Postnatal Depression
Craft Attack & Jigsaw
Support & Therapy Groups
Around 10-15% of new mothers in the UK suffer from postnatal depression (PND). It usually develops within the first 6 weeks after birth, but can develop at any point within the first year.
Symptoms may include feelings of being overwhelmed and unable to cope, suffering from low moods, anxiety, panic attacks, and experiencing irregular sleeping patterns and difficulty in bonding. This in turn may lead to feelings of guilt, anger, irritability, negative thoughts and feeling helpless and isolated, even when supported by loved ones.
Craft Attack
offers an environment of respite for mums finding it difficult to cope. The group uses arts and crafts to help mums explore what they are experiencing and how they are feeling, whilst providing the opportunity to meet others in a similar position and find mutual support within the group. There is no obligation to engage with the craft activities and certainly no expectation to produce masterpieces! Refreshments and lunch are provided.
is a group for mums ready to explore what they are experiencing through talking with others in a similar position, facilitated by an experienced counsellor. Refreshments are provided.
Crèche and Care
A crèche is provided for babies and pre-school children, allowing mums to attend the groups in the knowledge their child is looked after in a safe crèche environment.
“Craft Attack has been the best support for me during a really difficult time” – Craft Attack attendee (2016/17)
The Groups
Using Big Lottery funding we offer places for up to 10 mums with PND and the groups run every Monday for 10 weeks. Craft Attack lasts two hours (12.30 – 2.30) in a relaxed and confidential environment. Jigsaw lasts one and a half hours also in a safe and confidential environment. Both groups offer support to mums with symptoms of PND and may address other aspects of anxiety and depression associated with PND.
Qualified and experienced counsellors attend the groups and are available for you to speak with in relation to matters that may be affecting you and the care of your baby. Be assured that information shared is treated in the strictest confidence.
Transport can be provided for those who need it from the Ashford area; the transport will collect you from your home address and will return you back once the session has finished. Child seats can be included, please let us know in advance.
How you will benefit:
- We will provide a confidential and safe place in which to support you.
- We will enable you to meet people in a similar situation to develop new friendships.
- We will support you in exploring feelings and emotions brought about through postnatal depression and early parenting challenges.
- We can provide support that meets your individual needs: respite, group therapy or individual counselling / therapy.
- We will work with you to build confidence and self-esteem to enable you to change your current position.
Would you like to know more?
Ashford Counselling Service
The Paul Bower Centre
123 Church Road
Kent TN24 0JQ
Tel: 01233 610083