Do you have caring responsibilities?
Do you have caring responsibilities for a member of your family or a friend?
If so, Healthwatch Kent would like to hear if you have been offered a Care Assessment and what your experiences of the process has been?
If you were not aware that you were entitled to a Care Assessment, please let Healthwatch Kent know
All Carers are entitled to a Care Assessment. That should be an independent assessment of your care and supports needs. This assessment then forms the basis of your care and support plan for you, the carer.
Healthwatch Kent have heard from many carers across Kent about their experiences of Care Assessments. Now they want to hear from more carers so they can help improve the system for more carers in the future.
Please encourage your carers to share their experience with Healthwatch Kent. Or can you share it on their behalf?
You will be helping to improve the system for other carers in the future.
Feedback can be shared in a number of ways:
• Complete the short online survey here
• Email and tell them your experiences
• Share your experience on the phone by calling for FREE on 0808 801 0102
• Healthwatch Kent can post you a questionnaire – just call or email us your address
• Healthwatch Kent can come and talk to you at home or visit your group. Ring them on 0808 801 0102 to organise a visit or email them at
Everything you tell Healthwatch Kent will be in confidence and your personal details will not be shared with any other organisation and destroyed on completion of the project.
Healthwatch Kent 11 October 2016