
Young People’s Sculpture Trail for Victoria Park

Victoria Park avenue and Hubert FountainFunding to create a new Young People’s Sculpture Trail in Victoria Park has been granted to Ashford Borough Council by Tesco as part of the Tesco Bags of Help Grant Scheme.

In a bid to engage young people and families in the natural heritage of Victoria Park, officers from the council proposed creating an exciting new sculpture trail in the heart of the borough. The outdoor trail will take people on a journey of discovery, telling stories of the park’s past, and encouraging learning and engagement in green spaces management.

The sculptures will be created by local young people with the help of artists and craftsman, through school workshops, youth groups and open drop in sessions. Youngsters will learn woodland craft skills and create a sculpture trail across the park and Watercress Fields. (more…)

Save up to £200 on your energy bills

Free Energy Advice

Sure Steps, Kennington

Wednesday 2nd March

9am – 10.30am and 11am – 12.30pm

Willow Centre (South Ashford)

Thursday 3rd March

9.30am – 11am

Energy ChampionYou could save up to £200 on your bills and stay warm

If you

  • have not switched energy tariffs in the last two years, or
  • are uncertain of what you bills mean or how you are being charged.

Bring your electricity and gas bills with you

If you know anyone who does not have internet access, is confused by bills or finds it difficult to deal with utility companies do recommend that they attend one of these sessions (more…)

Return to all-night lighting

Streetlights-LEDFollowing the announcement on 5 February, Kent County Council has now agreed to an optimised all-night street lighting policy with the introduction of new energy-efficient LED lights.

At a meeting of the Environment and Transport Cabinet Committee this afternoon, members agreed to introducing all-night lighting – with the ability to dim individual lights so that it is right for every street – once work has been completed on installing the new LED lamps. (more…)

KCC to consider return to all-night lighting

Streetlights-LEDA preferred option to return to all-night street lighting when Kent’s new energy-efficient Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps are installed – meeting residents’ needs and savings targets – will be considered next week by Kent County Council members.

Work to convert the county’s 118,000 street lights to LED is due to begin in residential areas next month and will be completed within 38 months.

This will save Kent taxpayers up to £5.2 million a year, once installed.

The newly-upgraded lighting will be connected to an individual central management system (CMS) that will allow the authority to monitor and provide optimal lighting levels in the future. (more…)

Contract awarded to convert street lights to LED

Streetlights-LEDThe contract to convert Kent’s 118,000 streetlights to energy-efficient Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology has been awarded to engineering and infrastructure firm Bouygues Energies & Services.

The newly upgraded lighting will be connected to an individual central management system (CMS) that will allow Kent County Council to monitor and adapt lighting levels in the future.

Work to convert streetlights to LED is due to begin in residential areas in March 2016 and will be completed within 38 months. Once completed, this will save Kent taxpayers up to £5.2 million a year. (more…)

Interested in leasing an allotment?

allotment photoAshford Borough Council (ABC) currently have several vacant plots at Musgrove Farm, Musgrove New and Christchurch Road Allotments. If you would be interested in taking on a plot at either of these sites please contact Eileen Law of ABC on 01233 330528 as soon as possible as these plots will be let on a first come first served basis.

As part of ABC’s approach to healthy living they have a number of allotment sites, with over 400 plots throughout Ashford, that residents find very popular. Plot sizes are approximately 125 sq m (around 5 perch) and currently cost in the region of 22p per sq m (£5.50 per perch or £27.50 per year per 5 perch plot). The exact cost of a plot is determined by its size. ABC offer a concessionary rate of 50% off for the first 5 Perch and full price thereafter to residents claiming certain types of benefit and for those residents in receipt of state pensions. All our allotment sites have water points. (more…)

Big Garden Birdwatch

House SparrowTake part in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch and contribute to the world’s largest wildlife survey! Count birds for an hour and tell us what you see.

More than half a million people from across the UK are set to take part by counting the birds in their gardens over the weekend of 30-31 January, 2016. They’ll also make a record of the other wildlife they see throughout the year, providing a vital snapshot of UK nature. Request a FREE pack or simply register your details to save time on the weekend and get £5 off your next purchase in our shop.*

Big Garden Birdwatch will bring you closer to nature. It takes just an hour and is suitable for all ages and abilities.

(*Must be 18 or over. Terms and conditions apply.)

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds