
What’s on in South Ashford – 3 September 2016

A schedule of events in and around South Ashford during the coming week.

Sat 3 Sep 10:00 – 13:00 Scrub Bashing Singleton Environment Centre, Wesley School Road , ASHFORD, Kent, TN23 5LW
Sun 4 Sep 10:00 – 12:00 Bird Watch Singleton Lake
Mon 5 Sep 09:45 – 11:45 Buggin About Singleton Environment Centre Wesley School Road Singleton Ashford Kent TN23 5LW
Thu 8 Sep 17:30 – 20:00 CycleRide Norfolk Drive, Ashford, TN23 4FB
Sat 10 Sep 10:00 – 13:00 Open Enrolment day Ashford College Jemmett Road Ashford Kent TN23 4RJ
10:00 – 14:00 CycleWorkshop Norfolk Drive, Ashford, TN23 4FB
Sun 11 Sep 10:00 – 12:00 Litter Pick Car park opposite the Riverside Inn, Torrington Road, Ashford

Check our Calendar for details and new events

M20 closed this weekend

M20 collapsed bridgeThe M20 will be closed between junction four and junction two in both directions on Friday, September 2 at 8pm until Monday, September 5 at 6am.

This is to allow Highways England to remove the remaining section of the footbridge following an incident on Saturday.

The diversion route for London-bound traffic will be directed across to the M2 via junction seven (A249)  junction six (A229) and finally junction four, (A228).

The diversion route for coast-bound traffic will be signed around the M25 to use the M2/A2.

There will be a solid closure on the M25/M26 (J5). There will also be solid closures at junction three M25/M20 and on the fast slip on the M25.

Finally there will be a solid closure on the M20 and M26 at junction two.

Please allow extra time for your journey whilst the closure is in place.

Kent County Council 01 September 2016

Tougher approach to tackle littering starts

LitterWe all want to live in a clean and pleasant borough which is why from next week (W/c 5th September) Ashford Borough Council will be working in partnership with a private company to help tackle littering and other environmental blights in the borough.

The council will be teaming up with Kingdom Local Authority Support Services (Kingdom) who will undertake litter enforcement on behalf of the council over a 12 month trial period. If the trial proves successful the council will look to procure a contracted service going forward.

Officers from Kingdom will have the authority to issue a £75 on the spot fine for those caught deliberately dropping litter or not clearing up after their pet, and there will be no reduction in cost for early payment. The officers do not have a target for issuing fines, but the council anticipates a significant number will be handed out over the 12 month period.

Three officers will be on patrol across Ashford and Tenterden. Two will be located in Ashford town centre and one will monitor Tenterden. Officers are flexible in their approach and are able to move to different locations if required, for example if places are in need of additional enforcement due to specific problems or major events. (more…)

Get vaccinated before going to college or university

Ashford Clinical Commissioning GroupYoung people going to college or university this autumn are being encouraged to get vaccinated against meningitis and septicaemia (blood poisoning) due to the MenW bug, one of the most aggressive and deadly strains of Meningitis.

Young people going on to university or college are particularly at risk of meningitis and septicaemia because they mix with so many other students, some of whom are unknowingly carrying the bacteria. But anyone in this age group is strongly advised to get the vaccination – whether starting college or not.

GPs will be writing to the following groups to encourage them to get vaccinated at their surgery as soon as possible:

  • all 17 and 18 year olds (school year 13; born between 1/9/1997 to 31/08/1998);
  • 19-year-olds who missed getting vaccinated last year (anyone born between 1/9/1996 to 31/08/1997);

Anyone aged up to 25 who is starting university is also being advised to get vaccinated by their GP.

Ideally young people should get vaccinated before term starts – to ensure immunity. But anyone can still get the jab from their new GP in their college town. (more…)

Another HMO unlawful

ABC CrestAshford Borough Council have refused to issue a ‘Certificate of Lawful Use’ for another House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) in South Ashford. This follows a similar refusal in July of this year. These applications claim that the use as an HMO has exceeded the four year period within which the Local Planning Authority must start enforcement action. Again the Council have stated that “The evidence submitted in the application does not establish that, on the balance of probabilities, the building has been used as a large HMO for up to 7 people continuously since 2006″.

Although, since 2010, change of use from a house to a small HMO has not required planning permission, change to a HMO for more than 6 people still requires planning permission. Before 2010 change of use to any HMO required planning permission.

Victoria Park Fun Day Today

10am to 4pm

Watercress Fields, behind Heron House / Alder House,

Bouncy Castle, Soft Play Activities, Children’s face painting

NHS Health Checks
Advice from Police and Mediation Service
Chat to welfare reform team

SACF Comment on Victoria Way

03-PRS-South Ashford Community Forum (SACF) have prepared draft comments on the planning applications for redevelopment of land at the junction of Beaver Road and Victoria Road.

