
Eat well and win £1000 to spend at Evans Cycles

Change4Life LogoHeart Breakfast’s James and Becky have teamed up with Kent County Council to support Change4Life, helping to keep families fit and eating healthy this winter and give you the chance to win £1,000 to spend on new bikes and accessories!

Change4Life is all about developing healthier eating habits – swapping naughty treats for healthy snacks, cutting down on sugar and trying to banish saturated fat.

So why not try and get lots of tasty fruit and veg into your diet this winter and make the family more active? Wrap up warm and head to the park, take the dog for a crisp morning walk, jump on your bikes at the weekends or have a kick about in the garden. Don’t be a couch potato this season, get outside and have fun!

Keep your eyes peeled for the Get Up And Go characters on TV too as they can help you and your whole family make small changes this winter – meaning when it comes to it, you’ll know how to make good choices.

Find out more here including healthy lunchbox ideas, fun ways to get active and more to get your family to Change4Life!

Win £1,000 to spend on Bikes and Accessories at Evans Cycles!

Watch Heart Breakfast’s James and Becky and vote for your favourite healthy recipe on the form below*, and you could be winning a whopping £1,000 to spend on bikes and accessories thanks to Evans Cycles in Maidstone!

College housing granted permission after 5 years

Ashford Borough Council (ABC) has granted permission for up to 154 houses on the site of the Ashford College Campus in Jemmett Road, five years after the Planning Committee voted to permit the development.

Plans for the college to vacate the site go back to 2008, when an application made by South Kent College was approved for up to 241 dwellings on the site. This was linked to a proposal for a new campus (The Ashford Learning Campus) at the junction of Beaver Road and Victoria Road. The scheme was not implemented due to funding problems.

The application for renewal of the permission in 2011 resulted in a new scheme being drawn up with a reduced number of dwellings to meet the Council’s residential space standards.

The Planning Committee voted to permit the development, subject to a maximum of 154 dwellings being built on the site, on 21 September 2011. The resolution to permit was dependent on the applicant entering into a Section 106 agreement for contributions toward the provision of infrastructure and services. Again funding problems prevented implementation of the scheme. A Section 106 agreement has now been exchanged between ABC and West Kent & Ashford College, as successors to South Kent College.

The ABC Case reference is 11/00405/AS, we have posted the notification under Local Information / Planning and Development / Planning Notice today

Improving access to Patient Transport

Improving access to non-emergency Patient TransportAshford Clinical Commissioning Group

Kent Clinical Commissioning Groups

Opens: 08 December 2016
Closes: 31 January 2017

Last year all NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), the GP-led organisations that plan and pay for health services across  Kent commissioned a new contractor to provide non-emergency Patient Transport.  At the same time patients and carers from across Kent helped to write a Patients’ charter setting out their expectations for how they wanted to see the service provide a high quality of care, and safely look after them in a quick and friendly way.

Now that the new contractor for non-emergency Patient Transport (G4S) service has been in place for 5 months, the Clinical commissioning groups across Kent in Ashford, Canterbury and Coastal, Dartford Gravesham and Swanley, Swale, South Kent Coast, Thanet and West Kent want to hear from you or your loved ones who have used the service since July 2016,  to see if it is living up to the Kent Patient Transport Service (PTS) patients’ charter.

Complete the survey

The CCGs would appreciate it if you could complete our survey. All the information you provide will remain confidential and be anonymised so that no health professionals will receive any information that identifies you personally.

They would like you to be as open as possible as we want to understand your experiences both good and bad so we can see where improvements may need to be made.  They are hopeful that there will be some good points and compliments to tell us.

This survey will close on  31  January 2017 

If you have any queries please contact: or call 03000424348

NHS Ashford Clinical Commissioning Group 08 December 2016

Pharmacies in the community

pharmaciesThere is widespread support for public health programmes and services to be delivered by pharmacy teams

Building Capacity: Realising the potential of community pharmacy assets for improving the public’s health

Executive summary
  • With a workforce in England including approximately 42,990 registered pharmacists and 19,311 registered pharmacy technicians,a community pharmacy teams have considerable potential for promoting the public’s health.
  • Community pharmacies, numbering roughly 11,647,b arguably offer an ideal location to reach out to local communities, with qualified teams providing healthy lifestyle advice and services in an accessible and convenient way.
  • Through this joint report, the Royal Society for Public Health and Public Health England sought to look in greater depth at the role of community pharmacy in promoting the public’s health, particularly exploring what makes pharmacy an appropriate location for health promoting interventions, the opportunities for further utilisation and also the challenges experienced by pharmacy teams.


MoJ consult on sentences for dangerous drivers

Ministry of Justice LogoDriving offences and penalties relating to causing death or serious injury

Ministry of Justice

Opens 5 December 2016
Closes: 1 February 2017

Dangerous drivers who kill are set to face life sentences, under plans put forward by ministers.

  • Government acts to introduce life sentences for causing death by dangerous driving
  • Life sentences for careless drivers who kill whilst under the influence of drink or drugs
  • New, 3 year jail terms for careless drivers causing serious injury

Dangerous drivers who kill are set to face life sentences, under plans put forward by ministers.

Dangerous drivers causing death by speeding, street racing or while on a mobile phone are among those now facing the same sentences as those charged with manslaughter.

Offenders who cause death by careless driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs could also be handed life sentences – an increase on the current 14 year upper limit.

