
Improving “same day” health services – have your say

Ashford Clinical Commissioning GroupNHS Ashford CCG, NHS Canterbury and Coastal CCG, NHS South Kent Coast CCG and NHS Thanet CCG

Opens: 02 November 2016
Closes: 05 December 2016

NHS clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) in east Kent want to find out your experiences of using urgent or “same day” health services in east Kent.

The CCGs are working to ensure we have the best possible services and support for people that need urgent care or advice. To help inform this they are seeking your views of using local services, via a short online survey.

Urgent or “same day” care is a term that describes the range of services provided for people who require same day health advice, support or treatment.  This is different from the emergency care provided by our emergency departments (A&E), which are set up to respond to serious or life threatening emergencies.

“Same day” services include:

  • GP out-of-hours services
  • Pharmacies or chemists
  • Minor injuries units
  • NHS 111
  • Paramedic/ambulance services

Please note – the CCGs are not currently seeking your experiences of using emergency or life threatening services such as A&E [emergency department].

This survey, which is being run by NHS Ashford CCG, NHS Canterbury and Coastal CCG, NHS South Kent Coast CCG and NHS Thanet CCG, will run to Monday 05 December 2016.

Here is the link to the survey Feel free to share with your friends, family and on social media.

Any information you provide will remain confidential and health professionals will not receive any information that identifies you personally.

If you have any questions, please email

NHS Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group 02 November 2016

Are you an energy genius?

Are you an energy genius?Big Energy Saving Week is here! Running between October 31 and November 6, the campaign is calling on the nation’s bill payers to take control of their bills and grab some extra cash. And to celebrate #BESW2016, the Energy Saving Trust is offering you the chance to win £1,500 by testing your knowledge of the best ways to save on your energy supplier.

For example, did you know that the average UK bill-payer can save around £300 just by switching supplier or tariff? And many households may be letting myths hold them back from getting the best deal from their energy supplier.

More than 70 per cent won’t switch to a small supplier they haven’t heard of, even if they could save them money, while some wrongly believe that changing supplier means rewiring your property – or that they have a limited supply of energy compared to their competitors.

Take the quiz and put yourself in with a chance of winning £1,500, and prove you’re switched on to saving!

Boundary Review recommendations delayed

Boundary CommissionPublication of draft recommendations for ward boundaries for Ashford Borough Council, which was due to today (5th November), has been delayed, The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has added an announcement to its website saying “New dates for the consultation on the Commission’s draft recommendations for Ashford District Council will be published shortly.”

Any decision on ABC wards could be superfluous if ABC merges with other East Kent district councils, a possibility currently being considered by the leaders of the councils of Ashford, Canterbury, Dover, Shepway and Thanet.

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Enjoy bonfire night safely

bonfireIt’s the time of year that families across the country will be heading out to brave the cold to view spectacular firework displays for Bonfire Night – while A&E departments will be bracing themselves to deal with horrific burns injuries.

Unfortunately, too many family trips over this period end in tragedy, with around 1,000 people ending up in hospital with injuries from fireworks, in the four week period around November 5.

In all cases these injuries would have been avoidable, so the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is asking everyone to “remember, remember” its simple safety advice to ensure a happy and safe Bonfire Night.

Ashley Martin, RoSPA public health project manager, said: “Burns injuries are absolutely devastating, not just for those injured but also for their family, particularly when children are involved, as they leave terrible physical and mental scars that will last a lifetime.

“Equally devastating is the fact that they are completely avoidable when fireworks are involved. People only need follow our simple safety advice, to ensure they and their family avoid a tragedy.”

Kent Fire and Rescue Service Community Safety Service Delivery Manager, Charlie Smith said: “Bonfire night can be great fun for all the family but it is important that people celebrate safely. It is always best to attend an organised display but if you are planning your own, please make sure you follow the firework code.

“Many accidents are caused by improper use of fireworks and by carelessness. Figures show that more children than adults get hurt by fireworks.”

