
Talk about abuse campaign

‘Talk about abuse’ is a campaign to encourage people to look for signs of domestic abuse among their friends and family, to talk about it, listen and support and suggest further help.

16 Days of Action

Tell your friends and family to sign up to our 16 Days of Action to help people talk about abuse. You can do this in several different ways:


Protect yourself from Bogus Electrical Websites

Action FraudFraudsters have set up a high specification website template advertising various electrical goods and domestic appliances. These goods are below market value and do not exist. The fraudsters will request your card details via the website; however the purchaser will then receive an email stating the payment failed and they must pay via bank transfer.

The fraudsters entice the purchaser and reassure them it is a legitimate purchase by using the widely recognised Trusted Shop Trustmark. The fraudsters are using the Trustmark fraudulently and have not been certified by Trusted Shops and therefore the purchaser is not covered by the Trusted Shop money-back guarantee.

Protect yourself: (more…)

‘Drive less, live more’ campaign launched by Brake

  • Road Safety Week footprint75% of drivers surveyed think people in the UK use their cars too much
  • Air pollution is estimated to kill 52,500 people in the UK each year
  • 43% of adults in England don’t meet the recommended 150 minutes of exercise per week. Cycling or a brisk walk to work can meet these recommendations.
  • Five deaths and 64 serious injuries happen daily on UK roads, up 4% on the previous year

A national campaign launched today (23 November) by the charity Brake at the start of Road Safety Week calls on drivers to drive less, live more. The campaign aims to make roads safer, especially for people on foot and bike; save money; make communities more pleasant; protect the environment; and improve public health.

As part of the campaign, Brake and partners AIG and Specsavers today reveal statistics confirming the devastating effects on health and wellbeing of driving, including the extent of air pollution, the shocking number of deaths it causes, and levels of ‘inactivity’ across different parts of the UK.

A map of the UK showing statistics for each local authority is now live at for your analysis. (more…)

Drive Less, Live More

Road Safety Week footprintSouth Ashford Community Forum (SACF) is taking part in this year’s Road Safety Week (23-29 November), as part of a national campaign coordinated by Brake, the road safety charity, encouraging people to drive less, live more and make our streets safer, more pleasant places.

SACF is joining thousands of other organisations, schools and community groups across the UK promoting life-saving messages as part of Road Safety Week, the UK’s biggest road safety event.

The Road Safety Week 2015 theme, drive less, live more, is about making our streets safer, more pleasant places by encouraging people to drive less, as little as possible, or not at all if they can. The campaign asks everyone to consider how they use roads, and see if they can reduce car journeys by walking, cycling or using public transport instead.

In 2014, five people were killed and over 60 were seriously injured every day on UK roads. Two-thirds (63%) of trips are made by car, including four in 10 (40%) trips of less than two miles. Road Safety Week is an opportunity for everyone to spread vital road safety messages, including the ‘drive less, live more’ campaign, to help reduce that toll to zero and ensure everyone can get around without fear or threat. (more…)

A28 Chart Road improvement scheme

Tank RoundaboutThe A28 is the main route serving the south and west side of Ashford. Improvements have already been made from the A28 ‘Tank’ roundabout up to and including its connection with the M20 at Junction 9.

Southwards from the ‘Tank’ roundabout over the railway to the ‘Matalan’ roundabout the A28 is a single carriageway that has poor alignment over the railway and has regular congestion and unreliable journey times.

A proposal to change the A28 between the ‘Tank’ and ‘Matalan’ roundabouts into 2 lanes each way is being looked at again following the award of Local Growth Funding from the Department of Transport to the South East Local Enterprise Partnership. (more…)

Keep Warm Keep Well

Keep Warm Keep WellBe prepared for the cold weather

Although winter weather and snow can be fun, it is also associated with an increase in illnesses and injuries. There’s more to feeling ‘under the weather’ than most people realise. Cold and wintry conditions can cause severe illness and, in the worst cases, people can die. The cold weather, combined with low levels of sunlight after the clocks go back, means that many of us can feel in poor health. However, with some simple precautions, most people can be prepared for the cold weather and prevent much of the misery often associated with winter weather. (more…)

Ashford Town Centre Conservation Area Review

Ashfored Borough CouncilAshford Borough Council (ABC) have appointed a consultant to undertake a review of the Conservation Area (CA) of Ashford Town Centre. This includes an updated appraisal of the CA which describes the history and character of the area as well as discussing enhancement opportunities in a new management plan. The document is in draft form and ABC would like the views of local residents on the content. You can view the draft appraisal and proposals through this online consultation, where you can make as many comments as you wish.

Public exhibition

ABC are also holding a public exhibition in St Mary’s Church Hall on Saturday 28th November from10am-1pm for residents and business owners to come along and view the documents in person. (more…)

Christmas Recycling & Refuse Collections 2015/16

recyclingDuring the festive period, your recycling and refuse collections may take place on different days. Check our calendar below – and read on for tips on how to recycle more this Christmas!

Week Normal Collection Day Revised Collection Day
REFUSE Mon 21 Dec Mon 21 Dec (no change)
Tues 22 Dec Tues 22 Dec (no change)
Wed 23 Dec Wed 23 Dec (no change)
Thurs 24 Dec Thurs 24 Dec (no change)
Fri 25 Dec Mon 28 Dec
RECYCLING Mon 28 Dec Tues 29 Dec
Tues 29 Dec Wed 30 Dec
Wed 30 Dec Thurs 31 Dec
Thurs 31 Dec Sat 2 Jan
Fri 1 Jan Mon 4 Jan
REFUSE Mon 4 Jan Tues 5 Jan
Tues 5 Jan Wed 6 Jan
Wed 6 Jan Thurs 7 Jan
Thurs 7 Jan Fri 8 Jan
Fri 8 Jan Sat 9 Jan

Normal collections resume on Monday 11 January.

All refuse and recycling should be out for collection by 6am over Christmas and New Year. Please note collections may take place up to one day later than shown, with possible extra collections on Saturdays. (more…)