Kent County Council

How to recognise abuse and neglect – 2

Stop Adult AbuseThere are different kinds of abuse and it can happen anywhere. It occurs when someone exploits another person or treats them in a way that harms or hurts them. It can happen once or on multiple occasions. People who abuse are not always strangers. They can also be: partners, relatives, a friend, neighbour or carer.

Types of Abuse

Some more of the types of abuse are described below.

Modern slavery

is when individuals are coerced, deceived or forced into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment. This can be through human trafficking, forced labour or domestic servitude.

Financial or material abuse

relates to theft, fraud, internet fraud/scams, exploitation or pressure in connection with financial affairs or arrangements. It can also include the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.

Discriminatory abuse

is when a person suffers ill-treatment or harassment because of their race, gender, cultural background, religion, physical and/or sensory impairment, sexual orientation or age. This can be referred to as hate crime.

To report abuse,

contact Kent County Council on 03000 41 61 61 or if someone is in immediate risk, dial 999. Support will be provided by specially trained people to victims of abuse and those who report it

Kent County Council, Stop adult abuse – how to protect yourself and others (PDF, 107.2 KB)


Have your say on Adult Social Care

adultscbannerKent County Council (KCC) is consulting on a new strategy for adult social care. The strategy explains KCC’s vision for how we want adult social care to be over the next five years. Demand for adult social care is increasing and finances are under pressure. Expectations of adult social care are changing; people want a life, not a service. Adult social care in Kent needs to continue to respond to these challenges, and the new strategy sets out how we will do this.

Our vision is to help people to improve or maintain their well-being and to live as independently as possible.

The strategy breaks down our approach to adult social care into three themes that cover the whole range of services provided for people with social care and support needs and their carers:

  1. Promoting well-being – supporting and encouraging people to look after their health and well-being to avoid or delay them needing adult social care
  2. Promoting independence – providing short-term support so that people are then able to carry on with their lives as independently as possible
  3. Supporting independence – for people who need ongoing social care support, helping them to live the life they want to live, in their own homes where possible, and do as much for themselves as they can

The strategy also explains the building blocks that underpin what we must have in place in order to achieve the vision – namely, effective protection (safeguarding), a flexible workforce, smarter commissioning and improved partnership working. It also includes a set of values and principles that will guide everything we do to provide care and support.

Have your say

We would like to hear your views on the draft strategy which is available to download from the ‘Consultation Documents’ section below. We will use your feedback to help produce the final version of the strategy by December 2016. (more…)

SACF response to Kent Transport Plan

Local Transport PlanSouth Ashford Community Forum have started a review of the Draft Local Transport Plan prepared by Kent County Council.

A copy of the response is available at or can be downloaded as a pdf.

The Draft Local Transport Plan and associated documents are available from the KCC website:

Have your say on Kent’s Autism Strategy

autism-768x549Kent is launching a consultation into a new strategy to improve the outcomes, experiences and support for adults with autism.

At the core of the strategy is creating an autism-friendly society in Kent for the estimated 13,431 people in the county who live with the condition.

Local authorities are required to develop their own local plan as set out in the National Autism Strategy ‘Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives’.

Graham Gibbens, KCC Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, said: “It is estimated that autism affects about 1.1% of the population and it can have a significant impact on every aspect of their lives and the lives of those close to them.

“We are committed to improving diagnosis, assessment and support for those with the condition as well as increasing understanding in the community so we can all support people with autism to live fulfilling and rewarding lives.

“We value the views of people in Kent and we are inviting you to have your say in helping us to shape a strategy which makes Kent truly autism friendly.” (more…)

Blue Badge Scam

Blue badgeKCC Trading Standards continues to receive reports of bogus Blue Badge websites offering to assist with applications and charging £49 for a Blue Badge.

These websites are not associated with the Blue Badge Service and the application form supplied by these websites is not accepted by Local Authorities.

The official Blue Badge costs £10.

Information about the Blue Badge scheme including how to apply or renew a Blue Badge can be found by visiting the Kent County Council website.

Contact Details

Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06
Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

KCC Trading Standards 9 September 2016

M20 closed this weekend

M20 collapsed bridgeThe M20 will be closed between junction four and junction two in both directions on Friday, September 2 at 8pm until Monday, September 5 at 6am.

This is to allow Highways England to remove the remaining section of the footbridge following an incident on Saturday.

The diversion route for London-bound traffic will be directed across to the M2 via junction seven (A249)  junction six (A229) and finally junction four, (A228).

The diversion route for coast-bound traffic will be signed around the M25 to use the M2/A2.

There will be a solid closure on the M25/M26 (J5). There will also be solid closures at junction three M25/M20 and on the fast slip on the M25.

Finally there will be a solid closure on the M20 and M26 at junction two.

Please allow extra time for your journey whilst the closure is in place.

Kent County Council 01 September 2016

Victoria Park Fun Day Today

10am to 4pm

Watercress Fields, behind Heron House / Alder House,

Bouncy Castle, Soft Play Activities, Children’s face painting

NHS Health Checks
Advice from Police and Mediation Service
Chat to welfare reform team

False claims by solar panel salesmen

Kent Trading Standards Alerts logoHomeowners with solar panels are being contacted by salesmen making false claims about their existing solar panels.

False claim one

Salesmen are encouraging homeowners to replace their existing solar panels and claiming that fire crews will not attend a fire involving older solar panels.

This is false! The Fire Service will always attend a fire no matter the cause.

For more information visit Kent Fire and Rescue.

False claim two

Salesmen are offering free health checks on Solar PV installations in conjunction with The Microgeneration Certificate Scheme (MCS) (an industry-led and nationally recognised quality assurance scheme).

This is false! MCS has not partnered with any installation or maintenance companies and does not carry out health checks or maintenance.

For more information visit the MCS website.

Report calls to KCC Trading Standards via Citizens Advice consumer helpline.

By online form 

By telephone: 03454 04 05 06
Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Kent County Council Trading Standards 4 August 2016

Have your say on getting around in the county

Local Transport PlanThe people of Kent are being asked whether they agree with Kent County Council’s priorities for the future of transport in the county.

A public consultation of the Local Transport Plan launches today (Monday) and runs until October 30.

The plan is broken down into five main sections:

  • Transport in Kent – sets out KCC’s achievements so far, anticipated growth in the county and the background to transport issues.
  • Strategic priorities – sets out KCC’s priorities which include A2 Bean and A2 Ebbsfleet junction upgrades and Crossrail extension, a new Lower Thames Crossing, splitting Dover port traffic between the M20/A20 and M2/A2 routes as well as expansion of the port, journey time improvements in Thanet and a parkway rail station, Ashford International Station signalling, and general rail and bus improvements.
  • Kent-wide priorities – sets out KCC’s approach to road safety, highway maintenance, home to school transport, and its policy on aviation.
  • District priorities – sets out district transport schemes that have been identified as necessary in each district.
  • Funding Sources – sets out what funding sources are available and alternative funding strategies.