He added: “Bonfires are a lot of fun too, but they can be dangerous. If you are having a bonfire this year, we urge you to take care and to follow our simple tips on our website, to make sure you and others are safe and acting lawfully.” (more…)

Big Energy Saving Week: save

Check, switch, saveThe best way to pay less for your fuel is simply to save energy around your home.

This doesn’t mean doing without – you can waste less by being energy efficient. The Energy Saving Trust estimates that the average home in the UK could save up to £130 per year – and avoid emitting 500kg of carbon dioxide – simply by taking energy saving steps.

Are you worried about how much money you’re spending to heat and light your home? Do you want to spend less? There are some simple steps you can take to save money and energy by changing the way you use appliances or making your home more energy efficient. (more…)

ABC improved online reporting system

ancreportAshford Borough Council has improved its online reporting system, making it easier for residents to report issues such as flytipping, littering, dog fouling, vandalism, anti-social behaviour or planning enforcement issues.

The new system replaces some of its online forms and allows residents to report incidents and then track their progress via a unique reference number.

This is part of the council’s tough but fair approach to enforcement and compliance.
For more information, visit the ABC enforcement section. (more…)

Big Energy Saving Week: switch

Check, switch, saveMany people stay on the same tariff or with the same energy supplier for years, without realising they could be getting a better deal elsewhere. By switching tariffs or suppliers, or joining an oil club, you could save hundreds on your fuel bill. Take control of your energy costs – why pay more than you have to?

Make sure you can enjoy a comfortable, healthy home without the anxiety of ever-rising costs, If you’ve never switched before, it is well worth having a look around to see what’s on offer. (more…)

Local Stop Smoking Services

sf_logoThere’s a free local Stop Smoking Service near you. Studies show that you’re four times more likely to quit with help. Developed by experts and ex-smokers and delivered by professionals, your local Stop Smoking Service provides expert advice, support and encouragement to help you stop smoking for good.

It offers free one-to-one support along with stop smoking medicines, which are available for the cost of a prescription. When asked if they would recommend the service, 9 out of 10 smokers who’ve used a local Stop Smoking Service say they would. (more…)

Parking restrictions consultation

ABC CrestAmendment 4 2016 (Ashford) to ‘The Kent County Council (Various Roads, Borough of Ashford) (Waiting Restrictions and Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2016 (as amended).

Ashford Borough Council

Opens: 03 November 2016
Closes: 24 November 2016

Ashford Borough Council, as agents working on behalf of Kent County Council is proposing to make a Traffic Regulation Order that will bring into force amendments to parking controls in Ashford.

Details of the changes proposed by this Traffic Regulation Order within South Ashford are given below. A copy of the proposed Order and supporting documents, including the statement of reasons for making this Order and plans showing the extent of proposed changes may be inspected on line at under ‘Amendment 4’. Hard copies of deposit documents will also be available to view at the Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, TN23 1PL, Monday to Friday, 9:00 – 15:30.

If you wish to comment on these proposals you can submit comments through our website at, or alternatively comments can be returned by post to the Civic Centre. All comments must be submitted by midnight on Thursday 24th November 2016 in order to be considered.

Francis Road Introduction of a disabled persons bay
Zone G Victoria Crescent – The entire length
Victoria Road – Numbers 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 & 40 only
Amendment of Conditions on designated parking bays to prohibit return within 4 hours

Vehicles displaying a valid residents’, visitors’ or business permit will be unaffected by this change

Big Energy Saving Week: check

Check, switch, saveEnergy bills are a significant concern for households. But you could save hundreds of pounds a year on your fuel bill by simply checking you’re not paying more than you have to for your energy. Follow our three simple steps below and you could reduce your fuel bill without having to cut down on the energy you use.

  • Check you are getting the best deal from your current supplier
  • Check if there is a better way to pay your bills
  • Check you are getting all the benefits and help you are entitled to
