Interested in leasing an allotment?
Ashford Borough Council (ABC) currently have several vacant plots at Musgrove Farm, Musgrove New and Christchurch Road Allotments. If you would be interested in taking on a plot at either of these sites please contact Eileen Law of ABC on 01233 330528 as soon as possible as these plots will be let on a first come first served basis.
As part of ABC’s approach to healthy living they have a number of allotment sites, with over 400 plots throughout Ashford, that residents find very popular. Plot sizes are approximately 125 sq m (around 5 perch) and currently cost in the region of 22p per sq m (£5.50 per perch or £27.50 per year per 5 perch plot). The exact cost of a plot is determined by its size. ABC offer a concessionary rate of 50% off for the first 5 Perch and full price thereafter to residents claiming certain types of benefit and for those residents in receipt of state pensions. All our allotment sites have water points. (more…)