
Beware of Bogus Trading Standards Officer

Kent County Council Trading Standards are warning the public to be aware of a bogus ‘Trading Standards Officer’ who has recently called at a resident’s home in Kent.

The criminal claimed that he had received the resident’s money from a recent court case and in order to retrieve the money the resident must pay a release fee of £10,000.

Trading Standards Officers would never contact residents and ask them to hand over money, or transfer money into another person’s bank account.

If you receive a phone call or a visit from someone claiming to be from Trading Standards and asking for money, please call the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 03454 040506 or the Police on 101.

Report it

For advice and to report issues to KCC Trading Standards contact
Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06
Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Kent County Council 04 April 2017

Line-up for Create Festival announced

Create Tree Logo
The line-up for Create 2017 is as follows:
Ashford College Main Stage:
The Paul Dunton Orchestra
Salvation Jayne
We Are Bandicoot
Origami Heart
The Step
Silent Crowd
Albert Man
Only Sun
Riskee & the Ridicule
The Selecter
The Revelation Ashford Stage
Hannah Richards
A Million Little Pieces
Charlie Tophill
Himali Blues
Rosie Pennie
The Scorchers
The Gallerys
The Bay Rays
The County Square Community Stage:
Ashford Oaks Primary School Choir
Nini Westwood
4×4 Bhangra
Freya Cook
Ashford Community Choir
Jump Singers
4×4 Bhangra
Invicta Ukulele Club
4×4 Bhangra
Ashford Concert Band
Ashford Rock Choir

The line-up for Create Music Festival’s 22nd year has been announced.

Create 2017 is already lining up to be a big year with ska legends, The Selecter, announced as the headliner. More bands and acts have now been added to the packed programme of musical indulgence on Saturday 22nd July in Victoria Park.

The Create Main Stage, which is sponsored by Ashford College, will include popular local favourites Riskee & The Ridicule, Salvation Jayne, and the Paul Dunton Orchestra. They will be supported by a team of Ashford College Music Technology students who will be working behind the scenes.

Premier music and arts venue, Revelation Ashford, has once again programmed in an eclectic mix of high quality independent music for their stage, supporting some of the best bands, singer-songwriters, and emerging young folk artists emanating from Kent.

Headlining the Revelation Ashford stage are Kent’s garage rock band, The Bay Rays, who come fresh from their recent BBC Radio 1 Maida Vale session with Huw Stephens, as well as their smash show at Revelation Ashford earlier this year. Also supporting this stage are The Scorchers, The Gallerys and Ashford’s Himali Blues.

The brand new County Square Community Stage will also showcase a whole host of local talented groups such as Ashford Rock Choir, Invicta Ukulele Club, Bhangra Dancers, and ‘Jump’ Singers.

Fans will have noticed that announcements are yet to be made for the legendary Create DJ stage, but can rest assured that an awesome line-up will be laying down the very best of house, EDM and club anthems.

What’s more, following on from last year’s memorable performance from David Live, the David Bowie tribute act will return for a special two hour show at Revelation Ashford the night before Create.

Create Festival Organiser, Chris Dixon, said: “We are delighted with the line-up so far.  Our ‘apply to play’ request once again exceeded all expectations, attracting hundreds of applications from all over the world.

“We believe this line-up is a good mix of high quality local bands, a few up and coming artists from further afield who have a genuine interest to play here, as well as providing a platform for some individuals to play in front of a crowd for the very first time.”

Ashford Borough Council 03 April 2017

How safe will your family be over the spring holidays?

As the weather warms up and we begin to spend more time outside, it’s important to
remember to keep the family safe – protecting those we love the most.

Take the time to think about safety and the risks involved in all activities.

Just a simple reminder about safety can make the difference between family time full of great memories instead of memories you’d rather forget. A few small changes can ensure we all have fun in the sun without putting our loved ones at risk.

Learn with the Byrnes – to keep your family safe


Woodland fires prompt appeal from firefighters

Kent Fire and Rescue LogoKent Fire and Rescue Service is asking people to be extra careful not to start fires in woodlands and vegetation after several large incidents that damaged the countryside, and tied up firefighting resources yesterday (29 March).

