
KCC Flood Strategy Consultation

Kent County CouncilLocal Flood Risk Management Strategy 2017-2023

Kent County Council

Opens: 16 Aug 2017
Closes: 8 Oct 2017 at 23:59


Kent County Council (KCC) is the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for Kent.  As the LLFA, we must produce a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (local strategy) that sets out how local flood risks will be managed in the county by the authorities involved.

Have Your Say

We would like your views on the draft strategy in order to help us produce the final version of the strategy by December 2017.

Please let us know your thoughts by completing the online questionnaire (via the ‘Respond to this Consultation’ section).

We have published a copy of our Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) for you to read and make comments on via the consultation questionnaire.

Flood and Water Management Asset Register survey

We thought you might also like to now that we are developing a new digital channel to provide information to the public about flooding and flood risk in the county. We would like to hear your views on how you access information about flooding and flood risk management and what you would like to see in an online flood risk management resource.

Take part in the survey.

Alternative Formats and Hard Copies

To request hard copies of any of the consultation documents, or for any other formats, please email: alternativeformats@kent.gov.uk or call: 03000 421553 (text relay service number: 18001 03000 421553). This number goes to an answering machine, which is monitored during office hours.

Consultation Documents

Respond to this Consultation

Consultation Links

Consultation Summary

Name Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2017-2023
Description Kent County Council (KCC) is the Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) for Kent and we are seeking your views on our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. It sets out how local flood risks will be managed in the county by the authorities involved.
Dates From 16 Aug 2017 at 12:00 to 8 Oct 2017 at 23:59.
Status Open
Consulting Organisation Type Kent County Council
Consulting Organisation Name Kent County Council
District / Borough areas affected by the consultation Ashford, Canterbury, Dartford, Dover, Gravesham, Maidstone, Sevenoaks, Shepway, Swale, Thanet, Tonbridge & Malling, Tunbridge Wells
Consultation Topic General interest, Environment and countryside
Consultation Methods Online survey / questionnaire / forms
Contact Details Flood@kent.gov.uk

KCC Rights of Way consultation

Kent County CouncilRights of Way Improvement Plan

Kent County Council

Opens 10 Aug 2017
Closes 17 Sep 2017

Kent County Council’s Public Rights of Way and Access Service is reviewing its Rights of Way Improvement Plan which will be consulted on in late 2017/early 2018.

The Plan will cover how our rights of way are used and what changes are required to meet the needs of Kent’s residents and visitors over the next 10 years.

Prior to this consultation, we have commissioned Lake Market Research, an independent market research agency, to conduct a research study about Public Rights of Way. We would like to hear views of Kent residents who use Public Rights of Way and those that do not.

Click here to have your say on Public Rights of Way.

If you require a hard copy of the questionnaire, please contact Denise Roffey.

Consultation Links

Consultation Summary

Name Rights of Way Improvement Plan
Description Kent County Council’s Public Rights of Way and Access Service is reviewing its Rights of Way Improvement Plan which will be consulted on in late 2017/early 2018. Have your say on the service and help shape the plan.
Dates From 10 Aug 2017 at 00:00 to 17 Sep 2017 at 23:59.
Status Open
Consulting Organisation Type Kent County Council
Consulting Organisation Name Kent County Council
District / Borough areas affected by the consultation Ashford, Canterbury, Dartford, Dover, Gravesham, Maidstone, Sevenoaks, Shepway, Swale, Thanet, Tonbridge & Malling, Tunbridge Wells
Consultation Topic General interest, Environment and countryside, Public rights of way
Consultation Methods Online survey / questionnaire / forms
Contact Details Denise.Roffey@kent.gov.uk

ABC Draft Open Space Strategy

Draft Open Space StrategyABC Crest

Ashford Borough Council

Opens: 8 August
Closes: 20 Sep 2017

Open spaces enrich the quality of our lives and contribute towards a healthy lifestyle. They help define and add to the character and history of a place as well as provide vital green infrastructure for wildlife, biodiversity, water, tranquillity, recreation, play, food production and safe off-road pedestrian and cycling routes.

Ashford borough currently enjoys a wide range of open spaces across its urban and rural environment. The borough has the benefit of existing wildlife sites, protected landscapes and a network of accessible countryside. It also has the benefit of having many organisations and groups of people active in the community who take great interest in their current and future green environment.

