Council Tax Support Scheme consultation
Ashford Borough Council are going to consult residents on proposed changes to their Council Tax Support Scheme.
The Council says that supporting the most vulnerable residents while encouraging those residents of working-age to return to work if they are able to do so – are the underlying principles behind the localised council tax support scheme in Ashford.
Ashford Borough Council was required to introduce a localised council tax support scheme in 2013 as part of the government’s wider welfare reforms. It has seen some people contribute towards their council tax bills for the first time.
After four years of very minimal change to its scheme, the proposals for the financial year beginning on 1st April 2017 are more wide-ranging and cabinet members last night approved a period of formal consultation from 6th June – 29th August to ask existing claimants and other interested stakeholders for their views on the revised scheme.
With public-serving organisations facing shortfalls in funding from central government, Ashford Borough Council has been asked by the major precepting authorities (such as Kent County Council and Kent Police) to consider revising the scheme so that the money available to fund the services provided by them, as well as those provided by the council itself, stretches further. (more…)