SACF’s Comments

16/01157/AS, 16/01164/AS, 16/01167/AS
Former Pledges Mill and South Kent College Site and land south of junction of Beaver Road and, Victoria Road

South Ashford Community Forum has examined the documents relating to the above applications.
Whilst we are aware that some residents of Victoria Crescent are against these developments, most people that we have spoken to, including several living close to the sites, are pleased to see proposals come forward for redevelopment of these long derelict sites. We are supportive of mixed use development on the sites.
We do have the following comments:

General comment:

We note that although the traffic assessment concludes that the impact of traffic from these developments will be modest, residents remain concerned regarding the impact on congestion at the busy Beaver Road / Victoria Road Junction and issues this could create with egress from George Street.


Brewery, with shop, bar and restaurant, three commercial units and 216 residential units with associated parking, substations, landscaping and access works.

We note the application allocates the ground floor of the Victoria Road residential block for retail use. We believe that small craft workshops, with sale of goods produced on-site, should be included in any permission granted for this location.
We are pleased that the open space bounded by the Built to Rent is to be public and believe the arrangement will reduce the visual impact of the block from the riverside walk.
Whilst it is appreciated that there are no remaining heritage assets on the site, we would like a reference to the heritage of the site provided. The Brewery site was the location of a school that was destroyed by a German bomb in the Second World War. Although there were no injuries to occupants of the school, elsewhere in Ashford, 50 people were killed and 77 seriously injured in that raid. Adjacent to the school stood a flour mill, one of two large mills in Ashford, owned by H.S. Pledge & Sons. The mill was destroyed by fire in 1984. We believe that the proposed visitors centre offers the opportunity to mark this history.


120 bedroom hotel and associated parking, landscaping, substation and access works

Whilst we note that application complies with Kent County Council Supplementary Planning guidance that refers to maximum parking provision, and that as a town centre hotel, close to the station, the intention is to attract customers using public transport, residents are concerned that the low parking provision, of 0.5 spaces per room, could be inadequate, leading to overflow of parking to local streets. This is of particular concern as the residential parking restrictions do not apply during late evening and night time.

We are generally pleased with the finishes proposed but have concerns regarding the appearance of the render proposed for the ground floor exterior walls.

As a pdf

You can download the comments as a pdf document here

Make your views known

SACF welcome any suggestions, from those who live or work in South Ashford, for amendments or additional comments before they submit them at the end of this month.

Make your suggestions by commenting on this post.

Application details

Three applications have been submitted:

U+I exhibited their initial proposals in March this year. South Ashford Community Forum’s comments on the consultation documents can be viewed from the Publications page on the South Ashford website

We have reproduced the application details on our Planning Notices page. The developers website for the proposals is

Managing freight vehicles through Kent


Over recent decades, the number of lorries crossing the English Channel has increased seven fold. Nearly 90% of all UK roll-on, roll-off international freight goes through the Strait of Dover and that puts 11,000 lorries per day on Kent’s roads1. There are projections that by 2025 the number of these lorries could double.

Usually the road network copes well. But unexpected events cause problems, as there is little slack in the system.

Extra parking has recently been provided at the Port of Dover and Eurotunnel, but we expect that severe weather, security threats or industrial action will still mean that queues of lorries have to be held on the M20 using a procedure known as Operation Stack. This happened on 32 days in 2015.

Operation Stack can cause significant problems as it shuts the M20. Kent residents struggle to get to work or school, to medical appointments or to carry out everyday tasks. People from further afield get held up or delayed and businesses are affected.

This consultation is about plans to alleviate the problems caused by Operation Stack by designing and building a dedicated lorry holding area at Stanford, near Folkestone. In almost all cases, this will keep Kent residents moving and get rid of traffic congestion caused by cross-Channel disruption. Businesses keep investing in the area and jobs can be created, leading to greater prosperity both in Kent and internationally. (more…)

Have your say on new council ward boundaries for Ashford

Proposed ward arrangement

Ward boundaries proposed by SACF

South Ashford Community Forum (SACF) want to know the views of residents of South Ashford on a draft proposal that they have prepared for submission to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE). The proposal is in response to a request from LGBCE for help in drawing up a new pattern of council wards for Ashford Borough Council.

The LGBCE is the independent organisation that provides electoral arrangements for English local authorities that are fair for voters and keeps the map of English local government in good repair.

The consultation is the first part of an electoral review which will re-draw ward boundaries across the borough.

The Commission has also announced that it is minded to recommend that the council should have 47 borough councillors in the future: four more than the current arrangements.

The Commission now needs information from people and groups across Ashford to help it to produce a new pattern of wards to accommodate 47 councillors.

In drawing up new boundaries, the Commission aims to deliver electoral equality for voters in council elections so that each councillor represents roughly the same number of voters. The review also aims to ensure that the new council wards reflect, as far as possible, the interests and identities of communities across Ashford.

SACF’s proposal can be viewed on the South Ashford website, under Local Information / Representation / Electoral Review,