This Open Space Strategy attempts to focus on what’s important for Ashford’s open space provision up to 2030 in consideration of previous studies and strategies, recent audits, consultation and the emerging Local Plan.

The consultation is open until 20th September. Please comment using the online questionnaire here, or by printing out a comment form and returning by post to: Cultural Services, Place and Space, Ashford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, Ashford, Kent TN23 1PL or by email to culture@ashford.gov.uk

You can respond to this consultation

Consultation Documents

Respond to this Consultation

You can respond to this consultation using any one of the options presented below.

Consultation Links

Consultation Summary

Name Draft Open Space Strategy
Description The Open Space Strategy will provide a robust framework to help strengthen Ashford’s open space provision by providing a series of interrelated actions that are all working towards the same goal. These are to protect, enhance and provide an open space network across the borough to create a thriving landscape of well-located and well-connected open spaces, which supports our existing and future community.
Dates From 8 Aug 2017 at 15:00 to 20 Sep 2017 at 23:59.
Status Open

KCC Country Parks Consultation

Kent Country Parks Strategy 2017-2021

Kent County Council

Opens 10 Jul 2017
Closes 11 Sep 2017


Kent County Council is privileged to own and manage a range of country parks and countryside sites which contain some of the highest quality natural habitats and landscapes that Kent has to offer. We have drafted a four year strategy which sets out how we intend to protect and manage these natural environments at the same time as providing high quality opportunities for individuals, families and communities to play, learn and relax.

Have your say

We would like your views on this strategy to ensure that we do all we can to meet the needs and expectations of Kent residents.

The draft Strategy is available to download from the ‘Consultation Documents’ section below. Please let us know your thoughts by completing the online questionnaire (via the ‘Respond to this Consultation’ section). The draft Strategy and questionnaire are also available in Word.

We have published a copy of our Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) for you to read and make comments on via the consultation questionnaire.

Your responses will be compiled into a consultation report, which will help produce the final version of the Country Parks Strategy.

Alternative Formats

If you require any of the consultation documents in an alternative format or language please email alternativeformats@kent.gov.uk or call 03000 421553 (text relay service number 18001 03000 421553). This number goes to an answering machine, which is monitored during office hours.

Consultation Documents

Respond to this Consultation

Consultation Links

Consultation Summary

Name Kent Country Parks Strategy 2017-2021
Description KCC’s four year Country Parks Strategy sets out how we intend to protect and manage our Country Parks and provide high quality opportunities for people to play, learn and relax. Tell us your views on our draft Strategy.
Dates From 10 Jul 2017 at 13:00 to 11 Sep 2017 at 23:59.
Status Open
Consulting Organisation Type Kent County Council
Consulting Organisation Name Kent County Council
District / Borough areas affected by the consultation Ashford, Canterbury, Dartford, Dover, Gravesham, Maidstone, Sevenoaks, Shepway, Swale, Thanet, Tonbridge & Malling, Tunbridge Wells
Consultation Topic General interest, Arts, culture, sport and leisure, Environment and countryside
Consultation Methods Online survey / questionnaire / forms, Other survey / questionnaire / forms
Contact Details You can contact us by email at Kentcountryparksbusinesssupport@kent.gov.uk

Our postal address is:-

Kent Country Parks
Invicta House
ME14 1XX

Kent County Council 10 July 2017

HLF Funding for Victoria Park

Hubert FountainA bid by Ashford Borough Council (ABC) has led to the award of £ 167,000, as the first stage of a proposal for £ 3.2 million, from the Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery Fund England’s Parks for People programme. The funds will be used toward the development stage of the Council’s Victoria Park and Watercess Fields Masterplan.

Chris Dixon,  Arts and Cultural Industry Manager at ABC, commented to South Ashford Community Forum, when the application was submitted, “The priority for the programme is to conserve the existing heritage of the designated park, intending to make a significant difference to heritage, people and communities in the area. It is a two stage application process. The first stage is to develop a more detailed second round proposal. We are at the very earliest point, with no confirmed detailed plans, but have an ambition to:

  • refurbish the Hubert fountain and piazza;
  • reintroduce or recognise lost cultural and natural heritage elements;
  • provide a volunteers compound and other community facilities; and
  • put in place a range of community events and activities including a new ‘Friends Group’ etc.