Incidents included a large fire in woodland in West Blean last night that destroyed two hectares of shrubs, bushes and trees. Four fire engines and an all-terrain vehicle were required and crews spent over two and a half hours battling a multi-seated fire using a cold-cutting firefighting system and flexi packs.

Earlier in the day, three fire engines and an all-terrain vehicle were sent to fire in a large area of cleared woodland in Bekesbourne. Crews spent over two hours putting out the blaze and preventing further fire spread. Elsewhere, crews tackled a blaze in trees and shrubs in woodland near Lordswood, and a log store and conifer trees alight in Selling. (more…)

Kent and Medway Case for Change published

Leaders from the NHS in Kent and Medway, along with Kent County Council and Medway Council, have published a compelling ‘case for change’ which sets out why [Health, Social Care and Public Health] Services need to change to meet the needs of local people.

The case for change shows that every day 1,000 people (about 1 in 3 people in hospital at any one time) in Kent and Medway are stuck in hospital beds when they could get the health and social care support they need out of hospital if the right services were available. Doctors and social care leaders say this, along with eight other key challenges, are the drivers for new plans being developed that will see more care provided outside of hospitals and NHS and social care services working in a joined-up way. They are calling for local people to get involved in helping shape these plans for the future of NHS and social care services in Kent and Medway.

Today’s case for change also shows that:

  • We need to focus more on supporting people so they don’t get ill in the first place: Around 1,600 early deaths each year could have been avoided with the right early help and support for example to help people maintain a healthy weight, stop smoking and drink responsibly.
  • GPs and their teams are understaffed, with vacancies and difficulties recruiting: If staffing in Kent and Medway was in line with the national average there would be 245 more GPs and 37 more practice nurses.
  • Services and outcomes for people with long-term conditions are poor: As many as four in 10 emergency hospital admissions could be avoided if the right care was available outside hospital to help people manage conditions they live with every day and to prevent them getting worse.
  • Some services for seriously ill people in Kent and Medway find it hard to run round-the-clock, and to meet expected standards of care:
  • All stroke patients who are medically suitable should get clot-busting drugs within 60 minutes of arriving at hospital. None of the hospitals in our area currently achieve this for all patients.
  • Planned care – such as going into hospital for a hip operation or having an x-ray – is not as efficient as it could be: There is variation across Kent and Medway in how often people are referred to specialists and variation in the tests and treatments people get once they have been referred.
  • Cancer care does not always meet national standards: waiting times for diagnostic tests, to see a specialist and for treatment, are sometimes longer than national standards.
  • People with mental ill health have poor outcomes: people with a serious mental illness die on average 15 to 20 years earlier than the general population
  • Services could be run more productively: Around £190m of savings could be made if services were run as efficiently as top performing areas in England.


Swaddling & slings

Safer Sleep WeekSwaddling

Some believe swaddling young babies can help them settle to sleep. Whilst we do not advise for or against swaddling, we do urge parents to follow the advice below.  If you decide to adopt swaddling, this should be done for each day and night time sleep as part of a regular routine:

  • use thin materials
  • do not swaddle above the shoulders
  • never put a swaddled baby to sleep on their front
  • do not swaddle too tight
  • check the baby’s temperature to ensure they do not get too hot


Slings and baby-carriers are useful for holding a baby hands-free, however they are not always used safely. Although there is no reliable evidence that slings are directly associated with SIDS, there have been a number of deaths worldwide where infants have suffered a fatal accident from the use of a sling. These accidents are particularly due to suffocation, and particularly in young infants.

The risk appears to be greatest when a baby’s airway is obstructed either by their chin resting on their chest or their mouth and nose being covered by a parent’s skin or clothing.

The safest baby carrier to use will keep the infant firmly in an upright position where a parent can always see their baby’s face, and ensure their airways are free. Complete guidance is available by visiting The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.


