Ashford Borough Council
Have your say on new council ward boundaries for Ashford
South Ashford Community Forum (SACF) want to know the views of residents of South Ashford on a draft proposal that they have prepared for submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE). The proposal is in response to a request from LGBCE for help in drawing up a new pattern of council wards for Ashford Borough Council.
The LGBCE is the independent organisation that provides electoral arrangements for English local authorities that are fair for voters and keeps the map of English local government in good repair.
The consultation is the first part of an electoral review which will re-draw ward boundaries across the borough.
The Commission has also announced that it is minded to recommend that the council should have 47 borough councillors in the future: four more than the current arrangements.
The Commission now needs information from people and groups across Ashford to help it to produce a new pattern of wards to accommodate 47 councillors.
In drawing up new boundaries, the Commission aims to deliver electoral equality for voters in council elections so that each councillor represents roughly the same number of voters. The review also aims to ensure that the new council wards reflect, as far as possible, the interests and identities of communities across Ashford.
SACF’s proposal can be viewed on the South Ashford website, under Local Information / Representation / Electoral Review,
SACF responds to Local Plan
South Ashford Community Forum have submitted five representations to the Draft Local Plan published by Ashford Borough Council.
Extracts from the Local Plan have been included on the website under Local Information / Planning and Development / Local Plan. Each section is a separate post allowing you to make comments. A link is provided to open the relevant part of the Plan online so that you have access to the full text. You can, of course, make your own submissions via the Council’s Consultation Portal but comments need to be in the form of an objection with justification showing that the part of the Plan concerned is not ‘sound’.
Ashford Borough Council’s consultation on the plan closes on Wednesday,10th August, after which no more comments can be submitted.
The representations SACF have submitted relate to the following parts of the Plan:
Result of Beaver Ward by-election
Ryan MacPherson has been elected as councillor for Beaver Ward. Beaver Ward is now represented by Ryan McPherson and Beverley Murphy.
The result of the Beaver Ward by-election, announced by Ashford Borough Council, is as follows:
- Joanna Gideon (Conservative) 240
- Caroline Harris (Labour) 243
- Ryan MacPherson (UKIP) 373
- Elizabeth Wright (Green) 31
The turnout was 21.3%
The declaration was made just after 11.10pm on 4th August
The political composition of Ashford Borough Council is now as follows:
- 35 Conservative (C)
- 2 Labour (L)
- 3 Ashford Independent (AI)
- 1 Liberal Democrat (LD)
- 2 UK Independence Party (UKIP)
Ashford Borough Council 5 August 2016
Local Plan Representations
During a review of the Draft Local Plan published by Ashford Borough Council, we have extracted those parts of the Plan that we think are most relevant to those who live and work in South Ashford. These extracted sections can be reviewed on the South Ashford website under Local Information / Planning and Development / Local Plan.
We have now prepared five representations on the Plan. Representations can only be made on the Soundness or Legality of the Plan, as explained in the Council’s ‘Guidance Notes for submitting a representation’ and ‘Guidance note on Legal Compliance and Soundness’ that can be downloaded from Consultation page on the Council’s website. The representations we have prepared relate to the following parts of the Plan:
- Chapter 4 – Policy S11 – Leacon Road
- Chapter 4 – Omitted site Victoria Way East
- Chapter 5 – Policy ENV2 – The Ashford Green Corridor
- Chapter 5 – Section D – The Ashford Heritage Strategy
- Chapter 5 – Section E – Community Facilities: Ashford Town Centre
The representations have been added as comments under the extracts from the relevant part of the Plan. We welcome your views on these representations and suggestions you have for further representations.
Big Boys Do Cry
A new initiative has been launched by Ashford Samaritans, supported by Ashford Borough Council, which aims to reduce what has been called the ‘silent epidemic’ of men’s suicide within the borough.
Men are almost three times more likely to take their own lives than women and more middle-aged men are killed by suicide than by cancer, heart disease or traffic accidents.
The campaign, Big Boys Do Cry, aims to break down the barriers preventing men from seeking help when it seems there is nothing left to live for. (more…)
SACF Local Plan Representations
South Ashford Community Forum have commenced preparation of Representations on Ashford Borough Council’s Draft Local Plan. The Drafts of these representations are available on the South Ashford website, Your comments on these representations and any suggestions for additional representations are welcome.
Bowens Field Bridges
Important message for those coming to Create on foot
Please note that one of the footbridges in Bowens Field (no.2 on the left of the plan below) has had to be closed for urgent repair.
With Create coming up on Saturday, accessing Victoria Park from Beaver Road, access is still available through the footpath/cycle path in Bowens Field via the entrance into Godfrey Walk (marked no.1 on the right of the plan).
You can also walk through Bowens Field housing estate via the footways.
Ashford Borough Council 20 July 2016
Minutes of SACF Meeting July 2016
July 2016 Meeting
The Minutes of the South Ashford Community Forum Meeting of 13th July 2016 with attachments:
- Daniel Carter’s Presentation,
- Caroline Harris’s Statement and
- a letter from Jo Gideon.
can be downloaded from the Minutes and Agendas page. The minutes are draft until accepted at the next meeting. Please do let me have any comments on the minutes.
Travis Perkins Application
Our draft comments on the application can be viewed on the Publications page. We welcome your suggestions for amendments or additional comments.
Local Plan 2030
We have added further extracts from the Local Plan to website under Local Information / Planning and Development / Local Plan. Each section is a separate post allowing you to make comments. A link is provided to open the relevant part of the Plan online so that you have access to the full text. You can, of course, make your own comments via the Council’s Consultation Portal but comments need to be in the form of an objection with justification showing that the part of the Plan concerned is not ‘sound’.
Sculpture Trail installed
- Deer head trees and bugs by Victoria Park Nursery
- Tree and birds by St Simon’s year 6
- Oak Tree and hawker’s by St Simon’s & Ashford Oaks
- Victorian Perambulation by Ashford Oaks Year 3
- Drinking from the River by Ashford Oaks Year 3
- Fountain and Bird by St. Simon’s Year 6
A Young Peoples Sculpture Trail Sculpture Trail has been installed in Victoria Park in readiness for the official unveiling at Create Music Festival ( ➚) on Saturday. Ashford Borough Council commissioned artist Martin Brockman of Outdoor Studios ( ➚) to create the sculptures with children from Ashford Oaks and St. Simon’s Primary Schools and Victoria Park Nursery. Martin Brockman will have a stand in the new Love Ashford Zone at Create and will be giving out maps, info and leading tours of the trail.
The trail has been funded by a Tesco ‘Bags of Help’ grant ➚.