Kent County Council

Minerals and Waste Sites Plans – Safeguarding SPD Consultation

Minerals and Waste Sites Plans – Safeguarding Supplementary Planning Document

Kent County Council

Opens: 5 Dec 2016
Closes: 30 Jan 2017

Kent County Council is currently consulting on a Minerals and Waste Safeguard Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

The SPD accompanies the adopted Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan and offers guidance on how to proceed with planning applications which have minerals and/or waste safeguarding implications. Details of the SPD consultation can be found on our Planning Policy Consultation Portal – click here.

The period for the SPD consultation is 9:00am 5th December 2016 – 17:00pm 30th January 2017.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Minerals and Waste Planning Policy team


Phone:  03000 413328

Consultation Links

Consultation Summary

Name Minerals and Waste Sites Plans – Safeguarding Supplementary Planning Document
Description KCC is consulting on our Safeguarding Supplementary Planning Document. Tell us your views.
Dates From 5 Dec 2016 at 09:00 to 30 Jan 2017 at 17:00.
Status Open
Consulting Organisation Type Kent County Council
Consulting Organisation Name Kent County Council
District / Borough areas affected by the consultation Ashford, Canterbury, Dartford, Dover, Gravesham, Maidstone, Sevenoaks, Shepway, Swale, Thanet, Tonbridge & Malling, Tunbridge Wells
Consultation Topic General interest, Environment and countryside, Planning and planning applications, Recycling, rubbish and waste management
Consultation Methods Online survey / questionnaire / forms
Contact Details Minerals and Waste Planning Policy team


Phone:  03000 413328

Kent County Council 5 December 2016

KCC Freight Action Plan Consultation

Freight Action Plan Front CoverFreight Action Plan for Kent

Kent County Council

Opens: 16 Jan 2017
Closes: 12 Mar 2017


Kent is unique in its strategic location in the country as a gateway to mainland Europe. Despite the positive economic benefits road freight brings to the county and UK, the negative implications are felt across the county. The Freight Action Plan for Kent includes nationally and locally important priorities such as Operation Stack and the provision of overnight lorry parking as well as looking into HGV routeing and the powers that KCC can use to reduce the negative impacts of road freight. The plan incorporates a refresh of the original Freight Action Plan but brings it up to date with what we have already achieved and what we will plan and continue to do to mitigate the negative impacts of road freight in Kent. (more…)

Kent Drug and Alcohol Strategy Consultation

Kent County CouncilDraft Kent Drug and Alcohol Strategy 2017 – 2022

Kent County Council, Kent Police

Opens: 9 Jan 2017
Closes:19 Feb 2017

Draft Strategy:

This strategy has been developed due to the changing and complex drug and alcohol-taking landscape.

The previous Kent Alcohol Strategy 2016 and Kent Police Drug and Alcohol Strategy (ending early 2017) had notable successes.  For example, there has been an increase in Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice (IBA) and, Kent Police have been involved proactively working with Kent Trading Standards on local enforcement, e.g. restricting the supply of illegal drugs and alcohol.

The pattern of drug and alcohol use is changing so now is the ideal time to create a new and joint Drugs and Alcohol Strategy with all partners.


This consultation is an opportunity to for the public and partner agencies to tell KCC and Kent Police whether their proposed response to the changing drug and alcohol landscape is appropriate and as effective as it can be.  Comments and suggestions for improvement of the draft strategy are welcomed and these will be considered by decision makers prior the Strategy being adopted in 2017. (more…)

Council Tax set to rise by £ 5.56 pm

The publication of the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner’s draft budget completes the picture for Council Tax rises for this year.

Council tax for a Band D property will rise from £ 1,507.70 to £ 1,563.32, a increase of £ 55.62, equivalent to £ 5.56 per month when paid over 10 months. This is subject to ongoing consultations, ratification by the precepting authorities and a decision by Kent County whether they should take up the government’s offer of an increase in the Social Care precept of 3% rather than the 2% allowed in its draft budget. (more…)

2 weeks left for primary school applications

Kent County CouncilYou must apply for a primary school place, by 16th January 2017, if:

  • l your child is due to start primary or infant school (reception year)
  • l your child is at infant school (year 2) and is due to start junior school (year 3)
  • l your child is at primary school (year 2) and you want your child to move to junior school at the start of year 3.
  • If your child is at infant school (year 2) and you want to apply for a year 3 place at a primary school (rather than a junior school) you must apply for an in year admission.

Apply for a school place:


Go to Kent Online Admissions

By post.

Once completed send to: The Primary Admissions Team, Room 2.20, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone, Kent ME14 1XQ.

More information

For more information read the KCC guide to primary school places (PDF, 6.3 MB).

If you need advice call 03000 41 21 21 or email

Safer Sleeping campaign supports Kent parents

A new campaign is underway in Kent to support parents with young babies, offering vital safety advice to protect their children and reduce the chance of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Around 290 babies and toddlers die every year of SIDS in the UK. Each year in Kent, approximately nine babies under a year old die unexpectedly in their sleep.

Research has shown that several parental and infant care factors are more frequently associated with babies who die of SIDS. There are no obvious reasons for these deaths, but factors such as overheating and co-sleeping do increase the risk, so parents who follow the safer sleep advice can significantly lower the chances of this occurring.

The multi-agency Kent Safeguarding Children’s Board and partner organisations have developed innovative thermometer cards which will help parents understand the issues and monitor the temperature of the room in which their baby is sleeping. These are currently being given to parents with key safety messages by health visitors and midwives. Swale Health Visitor Tracey Methley-Keen believes it’s a vital support tool: “It’s really awful for parents when they are just so tired and struggling to get their baby to sleep that they decide to lay down with the baby or they wrap it up in lots of layers to avoid it waking up cold, especially at this time of year when the temperature drops.”

She added: “Many parents often don’t realise how dangerous this can be and we need to keep having the conversations to remind them – the thermometer cards are a valuable visual reminder and a great conversation prompt.” (more…)

Council Christmas hours

The following are the arrangements for operation of council services during the Christmas period. We will update this list as we get information.

Civic Centre Call Centre Main Call Centre  Ashford
Gateway Plus and
Ashford Library
Household Waste
Recycling Centre
Sat 24 Dec Closed Closed Closed 9.00am – 1.00pm 8.00am – 4.30pm
Sun 25 Dec Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed
Mon 26 Dec Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed
Tue 27 Dec Closed Closed Closed Closed 9.00am – 4.00pm
Wed 28 Dec Closed Closed Closed 9.00am – 6.00pm 8.00am – 4.30pm
Thu 29 Dec 8.30am – 5.00pm 8.30am – 4.00pm 8.00am – 6.00pm 9.00am – 8.00pm 8.00am – 4.30pm
Fri 30 Dec 8.30am – 5.00pm 8.30am – 4.00pm 8.00am – 6.00pm 9.00am – 6.00pm 8.00am – 4.30pm
Sat 31 Dec Closed Closed Closed 9.00am – 4.00pm 8.00am – 4.30pm
Sun 1 Jan Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed
Mon 2 Jan Closed Closed Closed Closed 9.00am – 4.00pm


Details of Christmas Recycling & Refuse Collections

Report Abuse

During KCC Call centre hours:

Concerned about an adult? Call 03000 41 61 61
Concerned about a child? Call 03000 41 11 11

At other times call 03000 41 91 91.

If you think someone is in immediate danger, the best thing to do is call 999 for the emergency services

Online services

You can use online services throughout the Christmas and New Year period, but a response might be delayed

Keep warm, keep well

NHS Choices LogoWe will be posting information about preparing for winter over the next few days. In this first post there is information about keeping warm and well from NHS Choices

Cold homes have a significant impact on people’s health. One of the best ways of keeping yourself well during winter is to stay warm.

Keeping warm over the winter months can help prevent colds, flu or more serious health conditions such as heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression.

The chances of these problems are higher if you’re vulnerable to cold-related illnesses because of one or more of the following:

  • you’re over 65
  • you’re on a low income (so can’t afford heating)
  • you have a long-term health condition, such as heart, lung or kidney disease
  • you are disabled


Eat well and win £1000 to spend at Evans Cycles

Change4Life LogoHeart Breakfast’s James and Becky have teamed up with Kent County Council to support Change4Life, helping to keep families fit and eating healthy this winter and give you the chance to win £1,000 to spend on new bikes and accessories!

Change4Life is all about developing healthier eating habits – swapping naughty treats for healthy snacks, cutting down on sugar and trying to banish saturated fat.

So why not try and get lots of tasty fruit and veg into your diet this winter and make the family more active? Wrap up warm and head to the park, take the dog for a crisp morning walk, jump on your bikes at the weekends or have a kick about in the garden. Don’t be a couch potato this season, get outside and have fun!

Keep your eyes peeled for the Get Up And Go characters on TV too as they can help you and your whole family make small changes this winter – meaning when it comes to it, you’ll know how to make good choices.

Find out more here including healthy lunchbox ideas, fun ways to get active and more to get your family to Change4Life!

Win £1,000 to spend on Bikes and Accessories at Evans Cycles!

Watch Heart Breakfast’s James and Becky and vote for your favourite healthy recipe on the form below*, and you could be winning a whopping £1,000 to spend on bikes and accessories thanks to Evans Cycles in Maidstone!

Kent urged to keep warm and well

Kent County CouncilWith cold and wintry weather predicted over the next few days, families across Kent are being urged to follow a few simple measures to keep their loved ones safe and healthy.

A level two cold weather alert has been announced for Kent by the Met Office which triggers actions in the NHS, public health, social care and other community organisations, to support vulnerable people who have health, housing or economic circumstances that increase their risk of harm.

Prolonged cold weather can be a risk for anyone although vulnerable people, including the elderly and children under five, are particularly at risk and common sense advice can help in severe weather, both at home or out and about. (more…)