
Don’t be rushed or pressured into making a decision

Take Five to stop fraudUnder no circumstances would a genuine bank or some other trusted organisation force you to make a financial transaction on the spot; they would never ask you to transfer money into another account for fraud reasons.

Remember to stop and take time to carefully consider your actions. A genuine bank or some other trusted organisation won’t rush you or mind waiting if you want time to think.


Choose your way to quit – Chat to the Stoptober bot

stoptoberMessage the Stoptober Facebook Messenger bot when cravings strike and get instant practical support. Stay motivated with daily messages full of tips and advice to help keep you on track.

The stoptober bot will encourage you to keep going with daily messages. Plus, you can message the bot anytime you need to help you beat those cravings or just need a boost in motivation.

Every chat with the bot is free, secure and private – nothing will be shared on your profile.

Access the Stoptober bot from anywhere on any device, but for the best experience on your tablet and phone download the free Facebook Messenger app first.


Quit to save money

stoptoberEvery cigarette you don’t smoke saves you money. Find out how much you will save by quitting.

Smoking is expensive and you might be surprised at how it all adds up. On average, most people who quit save around £250 each month.

That’s nearly £3,000 a year going up in smoke. What else could you spend that money on?

Try the Smokefree cost calculator


Open your heart

Kent Fostering “Open your Heart” from Kent County Council on Vimeo.

Open your heart and you could help to transform the lives of children and young people in Kent by becoming a foster carer. Kent County Council are especially looking for carers for:

  • older children – aged 13 to 18
  • siblings
  • disabled children
  • unaccompanied asylum seeking young people

Find out about the benefits, payments and all the great support Kent County Council can provide you.

And if you think you can provide children with the stability and routine they need to flourish and develop then please contact us on 03000 420 002 or request a call back.

Protect yourself and others from abuse

Stop Adult AbuseWith each kind of abuse, neglect, undue pressure or assault, there is often someone who knows it is happening or suspects that something is wrong. Please use the contact numbersbelow to report abuse or seek advice if you feel you are being abused, or think somebody is at risk of harm or abuse. You can ask someone you trust to help you.

If possible, let the person who is being abused know help is available and include them in the decision to seek help. You could share this leaflet with them, unless doing so may place them at further risk.

What happens after abuse is reported?

If you report abuse:

  • Every report of abuse is taken seriously.
  • You will be listened to and asked to provide information about the situation.
  • You will be encouraged to give your name to enable your concerns to be followed up.
  • Professionals will make enquires about the concerns.

They will contact the adult at risk to involve them in the safeguarding process wherever possible, unless to do so may place them at further risk initially.

If you think you or another person is at risk of harm or abuse

please contact 03000 41 61 61 NGT Service 18001 03000 41 61 61

Outside of normal office hours: 03000 41 91 91 NGT Service 18001 03000 41 91 91

If someone is in immediate risk contact the emergency services on 999

For further information go to:


Council merger information evening

dcmergeYesterday evening, 6th October 2016, Canterbury City Council held evening to provide its residents with information on discussions about the possible merger of five district councils in East Kent. The councils involved are Ashford, Canterbury, Dover, Shepway and Thanet.

Bob Shrubb, Chair of South Ashford Community Forum (SACF) attended the event and has prepared his own notes on the meeting. Bob says the notes include his own views and the matter has not been discussed at SACF.

Bob’s notes can be viewed here

Electrical goods scam

scamalertKCC Trading Standards have received reports of people being approached in car-parks or near cash points and being asked if they would like to purchase a mobile phone or laptop for a discounted price.

The item appears legitimate and the person is shown the receipt, however when the victim hands over the cash the seller attempts to trick the individual by swapping the item in the bag with something of a similar weight.

Report scams to KCC.

Report it

For advice and to report issues to KCC Trading Standards contact
Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06
Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm or
online at any time

KCC Trading Standards 06 October 2016

Share your experience of Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership with CQC


CQC is inspecting Kent & Medway NHS & Social Care Partnership Trust (KMPT) starting on the 16th January 2017. Whether they have received good care or poor care they are asking patients to tell them their experience of care from them. The information provided helps them decide when, where and what to expect.

KMPT provide mental health, learning disability and substance misuse services as well as other specialist services across Kent and Medway.

You can share your experience:

You don’t have to give your name.

Alternatively you can share your experience with Healthwatch Kent in confidence for free:

Choose your way to quit – email support

stoptoberThe Stoptober email helped Hayley start each day motivated and determined. Now she’s an ex-smoker, healthier, happier and able to spend more time doing the things she loves, such as fun activities with her daughter.

Watch Hayley’s Story

or Sign up for email now

Why choose the email?

  • Daily support for 28 days
  • Morning motivation to keep you focused
  • Encouragement throughout the day
  • Tips and tricks to beat cravingsQuitting can be hard, but it’s easier when you start to notice the benefits, such as breathing more easily and rediscovering how good food really tastes and smells. The emails remind you of these benefits and provide support to help you stay smokefree for 28 days and beyond.