Lullaby Trust factsheet on mattresses, bedding and cots—–internal-documents/Fact-Sheet-Mattresses-bedding-and-cots.pdf


The Lullaby Trust, ‘Safer Sleep for babies: a Guide for Parents’,


Using a dummy

Safer Sleep WeekSome research suggests that it is possible that using a dummy when putting a baby down to sleep could reduce the risk of sudden infant death.

  • If you choose to use a dummy, wait until breastfeeding is well established (at up to about 4 weeks old).
  • Stop giving a dummy to your baby to go to sleep between 6 and 12 months.
  • Don’t force your baby to take a dummy or put it back in if your baby spits it out. Don’t use a neck cord.
  • Don’t put anything sweet on the dummy, and don’t offer during awake time.
  • Using an orthodontic dummy is best as it adapts to your baby’s mouth shape.
  • If you choose to use a dummy make sure it is part of your baby’s regular sleep routine.


Lullaby Trust factsheet on the use of dummies


The Lullaby Trust, ‘Safer Sleep for babies: a Guide for Parents’,


A clear cot is a safer cot

Safer Sleep WeekBabies need just a few basic items for sleep: a firm flat surface and some bedding. New parents now have a massive range of baby products to choose from and it can be really confusing to know what is needed. Our advice is simple: the safest cot is a clear cot.

There is evidence to suggest that babies are at higher risk of SIDS if they have their heads covered and some items added to a cot may increase the risk of head-covering. Unnecessary items in a baby’s cot can also increase the risk of accidents. Make sure that any product you use meets the relevant British safety standard. Whilst evidence on individual items is not widely available, it makes sense to be as cautious as possible. We therefore recommend babies are slept in cots that are kept as clear as possible and specifically advise:

  • No pillows or duvets;
  • No cot bumpers;
  • No soft toys;
  • No loose bedding;
  • No products to keep a baby in one sleeping position such as wedges or straps.

We cannot comment on individual products, but would advise parents to read the safety advice when making choices. Sadly there is no product that can reduce the chance of SIDS and we would advise parents to be cautious about any product that makes such a claim.


The Lullaby Trust, ‘Safer Sleep for babies: a Guide for Parents’,

Mattresses and bedding

Safer Sleep WeekThe safest place for your baby to sleep is on their own sleep surface, in the same room as you, for at least the first six months. A Moses basket or cot is a safe place for a baby to sleep.

You should use a firm and flat mattress that is protected by a waterproof cover. This will help keep the mattress clean and dry, as the cover can be wiped down.  Make sure your baby’s mattress is in good condition and that it fits the Moses basket or cot properly.

It can be common to use a second-hand mattress either from friends and family, or from your previous children. There is some research that found an increased chance of SIDS when using a second-hand mattress although the link is not yet proven. To help reduce this risk, if you are using a second-hand mattress make sure the mattress you choose was previously completely protected by a waterproof cover, and then use one for your baby as well. The mattress should also still be firm and flat to keep your baby sleeping safely.

Firmly tucked in sheets and blankets (not above shoulder height) or a baby sleeping bag are safe for a baby to sleep in. Be sure to remove any soft toys from the cot before each sleep period. Sleep your baby in the feet-to-foot position and avoid using soft or bulky bedding such as quilts, pillows and duvets.

Pillow use alone has been shown to increase the chance of SIDS occurring by up to 2.5 times, so it may be helpful to talk to one of our helpline advisers if you were thinking of using one with your baby due to concerns for plagiocephaly (or ‘flat head syndrome’). There are techniques you can use that could help plagiocephaly which will not increase the risk of SIDS.

Cot bumpers

Cot bumpers can pose the risk of an accident to your baby once they begin to roll and move about the cot. There have been a number of cases in the UK and abroad where infants have become entangled in the ties and material, or fallen from pulling themselves up on the bumpers. A simple mattress in your cot with no loose bedding or bumpers is the safest sleeping place for a baby.


The Lullaby Trust factsheet on mattresses and bedding—–internal-documents/Fact-Sheet-Mattresses-bedding-and-cots.pdf


The Lullaby Trust, ‘Safer Sleep for babies: a Guide for Parents’,