
Photography Competition

Submit your best photos of Victoria Park and/ or Singleton Lake to win the opportunity to have your photo in an exhibition.

The deadline is 30 April 2019 and a maximum of four entries per person can be entered, two photos from Victoria Park and two from Singleton Lake.

There are four groups:

There are four groups:

  • 11 and under,
  • 12-16,
  • 17 and over and
  • ‘professional’ or photography club members

Competition Rules on Friends of Victoria Park website.

Email entries to

Road Closures – Arlington

Kent County Council gives notice that Arlington, Ashford will be dosed to through traffic, on or after Wednesday 2 January 2019 for up to 3 days.

Arlington will be closed in various phases along its length. Access to the remainder of Arlington continues from either direction up to where the road is closed at any time. Access to the various side-roads will be maintained from one or other direction as signposted on site.

It is planned that the road will be dosed between 07:30 hours and
16:30 hours each day.

The closures are to enable Kent County Council to carry out urgent
essential carriageway repairs.

This Notice applies when the relevant signs and barriers are on site
and is valid for a period of no more than 5 days.

Council services over Christmas

Information regarding council services during the Christmas period can be found on the following pages:

Find Who does What on our list of Council Government and Council Services

M20 Closures January 2019

As part of the improvement works for the construction of junction 10a scheme, a new motorway gyratory is being built over the M20. This gyratory will comprise of two bridges otherwise known as the East and West Interchange Bridges. The steel beams for the interchanges are to be installed in January 2019.

In order to complete the installation of the steel beams, full weekend closures are required. The planned closures can be found in the table below:

Activity Start of Closure End of Closure  (M20 J9 -11 and J11 – J10 reopens)
Placing of steel beams for East Interchange Bridge Friday 11 January – 22:00 Monday 14 January – 06:00
Contingency weekend – if original weekend unachievable – East Interchange Bridge. Friday 18 January – 22:00 Monday 21 January – 06:00
Placing of steel beams for West Interchange Bridge Friday 25 January – 22:00 Monday 28 January – 06:00
Contingency weekend – if original weekend unachievable – West Interchange Bridge. Friday 4 February – 22:00 Monday 7 February – 06:00

St. Stephen’s Walk plans amended

Comparison of original and amended proposals

Plans for accommodation for disabled adults have been amended following the protection of trees on the site in St. Stephen’s Walk.

The scheme, originally submitted to Ashford Borough Council (ABC) in April, comprises 16 sheltered housing units for profoundly disabled adults together with 6 staff flats. We reported on the confirmation of a tree protection order at the ABC Planning Committee meeting in November that prevented the original proposals being implemented.

Amended plans have now been submitted which alters the position of the main building to avoid the protected trees. The amended plans do not address South Ashford Community Forum’s comment objecting to kerbside refuse collection.

ABC Planning Case Reference: 18/00608/AS

Market path bridge lighting

Kent County Council

We have sent an email to Cllr. Dara Farrell, 
KCC Ashford South Division, ABC Victoria Ward

We have been complaining for over a year regarding the poor/lack of lighting on the footbridge between Victoria Road and Elwick Place. KCC Highway’s solution is to, this morning, close the steps to the bridge; I was told because there have been accidents on the steps. Whilst this may protect KCC against claims, it does not resolve the issue of lighting on the bridge itself. It is totally unsatisfactory, that the claimed access issue has not been resolved during the time for which this issue has existed.

Please could you press KCC Highways to resolve this issue.

Cllr Mike Whiting, KCC Cabinet Member for Planning, Highways, Transport and Waste
Cllr Charles Suddards, ABC Victoria Ward,
Cllr Brad Bradford, ABC Portfolio Holder for Health, Parking & Community Safety
Cllr Paul Bartlett, ABC Joint Transportation Board Chairman

A2070 Closures 10 December

As part of the improvement works for the construction of junction 10a, a roundabout is being built in preparation for a dual carriageway link road between the new junction 10a and the A2070.

In order to complete the construction of the new roundabout a number of overnight road closures are required

Start of Closure End of Closure – A2070 reopens
10 December 22:00 (Monday) 06:00 on 11 December
11 December 22:00 (Tuesday) 06:00 on 12 December
12 December 22:00 (Wednesday) 06:00 on 13 December
13 December 22:00 (Thursday) 06:00 on 14 December
14 December 22:00 (Friday) 06:00 on 15 December

Please find attached a letter with additional details for the overnight road closures.

I hope this information is helpful and we apologise in advance for any inconvenience these works may cause. If you have any questions please contact us by visiting our scheme webpage at,
email a member of our Project Team at
or call our 24 Hour Customer Contact Centre
on 0300 123 5000 for further information.

Police warning following theft of unsafe toys

A trailer containing an unsafe batch of Little Tikes Squeezoo Bubble Bus and Elephant toys was stolen from Wellesbourne Distribution Park. This batch of toys was on its way to be destroyed due to quality control issues and potential safety risks associated with them.

While the brand is still stocked by reputable retailers, Detective Constable Daniel Griffiths of Warwickshire Polce said: “We’re urging people to show caution when buying these toys them from a market, car boot sale, online auction site or social media.

“This particular batch of toys were on their way to be destroyed due to quality control issues and there are potential safety risks associated with them.

“We have launched an investigation to identify the offenders and retrieve the stolen toys. I’d appeal for anyone with information that could help with our investigation to contact us.”

The stolen trailer is blue curtain sided with a red chassis with the identification number C451753. The number plate may have the partial registration WT67.

Anyone with information about the theft or who thinks they have seen the stolen toys for sale should call police on 101 quoting incident 50 of 22 November 2018.

CALL 101 – INCIDENT 50 of 22 NOVEMBER 2018.

Alternatively, information be provided anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

For advice and to report issues to KCC Trading Standards contact
Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06
Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Kent County Council Public Protection
Warwickshire Police