The award follows the signing of a number of Section 106 agreements that allocate nearly £ 470,000, due to be paid on occupation of local developments.

Parks face threat of decline with severe consequences

The Communities and Local Government (CLG) Committee report on public parks warns that parks are at a tipping point and face a period of decline with potentially severe consequences unless their vital contribution to areas such as public health, community integration and climate change mitigation is recognised.

Councils should publish strategic plans

The Public parks report highlights considerable challenges for the sector including reduced council spending, with parks management budgets cut by up to 97 per cent, the need for parks to compete with other services for funding, and planning policy not giving them enough weight, particularly as a result of pressures to increase housing supply.

The Committee call on councils to publish strategic plans, which recognise the value of parks beyond leisure and recreation and set out how they will be managed to maximise their contribution to wider local authority agendas, such as promoting healthy lifestyles, tackling social exclusion and managing flood risk. It is hoped these plans will open up parks to support and funding beyond their usual budgets and service areas.

Ashford Borough Council (ABC) has included improvement to parks and open space in its corporate plan

The Victoria Park and Watercress Fields Masterplan was adopted by ABC’s Cabinet on 10 March 2016 

KCC Freight Action Plan Consultation

Freight Action Plan Front CoverFreight Action Plan for Kent

Kent County Council

Opens: 16 Jan 2017
Closes: 12 Mar 2017


Kent is unique in its strategic location in the country as a gateway to mainland Europe. Despite the positive economic benefits road freight brings to the county and UK, the negative implications are felt across the county. The Freight Action Plan for Kent includes nationally and locally important priorities such as Operation Stack and the provision of overnight lorry parking as well as looking into HGV routeing and the powers that KCC can use to reduce the negative impacts of road freight. The plan incorporates a refresh of the original Freight Action Plan but brings it up to date with what we have already achieved and what we will plan and continue to do to mitigate the negative impacts of road freight in Kent. (more…)

Eat well and win £1000 to spend at Evans Cycles

Change4Life LogoHeart Breakfast’s James and Becky have teamed up with Kent County Council to support Change4Life, helping to keep families fit and eating healthy this winter and give you the chance to win £1,000 to spend on new bikes and accessories!

Change4Life is all about developing healthier eating habits – swapping naughty treats for healthy snacks, cutting down on sugar and trying to banish saturated fat.

So why not try and get lots of tasty fruit and veg into your diet this winter and make the family more active? Wrap up warm and head to the park, take the dog for a crisp morning walk, jump on your bikes at the weekends or have a kick about in the garden. Don’t be a couch potato this season, get outside and have fun!

Keep your eyes peeled for the Get Up And Go characters on TV too as they can help you and your whole family make small changes this winter – meaning when it comes to it, you’ll know how to make good choices.

Find out more here including healthy lunchbox ideas, fun ways to get active and more to get your family to Change4Life!

Win £1,000 to spend on Bikes and Accessories at Evans Cycles!

Watch Heart Breakfast’s James and Becky and vote for your favourite healthy recipe on the form below*, and you could be winning a whopping £1,000 to spend on bikes and accessories thanks to Evans Cycles in Maidstone!


Christmas Recycling & Refuse Collections

During the festive period, your recycling and refuse collections may take place on different days. Check the calendar below.

Ashford Borough Council are giving every household in the borough one additional recycling bag this Christmas! You will receive a plastic envelope which has all your 2016/17 Christmas collection dates on it, and inside you will find one clear plastic bag for you to put additional Christmas recycling in. Simply place your clean Christmas recycling in the clear bag and leave it next to your recycling bin on collection day

Week Normal collection day Revised collection day
Recycling Mon 26 Dec Wed 28 Dec
Tues 27 Dec Thurs 29 Dec
Wed 28 Dec Fri 30 Dec
Thurs 29 Dec Sat 31 Dec
 Fri 30 Dec Tues 3 Jan
Refuse  Mon 2 Jan Fri 13 Jan
 Tues 3 Jan Thurs 5 Jan
 Wed 4 Jan Fri 6 Jan
 Thurs 5 Jan Sat 7 Jan
 Fri 6 Jan Mon 9 Jan
Recycling  Mon 9 Jan Tues 10 Jan
 Tues 10 Jan Wed 11 Jan
 Wed 11 Jan Thurs 12 Jan
 Thurs 12 Jan Fri 13 Jan
 Fri 13 Jan Sat 14 Jan

Collections will resume normal service on Monday 16 January 2017.

