
South Ashford burglaries

Kent against burglaryWe understand that five burglaries were committed in the Beaver Road area yesterday.

As was the case with these, most burglaries happen on weekdays, in daylight, when you’re more likely to be out.

Kent Police remind you:

Burglars are often opportunists who will target an open window, an unlocked door or valuables on display if they think they can get away with it.

Remember to lock up before you leave


  • double-lock uPVC doors and windows
  • keep keys, cash and expensive items out of view
  • use timer switches on lights and radios to make it look like someone is home
  • keep garden gates locked and garden boundaries secure
  • lock sheds and garages – bikes, tools and garden items could be stolen or used to break into your home
  • watch Kent Police’s video Burglary – keep your home safe

Alerts feed added to web site

We’ve added a twitter feed to our website for alerts from:

  • Kent County Council Public Protection
    Consumer & business alerts about Scams, Rogue Traders, Major Incidents, Severe Weather, Recalls & more.
  • Recall Database
    Aiming to bring all of the UK product safety notices and recalls together in one place.
  • The National Trading Standards eCrime Team
    tackling online consumer scams, rip-offs and fraud, as well as those committed by text or email.
  • Action Fraud
    The UK’s national fraud & cyber reporting centre where you can report, get advice and information

Check the Public Protection feed in the right hand margin to keep abreast of consumer and fraud alerts

Fraudsters pretend to work for BT

tps-logoKent Trading Standards have received reports of scam phone calls and letters from people claiming to work for the telecommunication service, BT.

The caller asks for an upfront fee of £300 to opt-out of scam telephone calls and tries to gain the resident’s confidence by quoting the last four digits of their credit card. The caller then asks for the beginning of their credit card number to complete the transaction. They may also send a letter as shown here.

We believe this person may be using the identity of an existing company to scam residents.

Registration with TPS is Free. TPS is the only official UK ‘do not call’ register for opting out of live telesales calls. The TPS register is established and supported by legislation. Organisations which want to make live telesales calls in the UK are legally required to screen their sales lists against the TPS list.

For advice and to report issues to KCC Trading Standards contact
Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06
Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Kent Trading Standards 25 January 2016

Blue Badge scam

Blue badgeWe have received reports of bogus Blue Badge websites charging £49 for a badge. The websites will ask for your personal information and will not have the authority to issue you a Blue Badge.

The official Blue Badge costs £10, you can find more information and apply or renew your Blue Badge by visiting the Kent County Council website.

You can contact Kent County Council’s Blue Badge Team on 03000 416262 or

For advice and to report issues to KCC Trading Standards contact
Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06
Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Think twice before you act

Fraud committed via links in unexpected emails, posts or texts, or email attachments, is becoming all too commonplace, with millions affected every year. So are phone calls from strangers claiming to be from your bank, your credit card company or the police … but who are actually fraudsters. We call this ‘social engineering’ – which cunningly manipulates you into a position where you can be scammed. The scams range from simple emails to complex multiple phone calls. Whichever the method, they are designed to steal your money or your identity … or both. (more…)

Alternatives to TPS, Bogus TPS & scams

The hand holds telephone receiver above the phoneThe Telephone Preference Service (TPS) is warning against responding to commercial alternatives to TPS and bogus and scam TPS calls.

TPS is the only official UK ‘do not call’ register for opting out of live telesales calls. The TPS register is established and supported by legislation. Organisations which want to make live telesales calls in the UK are legally required to screen their sales lists against the TPS list. It is FREE to sign up to the TPS register. (more…)

ABC Warn of bogus calls

Warning of bogus calls - 11th Jan

Be aware that there are currently bogus callers in operation, claiming to be from Ashford Borough Council’s legal and accident investigation team.

They are saying that they are contacting you following an accident.

If you receive one of these calls hang up immediately. Do NOT give them any information as they are not genuine.

Please share with friends and family.

Ashford Borough Council 11th January 2016

There have been reports of similar calls for other authorities, such as the KCC scam we reported on in September

Kent County Council phone scam

If you receive one of these scam telephone calls please report it to Kent Trading Standards or telephone the Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06.


Are you willing to pay £5 for additional firearms officers

Kent Police and Crime Commissioner
Kent Police and Crime Commissioner Ann Barnes says that she has to put 37 more firearms officers on the books here in Kent so has launched a consultation about raising an average family’s policing precept by £5 for the year to help pay for them.

She says that her current plan takes into account a 2% increase in the council tax precept but the Government has made it clear that it is assuming Police and Crime Commissioners will increase their precepts as far as they are allowed. In the case of Kent that is by £5 per year (3.4%) because Kent has one of the lowest policing precepts in the country. She would like the people of Kent to make their views known by taking part in an online poll.

She says that Kent is the border to Europe and she has a duty to make sure that the Chief Constable has the resources he needs to keep us as safe as possible in these difficult times.

The consultation closes on Friday 15 January 2016

Kent Police and Crime Commissioner