New plans come as ministers seek to deter dangerous, criminal behaviour on our roads, and make sure killer drivers face the toughest penalties. (more…)

Christmas Recycling & Refuse Collections

During the festive period, your recycling and refuse collections may take place on different days. Check the calendar below.

Ashford Borough Council are giving every household in the borough one additional recycling bag this Christmas! You will receive a plastic envelope which has all your 2016/17 Christmas collection dates on it, and inside you will find one clear plastic bag for you to put additional Christmas recycling in. Simply place your clean Christmas recycling in the clear bag and leave it next to your recycling bin on collection day

Week Normal collection day Revised collection day
Recycling Mon 26 Dec Wed 28 Dec
Tues 27 Dec Thurs 29 Dec
Wed 28 Dec Fri 30 Dec
Thurs 29 Dec Sat 31 Dec
 Fri 30 Dec Tues 3 Jan
Refuse  Mon 2 Jan Fri 13 Jan
 Tues 3 Jan Thurs 5 Jan
 Wed 4 Jan Fri 6 Jan
 Thurs 5 Jan Sat 7 Jan
 Fri 6 Jan Mon 9 Jan
Recycling  Mon 9 Jan Tues 10 Jan
 Tues 10 Jan Wed 11 Jan
 Wed 11 Jan Thurs 12 Jan
 Thurs 12 Jan Fri 13 Jan
 Fri 13 Jan Sat 14 Jan

Collections will resume normal service on Monday 16 January 2017.

All refuse and recycling should be out for colleclion by 6am over Chrislmas and New Year. Please note collections may lake place up la one day laler than shown.

There will be no garden or bulk colleclions for two weeks; w/c 26/12/16 and w/c 02/01/17.

The clinical colleclion service will be moved from Mon 26 Dec to Tues 27 Dec. All olher clinical collections will remain lhe same.

The 12 scams of Christmas

One in four Brits has fallen victim to a scam, with Christmas being the prime time for fraudsters to trap consumers. Most victims fall foul to scams online, with fraudsters using social media and fake emails to offer fake bargains. But just how can you protect your spending this Christmas?

Consumer expert Alice Beer gave her must-know tips for avoiding the scams on ITV’s This Morning, yesterday.

Read more on the 12 Scams of Christmas on the programme page

  1. Online shopping
  2. Social media scams
  3. E-cards
  4. Fake emails
  5. Fake delivery notification
  6. Charities
  7. Auction fraud
  8. Fake goods
  9. Mobile phone safety
  10. Ticketing fraud
  11. Fake gift cards/coupons
  12. Secret Santa scams

ITV 30 November 2016

Kent urged to keep warm and well

Kent County CouncilWith cold and wintry weather predicted over the next few days, families across Kent are being urged to follow a few simple measures to keep their loved ones safe and healthy.

A level two cold weather alert has been announced for Kent by the Met Office which triggers actions in the NHS, public health, social care and other community organisations, to support vulnerable people who have health, housing or economic circumstances that increase their risk of harm.

Prolonged cold weather can be a risk for anyone although vulnerable people, including the elderly and children under five, are particularly at risk and common sense advice can help in severe weather, both at home or out and about. (more…)

Help reduce the stress of cooking for Christmas

fsalogoIn the run-up to Christmas follow the Food Standard Agency (FSA) Freezer Fairy’s tips on how to prepare your festive food in advance and reduce food waste from leftovers by making the most of your freezer. Their useful tips will help you plan your meals and work out what and when to cook, freeze and defrost to help you have a less stressful and wasteful Christmas.

Visit the FSA’s website for more information on the following:

  • Top freezer tips
  • Cooking turkeys
  • Love leftovers

Freezer Fairy says..

Freeze up to the use by date

It’s safe to freeze food up until the use by date. Freezing acts as a pause button. You can freeze pretty much everything. This includes your meats and meals cooked from previously cooked and frozen meat – your Christmas turkey leftovers for example. Once defrosted, the pause button is off. So, just defrost your food as you need it – and eat within 24 hours.

Plan portion sizes

Before you plan your Christmas meals, think about how many people you’ll be cooking for and how big the portion sizes should be. This portion planner covers all sorts of foods and tells you how much you need to cook, so that you can avoid the temptation of buying too much

Separate raw foods when shopping

When you do your Christmas food shopping remember to take at least two bags with you so that you can separate out raw and ready-to-eat foods to avoid cross-contamination. A good tip for carrying all of your raw meat safely might be to use a ‘bag for life’. You may need to have an extra-large one if your turkey is big! Here’s some advice on packing food safely when shopping.

Cook in advance and freeze

You can get most of your Christmas cooking done weeks in advance by storing cooked foods in the freezer. It’s best to place food in an air tight container or wrap it well in freezer bags, freezer wrap or cling film before freezing it, to stop the cold air from drying it out. Expel as much air from the freezer bags as possible.

Remember that you can also prepare all of your vegetables in advance. If you don’t want to spend Christmas morning peeling potatoes, you can parboil them for five minutes, then drain and cool them before freezing. You can do the same with wedges of carrot and parsnip, or even Brussels sprouts, which will need slightly less cooking time than usual.

Label food in the freezer

It’s a good idea to date and label any foods that goes into the freezer so you know what it is and how long it has been in there.

Find out more about food safety and read helpful tips and advice on ABC’s website.

Ashford Borough Council 25 november 2016