
Understanding self care for life

Self Care WeekSelf care means knowing how to keep fit and healthy, how to deal with medicines appropriately, manage self-treatable conditions and when to seek appropriate clinical help.

If you have a long-term condition, self care is about understanding that condition and how to live with it.


Email scams

Take Five to stop fraudCriminals don’t just try and contact you by phone and text, they also ‘phish’, contacting you by email too. So always be suspicious of unsolicited emails that are supposedly from your bank or some other trusted organisation because the address can easily be faked. Never automatically click on any links they contain either, not before stopping to check if they seem genuine first. It is safer to type the web address of your bank or other organisation rather than use a link from an email.


Do you have caring responsibilities?

Heathwatch Kent logo

Do you have caring responsibilities for a member of your family or a friend?

If so, Healthwatch Kent would like to hear if you have been offered a Care Assessment and what your experiences of the process has been?

If you were not aware that you were entitled to a Care Assessment, please let Healthwatch Kent know

All Carers are entitled to a Care Assessment.  That should be an independent assessment of your care and supports needs. This assessment then forms the basis of your care and support plan for you, the carer.

Healthwatch Kent have heard from many carers across Kent about their experiences of Care Assessments. Now they want to hear from more carers so they can help improve the system for more carers in the future.

Please encourage your carers to share their experience with Healthwatch Kent. Or can you share it on their behalf?
You will be helping to improve the system for other carers in the future.
Feedback can be shared in a number of ways:
• Complete the short online survey here  
• Email and tell them your experiences
• Share your experience on the phone by calling for FREE on 0808 801 0102
• Healthwatch Kent can post you a questionnaire – just call or email us your address
• Healthwatch Kent can come and talk to you at home or visit your group.  Ring them on 0808 801 0102 to organise a visit or email them at

Everything you tell Healthwatch Kent will be in confidence and your personal details will not be shared with any other organisation and destroyed on completion of the project.

Healthwatch Kent 11 October 2016

Child car seats

ROSPA Logo Accidents don't have to happenFor many of us it goes without saying that strapping your little ones into a properly fitted car seat is the safest way to travel with them. Not only that – it’s also the law.

Now that the weather is colder, many families will be swapping their spring/summer strolls in the park for trips in the car, wrapping their children up warm in their winter coats and scarves, leading to lots of people asking, “just how safe it is to strap children into car seats while they are wearing their winter coats?”

The answer is that clothing can affect how snugly the seat’s harness fits the child, so it’s important to check it is snug on every journey. If your child is wearing a thick jacket or body suit the harness will not be close enough to his/her body, which means it will be too loose. In a collision, this would allow the child’s body to move too much before the harness starts to restrain the child, which reduces the safety of the seat considerably. We do not recommend that thick jackets or bodysuits are worn. If a child was wearing a thick coat on a previous journey, and is wearing something less bulky on the next journey, it is doubly important to check the harness fits snugly.  So, if more than two fingers can fit between the child’s chest and the harness, it is too loose. (more…)

Transformation Plan for Children and Young People

Transformation plan cover image - childrenThe Kent Transformation Plan for Children, Young People and Young Adults, which was originally published in December 2015, has now been refreshed.

The Kent Transformation Plan was developed with children, young people, professionals and partners who have been working locally and across CCGs to deal with the challenging issues of mental health and wellbeing.

Local and county-wide needs have been examined, as well as provision and good practice, and we have developed and designed a whole-system for Kent which puts children, young people and young adults at the heart of services.

The key areas of Transformation within our plans are to:

  • increase the role of Universal services: To challenge stigma and deliver good emotional wellbeing at every opportunity.
  • invest in early intervention to ensure that children and young people are able to access the right service at the right time.
  • deliver services and support from birth to 25: This will ensure that support no longer changes at age of 18 but responds to the individual needs of a young person as they follow their own unique path to adulthood.
  • meet the needs of vulnerable young populations.
  • improve access to prevent emotional and mental health problems occurring during childhood and adolescence

Read more about the refreshed Kent Transformation Plan for Children, Young People and Young Adults.

Alternatively, read the summary document.

NHS Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group 9 November 2016

Think before you buy

Think before you BuyMillions of consumers lose money because they do not know their rights

Research carried out by Kent County Council showed that a majority of Kent residents are unaware of their consumer rights before they buy; often only finding out when something goes wrong.

The top reported issue in Kent is with the purchase of second-hand cars, with 36% of the county’s population likely to have a problem in this area. A further 26% are at risk of falling victim to rogue traders, also known as doorstep criminals.

The findings raise concerns that a large proportion of residents are at risk of being a victim of consumer crime and are unaware of their basic consumer rights. (more…)

More than medicines

pharmacy logoYour local pharmacy is more than just a place to get medicines.  It provides a range of NHS services and ensures people can get face-to-face, healthcare professional advice without an appointment.

There are around 14,000 community pharmacies across the UK, so for most of us, there’s one very close by. In fact, 96% of people can get to a pharmacy within 20 minutes by walking or using public transport. Community pharmacists provide rapid access, without appointment, to a healthcare professional and offer a range of clinical and public health services. Most pharmacies now have consultation rooms, where you can talk with your pharmacist without being overheard.

You might be surprised at what pharmacies now offer: personalised medicines advice, help to quit smoking and to maintain good sexual health, treatment for common ailments, advice on preventing disease. And more. It’s a package of care…  …not just packets of pills!

What’s more, pharmacies are part of the fabric of local communities. They provide local employment and are a health and social care asset close to where people live, work and shop.

Support your local pharmacy

#lovemypharmacy #MoreThanMedicines



Travis Perkins applications to be considered by planning committee

travisTwo applications for construction of a total of 59 flats on two sites in Victoria Crescent/George Street, vacated by Travis Perkins, are to be considered by the Planning Committee of Ashford Borough Council on 16th November.

The sites are adjacent to the residential part of the Victoria Way site, for which councillors voted to permit development at last months Committee Meeting. The third application for the Victoria Way development, for a 120 bed hotel, is also to be considered at the November meeting.

The officer’s recommendation for all three applications is to permit, subject to the applicants first entering into S106 agreements.

The Travis Perkins site case reference are 16/00981/AS and  16/00986/AS, as notified in our posts of 6 July 2016

The Victoria Way case reference is 16/01164/AS and was posted by us on 10 August 2016


Recycle smarter!

Biffa staff will continue to check what is being placed in recycling bins to try and ensure that the loads collected are clean and can be recycled. If Biffa find an unrecyclable item in your recycling bin, the crew will not collect it for that week. Your recycling bin will be collected upon your next recycling collection, provided the correct items are present.

Read the tops tips and useful information below to make sure you’re recycling smart.Do not line your recycling container with bags

  • Do not put carrier bags/plastic sacks of items into your green recycling bin. Carrier bags and plastic sacks themselves cannot be recycled as part of this service.
  • Sanitary waste items such as nappies are not recyclable. Please place them in your grey refuse bin.
  • Food waste packaging should be emptied of its contents and rinsed before placing in your green recycling bin.
  • Garden waste should be placed in your brown recycling bin – not the green recycling bin.
  • Do not put dark plastic food trays (from microwave meals for example), or crisp packets in your green recycling bin. Please place them in your grey refuse bin.