
Hampden Road appeal dismissed

ABC CrestAn appeal against Ashford Borough Council’s decision not to allow the building of a new house in Hampden Road has been dismissed by the planning inspector. The inspector has agreed with the Council’s view that the proposal would be harmful to the character and appearance of the area.

The application, decision and appeal can be viewed on the Council’s website,
Case Reference 16/00257/AS ➚

We have updated our notice of the proposal:

KCC Budget Consultation

budget2017-demand-increasingKCC Draft Budget proposals 2017/18

Kent County Council

Opens: 13 Oct 2016
Closes: 27 November 2016

Kent County Council (KCC) is asking for your views on its budget proposals and how it can close the remaining gap before the 2017/18 budget is finalised in February 2017.

In the introduction to its budget consultation KCC says that it faces a huge financial challenge in the years ahead and is working hard to protect the services that make the greatest difference to people’s lives.

The story so far

Each year KCC set a budget to decide how much it will spend on services for Kent residents and businesses for the next financial year and much income it needs from Government and local taxation to fund this.

It prioritises spending on services that make sure children and young people get the best start in life, that communities feel the benefit of economic growth, and that support vulnerable residents to live independently. It’s strategic statement annual report gives details of how it is ensuring every pound spent in Kent is delivering better outcomes for Kent’s residents, communities and businesses.

In recent years the amount of money available from Government has been decreasing while demand and cost for council services has been increasing. KCC expects this trend to continue in coming years.

Since 2010 we have made savings of £514 million to offset these challenges and continue to protect and invest in those services that make the greatest difference to people’s lives. These savings have focussed on the transformation of services, which means delivering better outcomes at lower cost, and working in more efficient ways. This has allowed us to continue to protect frontline services. (more…)

Victoria Way goes to Planning Committee

01-Aldi-CGITwo of the planning applications for land at the junction of Beaver Road  and Victoria Road, dubbed ‘Victoria Way’ by developer U+I, are to be considered by Ashford Borough Council’s Planning Committee on 19th October. The application for a brewery with visitor centre and residential accommodation and that for a retail store (designed for Aldi) will be considered by the Committee. The separate application for a hotel is not on the agenda for the meeting.

Application details

Details of all three applications can be found at the following links:

South Ashford Community Forum’s comments on the applications can be read in our post of 17th August 2016

We have reproduced the application details on our Planning Notices page. The developers website for the proposals is

ABC supports stubbing out smoking

smokefreeplayThe Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) is calling for voluntary ‘no smoking zones’ to be implemented across the UK wherever children play or learn.

In a bid to help protect children’s health and reduce the perception among young people that smoking is normal behaviour, the CIEH launched a campaign on World Environmental Health Day (26th September 2016) to extend non-smoking areas around places such as schools and play parks, or locations where young people learn or play.

To support their cause the CIEH produced a selection of case studies demonstrating the benefits of introducing smoke free environments; Ashford’s smoke free play areas initiative is among those highlighted along with other local authorities including Nottingham City Council and Coventry City Council.

In April 2015 Ashford Borough Council (ABC) was invited by Kent County Council (KCC) Public Health to pilot a smoke free play area project in a bid to provide a non-smoking environment for children and their families to enjoy, help protect children from the effects of second hand smoke, and reduce the number of children who start smoking after being influenced by those who do.

ABC rolled out smoke free pilots in a number of play areas across the borough including The Stour Centre, Kilndown, Bullied Place and Newtown Green. They created fun pavement games, which are a fantastic way to keep children active, as well as engaging signage which encourages a smoke free area and gently reminds people not to light up.

Canterbury City Council were inspired by our project and in May 2016 introduced a similar scheme in St Stephens Park, with another four parks to also implement the scheme in the Barton, St Stephens and Northgate area of Canterbury.

ABC’s smoke free play area initiative not only continues to be a success, but strives to reduce the amount of cigarette litter in play areas too, making them a cleaner environment for the community. In conjunction with the council’s new litter enforcement pilot, a £75 fine will be issued to those who deliberately drop cigarettes.

KCC Director of Public Health, Andrew Scott-Clark said: “We are pleased that the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health has recognised our smoke free parks projects and we would encourage other district councils, across Kent and nationally, to follow Ashford’s lead and set up voluntary no smoking zones.

“The aim is to provide a smoke free environment for children and their families to enjoy, help protect children from the effects of second hand smoke, and reduce the number of children who start smoking after being influenced by those who do. In the process it also reduces the amount of cigarette litter in play areas, making them a cleaner environment for the whole community.”

Ashford Borough Council 12 October 2016

Choose how you quit – E-cigarettes

stoptoberMark used e-cigarettes, which are a far safer way of getting nicotine than cigarettes, to help manage his cravings and break the smoking habit. Now that he’s quit for good he feels healthier and is financially much better off.

E-cigarettes allow you to inhale nicotine through a vapour rather than smoke. Using an e-cigarette is around 95% less harmful than smoking and can help you quit.

E-cigarettes are particularly effective when combined with support from local stop smoking services – people who choose this route have some of the highest quitting success rates. E-cigarettes aren’t currently available on NHS prescription but they can be bought in pharmacies and other retail outlets.

Is it right for you?

Speak to your GP, pharmacist or local stop smoking service for advice, or learn more on the Smokefree website:

The more support tools you use the more likely you are to succeed in your quit attempt. Think about using other support tools to help with quitting.

Watch Mark’s story:


Kent’s PCC launches policing survey

pcc_logoPolicing in Kent 2017-2021: Autumn 2016 survey

Kent Police and Crime Commissioner

Opens: 10 Oct 2016
Closes: 2 December 2016

Kent’s Police and Crime Commissioner is asking people which policing priorities matter most to them.

As he prepares to write his Police and Crime Plan for 2017-2021, Matthew Scott has published a short public survey as part of a wider consultation process. The survey was launched on World Mental Health Day (10 October) in honour of the fact that mental health is the ‘golden thread’ that runs through the current plan.

Mr Scott said: ‘Mental health is not only an issue I care deeply about, but also one that has become much more important within the police and criminal justice system. It is estimated that a third of police time is now spent dealing with people who have a mental health issue and it is in everyone’s interests to ensure there is an effective response.

The existing Police and Crime Plan ends on 31 March 2017, to be replaced with a new plan for 2017 – 2021. I have a duty to consult with victims and the wider community so I want to know what matters most to you.

‘Please take the time to fill out my short survey and encourage your friends, family and colleagues to fill one in as well.’ (more…)

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group

What is the east Kent’s “Local Offer” for children with Special Educational Needs and Disability?

The Children and Families Act was passed in March 2014. This means that Local authorities are required to publish and keep up to date information about services from Education, Health and Social Care which will be available for children and young people with special educational needs aged 0-25. This is the ‘Local Offer’.

The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice, flexibility and transparency for families and to help them have more control over services by setting out the local provision for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or a Disability (SEND) and their families.

It will make information available in one place about the services children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies. It is also an important resource for professionals in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area. (more…)