
Become more confident and gain self-esteem

referral education skills provision opportunities networks sustainability engagement6th, 13th, 20th May 2016, 9.30am – 12noon

Sign up for this 3 week course at
The Willow Centre, Brookfield Road, Ashford

This course will Include all/some of the following:-

  • Awareness of replacing blame with praise
  • Focusing on positives
  • Body consciousness, self·care and making an impression.
  • Finding a voice; speaking out, being heard and being a good listener.
  • Strategies for working with negative emotions.

The courses are open to people over 19 and who are unwaged or in low paid work.

The course are FREE. (more…)

Personal Health Budget Local Offer

Ashford CCGWhat is a Personal Health Budget?

A Personal Health Budget (PHB) is an amount of money to support the identified healthcare and well-being needs of an individual.

PHBs enable patients with long-term conditions and disabilities to have greater choice and control over their healthcare and the support they receive. PHBs are built around a care plan and outcomes that are agreed with one or more health professionals.

How can a Personal Health Budget help?

Personal Health Budgets aim to give people greater choice, control and flexibility over their health and wellbeing needs by enabling them to work with a healthcare professional to identify the best treatment and services to meet their needs at a time and place that suits them.  This can improve a person’s satisfaction, experience and outcomes. (more…)

Updated recycling and refuse guide

recyclingAshford residents are getting better at recycling, so to help them improve their recycling habits Ashford Borough Council have updated their Refuse and Recycling Guide and their Garden Recycling Guide with the latest recycling tips and advice.

You can download the updated guides for free via the Ashford Borough Council website at Polish and Nepalese versions are also available upon request.

In 2014, Ashford climbed DEFRA’s league tables and was named the 34th best recycling local authority in England. Ashford Borough Council will continue encouraging residents to focus on the quality of the items they are recycling to help keep Ashford one of the top recycling local authorities in the country.

For enquiries relating to recycling and refuse collections, please contact or call 01233 331111.

Ashford Borough Council 13th April 2016

If you live alone what would happen in an emergency?

Ashford LifelineLifeline

If you live alone or someone you care for does, do you worry what would happen in an emergency?

Ashford Lifeline is a 24 hour service providing an instant response at the touch of a button.

The service gives you a personal security system at your home enabling you to live or work independently and safely.

You may need to use an alarm when you can’t get to the phone due to injury, when feeling unwell, having suffered a fall or if there is an intruder. The alarm is there for any emergency situation when you need some help. (more…)

Live Well Kent

Live-Well-Kent websiteThe Live Well Kent new community mental health and wellbeing service launches today.  The new Live Well Kent service is there to help people improve their mental and physical health and wellbeing. It is a free service for anyone over 17. Live Well Kent is delivered on behalf of Kent County Council and the NHS by two charities, Porchlight and Shaw Trust.

Some of the things Live Well Kent can help with are: (more…)

Kent Police and Crime Commissioner Election

ballotboxCandidates have been announced for the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner Election on Thursday 5th May 2016. More information can be viewed on the dedicated ‘Kentparo’ website. The candidates are listed below.

To cast your vote you will need to register to vote by 18th April 2016 … /register-to-vote-for-pcc-elections

Ashford Borough Council 08 April 2016 (more…)

Wheelz, motorbike event

wheelzMotorbike fanatics are in for a treat as Wheelz, a special motorcycle event, is taking place in Ashford.

Whether you’re an experienced motorbike or scooter rider, or you’re considering learning to ride, Wheelz is a fantastic opportunity to pick up some safety riding tips, see great bike displays, grab some fun freebies and meet other motorbike enthusiasts. The event will also help motorcyclists understand road safety and remind them of the importance of wearing the appropriate riding gear.

The event, which is free to attend, will include lots of exciting activities including motorbike displays and demonstrations, Well known bike retailers will be also in attendance including Dexerity, Laguna and Alexandra Motorcycles. Visitors can visit their stalls and ask for advice and tips on bike related issues. (more…)