Ashford Borough Council

Council Tax Support Scheme consultation

ABC CrestAshford Borough Council are going to consult residents on proposed changes to their Council Tax Support Scheme.

The Council says that supporting the most vulnerable residents while encouraging those residents of working-age to return to work if they are able to do so – are the underlying principles behind the localised council tax support scheme in Ashford.

Ashford Borough Council was required to introduce a localised council tax support scheme in 2013 as part of the government’s wider welfare reforms. It has seen some people contribute towards their council tax bills for the first time.

After four years of very minimal change to its scheme, the proposals for the financial year beginning on 1st April 2017 are more wide-ranging and cabinet members last night approved a period of formal consultation from 6th June – 29th August to ask existing claimants and other interested stakeholders for their views on the revised scheme.

With public-serving organisations facing shortfalls in funding from central government, Ashford Borough Council has been asked by the major precepting authorities (such as Kent County Council and Kent Police) to consider revising the scheme so that the money available to fund the services provided by them, as well as those provided by the council itself, stretches further. (more…)

Line-up for Create Festival 2016

Create Tree LogoThe line-up for Create Music Festival’s 21st Birthday has been announced, although the headliners are still being kept under wraps!

On Saturday 23rd July, Victoria Park will once again host one of the South East’s biggest free music festivals, and has lined up a packed programme of music indulgence with over 40 local, talented bands, acts, solo performers, choirs and DJ’s performing across the day.

The Create Main Stage, sponsored by Ashford College, includes popular local favourites Riskee & The Ridicule, Old Town Souls and Slam Cartel, all supported by Ashford College Music Technology students working behind the scenes.

The brand new Fountain Stage sponsored by Right Track Music will once again showcase a whole host of up and coming musicians that emerge from the school, as well as community groups, choirs and young local talent.

Ashford’s premier music and arts venue, Revelation St Mary’s, has programmed an eclectic mix of singer-songwriters, and young folk and indie acts.

Fans will have noticed that announcements are yet to be made for the legendary Create DJ stage, but can rest assured that an awesome line up will be laying down the very best of house, EDM and club anthems.

Following on from last year’s memorable performance from Adam Ant, the festival is still keeping all the headline acts of each stage close to its chest, but has teased all music fans that they are in for an equally impressive, musical treat for this year! (more…)

Help to shape Ashford homelessness strategy

ABC CrestHomelessness can happen to anyone. Being made homeless or at risk of homelessness can have a detrimental impact on family stability, health and wellbeing, relationships, the development of young children, educational attainment and keeping or accessing employment.

Ashford Borough Council manages homelessness as well as any district or borough in the county and has had very a favourable recent audit of it procedures and processes.

It has put in place a range of proactive measures. (more…)

Updated recycling and refuse guide

recyclingAshford residents are getting better at recycling, so to help them improve their recycling habits Ashford Borough Council have updated their Refuse and Recycling Guide and their Garden Recycling Guide with the latest recycling tips and advice.

You can download the updated guides for free via the Ashford Borough Council website at Polish and Nepalese versions are also available upon request.

In 2014, Ashford climbed DEFRA’s league tables and was named the 34th best recycling local authority in England. Ashford Borough Council will continue encouraging residents to focus on the quality of the items they are recycling to help keep Ashford one of the top recycling local authorities in the country.

For enquiries relating to recycling and refuse collections, please contact or call 01233 331111.

Ashford Borough Council 13th April 2016

If you live alone what would happen in an emergency?

Ashford LifelineLifeline

If you live alone or someone you care for does, do you worry what would happen in an emergency?

Ashford Lifeline is a 24 hour service providing an instant response at the touch of a button.

The service gives you a personal security system at your home enabling you to live or work independently and safely.

You may need to use an alarm when you can’t get to the phone due to injury, when feeling unwell, having suffered a fall or if there is an intruder. The alarm is there for any emergency situation when you need some help. (more…)

Wheelz, motorbike event

wheelzMotorbike fanatics are in for a treat as Wheelz, a special motorcycle event, is taking place in Ashford.

Whether you’re an experienced motorbike or scooter rider, or you’re considering learning to ride, Wheelz is a fantastic opportunity to pick up some safety riding tips, see great bike displays, grab some fun freebies and meet other motorbike enthusiasts. The event will also help motorcyclists understand road safety and remind them of the importance of wearing the appropriate riding gear.

The event, which is free to attend, will include lots of exciting activities including motorbike displays and demonstrations, Well known bike retailers will be also in attendance including Dexerity, Laguna and Alexandra Motorcycles. Visitors can visit their stalls and ask for advice and tips on bike related issues. (more…)

ABC Customer Services have moved

ABC CrestAshford Borough Council (ABC) Customers services have returned to the Civic Centre in Tannery Lane.

Why are ABC moving?

ABC say that they believe this will improve the customer experience, efficiency and speed of response for all enquiries. The service is being tailored to provide self-help for customers that can, assisted self-help for those who need some assistance and providing the appropriate resources for those customers with more complex enquiries.

They have noticed a changing pattern in how residents interact with the council, moving away from the more traditional face-to-face and telephone contact to more modern online methods such as email and the internet.

With the introduction of Universal Credit and the development of further self-help facilities we expect to see a further reduction in the number of face to face visits.

How will it look

The new-look Civic Centre reception will see the meet and greet style approach introduced in a welcoming, open and light environment, which will help to improve visitors’ experiences and their first impression of the council.

Ashford Borough Council

‘Victoria Way’ EIA Screening Submitted

03-PRS-Developer U+I have requested that Ashford Borough Council screen their proposals for land at the junction of Beaver Road and Victoria Road (the ‘Victoria Way’ development) for the requirement to carry out an Environmental Impact Assessment.

The submission indicates that three applications will be submitted

  • Application A – Brewery (located on the junction opposite the Station) Residential and Commercial Units (located behind the Beaver Road Service Station)
  • Application B – Hotel (located on the junction opposite Home Plus)
  • Application C – Foodstore (located between Victoria Road and the Railway)

The developer concludes that the proposed development (individually and cumulatively) will not result in any significant environmental impacts that give rise to a need to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment. (more…)

Forum responds to Park Masterplan

Kentish Express 17 March 2016

Kentish Express
17 March 2016

South Ashford Community Forum are pleased that Ashford Borough Council’s Cabinet have recognised the importance of Victoria Park and Watercress Fields to the residents of Ashford and that the planned development in the area creates both the need and the opportunity to provide investment into the Park.

Some residents have expressed concern that the proposals might cause a loss of open space in the park but we believe that this results from misunderstanding of what is intended. It is important for people to understand that the Masterplan is Draft and constitutes outline proposals that will be subject to consultation. Detailed proposals will be developed from the Masterplan and implementation is dependent on the availability of funding from grants and contributions from developers, of sites such as the Powergen and Jemmett Road Campus. The timetable given in some of the information being circulated is the outline programme for Fountain Zone work, not the implementation of the whole plan. Even these proposals are subject to two successful bids to the Heritage Lottery Fund.

We look forward to working with the Council in development of the proposals and will continue to provide updates at our meetings and via our website and facebook page.