildings/structures and erection of up to 260 dwellings and associated parking
The application follows an exhibition on 26th October in County Square and a presentation by Quinn Estates at South Ashford Community Forum’s November meeting.
The application, ABC Reference 15/01671/AS can be viewed on the ABC website.
ABC’s consultation on the application is open until 11th February 2016
We have now submitted our Comments (pdf opens in Google viewer).