All refuse and recycling should be out for colleclion by 6am over Chrislmas and New Year. Please note collections may lake place up la one day laler than shown.

There will be no garden or bulk colleclions for two weeks; w/c 26/12/16 and w/c 02/01/17.

The clinical colleclion service will be moved from Mon 26 Dec to Tues 27 Dec. All olher clinical collections will remain lhe same.



Everyone – I’ll minimise the amount I drive, or not drive at all. I’ll get about by walking, cycling or public transport as much as I can, for road safety, the environment and my health.

Driver advice: sustainable


Why go eco?

By choosing sustainable travel, we can all help to reduce the road safety, public health, environmental and economic costs to society of our over-reliance on cars. Fewer cars on the road mean fewer road deaths and injuries, less congestion, less emissions and more pleasant, sociable communities.

Whether it’s doing the school run on foot or bike, walking to the local shop instead of driving to the supermarket, or taking public transport to work instead of driving, incorporating active and sustainable travel into your routine can be really simple, and it’s a great way to stay active, save money, and do your bit for the environment.

Use Brake’s carbon footprint calculator to see the environmental impact of your driving.
Share their interactive resource to spread the ‘Drive less, live more’ message. 

Do you need to drive?


Two-thirds (64%) of all UK journeys and 40% of journeys less than two miles are made by car, many of which could be made on foot or bike, or by public transport. While each trip may not seem like much, it all adds up to a lot of unnecessary car use.

For each journey you make by car, ask yourself if there’s a more sustainable and healthy option. If it’s a short journey, could you walk or cycle? You can use Sustrans’ website to explore walking and cycling routes in your area and work out the safest, most pleasant way to get to your destination on foot or bike. Get into the habit of leaving the car at home for these shorter journeys and you’ll spend less money on petrol and feel healthier for the exercise – plus you’ll be helping to make your area a nicer, less polluted place.

For longer journeys could you take a bus, train or coach instead? If you book in advance, the cost of tickets can often work out cheaper than what you’d spend on petrol and you can sit back and relax without the stress of driving. You can look up public transport options by region at www.traveline.info/.


If you drive to and from work, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to switch to a sustainable commute, which may be quicker, cheaper, healthier and less stressful. Research shows that people who commute by walking and cycling better able to concentrate and are less stressed. Look online at your local travel information to see what sustainable transport options you have, including bus routes, train services and safe cycle paths.

If you want to cycle to work but don’t own a bike, find out if your employer participates in the government’s Cycle to Work initiative, which allows you to purchase a new bike (and related equipment like cycle paths) tax-free, and pay monthly straight from your salary. If they aren’t signed up to the scheme, direct a relevant member of staff to details of the benefits to employers and encourage them to sign up. Read Brake’s advice on cycling.

Safe cycling


Cycling is healthy, low-cost and environmentally friendly way to travel. Go to Brake’s cycling advice pages for further information on how to keep safe while cycling.

If you have to drive

If there are journeys that you have to make by car, there are some simple steps you can take to minimise the negative impacts of this on you and the people around you:

  • Make the Brake Pledge, a simple six point pledge to help keep you and others safe on the road and prevent needless tragedies.
  • Keep to a lower speed and avoid harsh braking and acceleration to produce fewer emissions and improve fuel efficiency. In particular, slow down to 20mph or below in built up areas, even where the speed limit is 30. It’s unlikely to affect your journey time significantly, but it will mean your car is less polluting because there is less speeding up and slowing down, and  it will mean you’re helping to make roads safer for people on foot and bike. See our advice on speed.
  • The same principle applies on faster roads. For each 5mph you drive over 60mph, you use 7% more fuel. Slower is not only safer, but it’s better for the environment and will save you money on petrol
  • Plan your journeys more efficiently. If you have a number of errands to do or journeys to make, can they be combined into the same trip? Make sure you still allow plenty of time for driving at safe, slow speeds, possible hold-ups, and breaks every two hours.
  • Make sure your vehicle is properly maintained. A well maintained vehicle produces fewer emissions and is more fuel efficient. Simple things like keeping your tyres well inflated, cleaning or replacing dirty air and fuel filters, and regularly changing your oil can improve fuel efficiency. Read our advice on vehicle maintenance.

Brake driver advice: sustainable