

SlowDrivers – I’ll stay under limits, and slow down to 20mph around schools, homes and shops to protect others. I’ll slow right down for bends, brows and bad weather, and avoid overtaking.

Everyone – I’ll speak out for slowing down and help drivers understand that the slower they drive, the more chance they have of avoiding a crash and saving a life.

Speed is a critical factor in all road crashes and casualties: the faster you drive, the less time you have to stop in an emergency, and the harder you hit.

Fast traffic often makes people afraid to walk or cycle. Lowering traffic speeds to 20mph around shops, schools and houses creates a safer road environment, reducing pedestrian and cyclist casualties by around 40%.

Brake driver advice: speed



Make the Brake Pledge

Make the Brake PledgeBrake’s vision is a world where streets are pleasant, unpolluted, and safe for everyone to use freely. Sign the Pledge and help make our
vision a reality.

Safer roads

Every day 5 people die on UK roads, and over 60 are seriously injured – every one causes needless devastation, trauma and suffering.

Brake is asking everyone to help end this needless suffering by spreading the word in Road Safety Week about the life-saving importance of the Pledge.


About Road Safety Week

Road Safety Week is the UK’s biggest road safety event, coordinated annually by Brake and involving thousands of schools, organisations and communities each year.

Brake is a road safety charity that works to prevent road death and injury, make streets and communities safer, and supports the victims of road crashes. Brake founded Road Safety Week in 1997 as an annual event to raise awareness about road safety and promote steps that everyone can take to stop these needless deaths and injuries year-round.

Road Safety Week aims to inspire communities to take action on road safety and promote life-saving messages during the Week and beyond. It also provides a focal point for professionals working in road safety to boost awareness and engagement in their work.

All sorts of people get involved – nurseries, schools, youth clubs, army bases, community campaigners, employers, sports clubs, fire officers, local authorities, paramedics, driving instructors …. you name it!

Child car seats

ROSPA Logo Accidents don't have to happenFor many of us it goes without saying that strapping your little ones into a properly fitted car seat is the safest way to travel with them. Not only that – it’s also the law.

Now that the weather is colder, many families will be swapping their spring/summer strolls in the park for trips in the car, wrapping their children up warm in their winter coats and scarves, leading to lots of people asking, “just how safe it is to strap children into car seats while they are wearing their winter coats?”

The answer is that clothing can affect how snugly the seat’s harness fits the child, so it’s important to check it is snug on every journey. If your child is wearing a thick jacket or body suit the harness will not be close enough to his/her body, which means it will be too loose. In a collision, this would allow the child’s body to move too much before the harness starts to restrain the child, which reduces the safety of the seat considerably. We do not recommend that thick jackets or bodysuits are worn. If a child was wearing a thick coat on a previous journey, and is wearing something less bulky on the next journey, it is doubly important to check the harness fits snugly.  So, if more than two fingers can fit between the child’s chest and the harness, it is too loose. (more…)

Parking restrictions consultation

ABC CrestAmendment 4 2016 (Ashford) to ‘The Kent County Council (Various Roads, Borough of Ashford) (Waiting Restrictions and Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2016 (as amended).

Ashford Borough Council

Opens: 03 November 2016
Closes: 24 November 2016

Ashford Borough Council, as agents working on behalf of Kent County Council is proposing to make a Traffic Regulation Order that will bring into force amendments to parking controls in Ashford.

Details of the changes proposed by this Traffic Regulation Order within South Ashford are given below. A copy of the proposed Order and supporting documents, including the statement of reasons for making this Order and plans showing the extent of proposed changes may be inspected on line at under ‘Amendment 4’. Hard copies of deposit documents will also be available to view at the Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, TN23 1PL, Monday to Friday, 9:00 – 15:30.

If you wish to comment on these proposals you can submit comments through our website at, or alternatively comments can be returned by post to the Civic Centre. All comments must be submitted by midnight on Thursday 24th November 2016 in order to be considered.

Francis Road Introduction of a disabled persons bay
Zone G Victoria Crescent – The entire length
Victoria Road – Numbers 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 & 40 only
Amendment of Conditions on designated parking bays to prohibit return within 4 hours

Vehicles displaying a valid residents’, visitors’ or business permit will be unaffected by this change

SACF response to Kent Transport Plan

Local Transport PlanSouth Ashford Community Forum have started a review of the Draft Local Transport Plan prepared by Kent County Council.

A copy of the response is available at or can be downloaded as a pdf.

The Draft Local Transport Plan and associated documents are available from the KCC website: