
Parking restrictions consultation

ABC CrestAmendment 4 2016 (Ashford) to ‘The Kent County Council (Various Roads, Borough of Ashford) (Waiting Restrictions and Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2016 (as amended).

Ashford Borough Council

Opens: 03 November 2016
Closes: 24 November 2016

Ashford Borough Council, as agents working on behalf of Kent County Council is proposing to make a Traffic Regulation Order that will bring into force amendments to parking controls in Ashford.

Details of the changes proposed by this Traffic Regulation Order within South Ashford are given below. A copy of the proposed Order and supporting documents, including the statement of reasons for making this Order and plans showing the extent of proposed changes may be inspected on line at under ‘Amendment 4’. Hard copies of deposit documents will also be available to view at the Civic Centre, Tannery Lane, TN23 1PL, Monday to Friday, 9:00 – 15:30.

If you wish to comment on these proposals you can submit comments through our website at, or alternatively comments can be returned by post to the Civic Centre. All comments must be submitted by midnight on Thursday 24th November 2016 in order to be considered.

Francis Road Introduction of a disabled persons bay
Zone G Victoria Crescent – The entire length
Victoria Road – Numbers 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 & 40 only
Amendment of Conditions on designated parking bays to prohibit return within 4 hours

Vehicles displaying a valid residents’, visitors’ or business permit will be unaffected by this change

Big Energy Saving Week: check

Check, switch, saveEnergy bills are a significant concern for households. But you could save hundreds of pounds a year on your fuel bill by simply checking you’re not paying more than you have to for your energy. Follow our three simple steps below and you could reduce your fuel bill without having to cut down on the energy you use.

  • Check you are getting the best deal from your current supplier
  • Check if there is a better way to pay your bills
  • Check you are getting all the benefits and help you are entitled to


KFRS is recruiting on-call fire firefighters

All sorts of people can be on-call firefightersKent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS) is recruiting on-call fire firefighters and you could be just the person that we are looking for!

On-call firefighters come in all shapes and sizes, all ages and from all walks of life – office workers, beauticians, farmers, bankers, builders, stay-at-home-parents. It doesn’t matter whether you are already working or not, KFRS wants to hear from you if you are:

  • At least 18 years old
  • Have a good all round level of fitness
  • Live or work within five minutes of one of the recruiting on-call fire stations and
  • Able to offer the hours we need to deal with the risk in your area


Local pharmacies have been around for generations

pharmacy logoHelping you, your parents and your grandparents. If you want your local pharmacies to be there to help the generations to come, please lobby your MP.

The Department of Health (DH) has indicated it believes that there are up to 3000 too many pharmacies in England. At the same time, they have proposed a series of policy measures which would divert investment from local pharmacies to other care settings or to online suppliers of medicines. The current direction of policy, if not challenged, could lead to a serious fracturing of the pharmacy network in England, leaving many patients with reduced access to face to face advice and treatment and putting extra pressure on GPs and hospitals.

Go to the campaign website to lobby your MP

Remember hedgehogs on bonfire night

hedgehogsPlease check Bonfires Carefully for Sleeping Hedgehogs before lighting

If possible the entire pile should be re-sited before being lit, if not possible, use broom handles to lift from the base of the pile, and shine torches, looking and listening carefully for any signs of life.

British Hedgehog Preservation Society 29th October 2015

Check, switch, save

Check, switch, save this Big EnergCheck, switch, savey Saving Week. Don’t be on energy autopilot.


Big Energy Saving Week starts on 31 October 2016. It is a national campaign to help people cut their fuel bills and get all the financial support they are entitled to.

The week focuses on raising public awareness of how to switch energy supplier or tariff to get the best deal and make homes energy efficient. This is the sixth Big Energy Saving Week and is a partnership between Citizens Advice, the Energy Saving Trust and the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy with the support of numerous organisations, charities and companies.

People can use the Citizens Advice price comparison tool to compare prices from different energy suppliers.


Phone scams

Take Five to stop fraudFraud over the phone – or Vishing – is when a fraudster calls claiming they’re from your bank or some other trusted organisation. It is easy for them to convince you too, since they can both fake the telephone number on the screen and do their research to find out some of your basic bank and personal details. Remember though, a genuine bank will never ask you for personal or financial details like your PIN number or full banking password (even by tapping it into your phone keypad).

If you think there has been fraud on your card or bank account – or if you suspect anyone has attempted to compromise your financial details – report it immediately to your bank or financial services provider and then contact Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or at


Recycle smart to ensure your bins is collected

recyclewheelAshford Borough Council’s recycling service is certainly one to be proud of. The service has seen the borough quadruple its recycling performance, become the country’s most improved recycling authority, and been shortlisted for two categories in the 2015 National Recycling Awards.

You may remember the yellow ‘Warning’ stickers Biffa issued last year which indicated any incorrect items placed in the bin, and warned if they were found again the bin would not be collected. Following the crackdown, residents made an excellent effort to improve their recycling habits. However, recently standards have unfortunately slipped and we have seen a significant amount of unrecyclable materials being placed in recycling bins which has resulted in some waste loads being rejected.

Once again we are cracking down on contamination by encouraging residents to recycle smart to ensure their bins are collected. We are working closely with Biffa to ensure that the recycling collected is of the highest quality, but we need our residents to help us achieve this. Biffa staff will now be checking what is being placed in recycling bins to try and ensure that the loads collected are clean and can be recycled.

If Biffa find an unrecyclable item in your recycling bin, unfortunately the crew will not collect it for that week. We advise you to take your waste to the KCC Household Recycling Centre for disposal instead. Your recycling bin will be collected upon your next recycling collection, provided the correct items are present. (more…)