
Annual river maintenance

River Stour weed cuttingContractors for the Environment Agency are cutting back weeds along the both the Great Stour and the East Stour as part of the annual maintenance regime.

We reported last January on the major bankside cutback that was undertaken following a long period without any maintenance that had led to concerns regarding the capacity of the river to carry flood water. The EA said that that annual maintenance would be undertaken ahead of the winter period.

Tell us why parks in South Ashford matter

Victoria ParkSouth Ashford Community Forum (SACF) are asking for your help in telling a parliamentary committee why parks in South Ashford matter.

South Ashford Community Forum (SACF) is considering submitting evidence to the Inquiry into the Future of Public Parks being undertaken by the Commons Select Committee for Communities and Local Government (CLGC).

CLGC Chair, Clive Betts MP, has said: “Whether it is kicking the ball about with friends, joining a parkrun, walking the dog or just relaxing with a paperback, people value their local parks, but with councils under enormous financial pressures and with no legal obligation to fund and maintain public parks, these precious community resources may be at risk. (more…)

Tougher approach to tackle littering starts

LitterWe all want to live in a clean and pleasant borough which is why from next week (W/c 5th September) Ashford Borough Council will be working in partnership with a private company to help tackle littering and other environmental blights in the borough.

The council will be teaming up with Kingdom Local Authority Support Services (Kingdom) who will undertake litter enforcement on behalf of the council over a 12 month trial period. If the trial proves successful the council will look to procure a contracted service going forward.

Officers from Kingdom will have the authority to issue a £75 on the spot fine for those caught deliberately dropping litter or not clearing up after their pet, and there will be no reduction in cost for early payment. The officers do not have a target for issuing fines, but the council anticipates a significant number will be handed out over the 12 month period.

Three officers will be on patrol across Ashford and Tenterden. Two will be located in Ashford town centre and one will monitor Tenterden. Officers are flexible in their approach and are able to move to different locations if required, for example if places are in need of additional enforcement due to specific problems or major events. (more…)

Future of public parks inquiry launched

Victoria ParkThe Communities and Local Government Committee launches an inquiry into public parks to examine the impact of reduced local authority budgets on these open spaces and consider concerns that their existence is under threat.

Public parks inquiry

The Committee looks at how parks should be supported now and in the future. This includes studying alternative management and funding models, such as a mutual or a trust.

Send a written submission

The Committee invites submission of written evidence to its website on the following issues:

  • Who uses parks and open spaces, how often and for what
  • The contribution of parks to the health and well-being of communities
  • The impact of reductions in local authority budgets on parks
  • What the administrative status of parks should be in light of declining local authority resources for non-statutory services
  • How new and existing parks can best be supported
  • What additional or alternative funding is available and what scope is there for local authorities to generate revenue from park users
  • What the advantages and disadvantages are of other management models, such as privatisation, outsourcing or mutualisation

The Committee would be grateful to receive written submissions by 30 September 2016. (more…)

Sculpture Trail installed

A Young Peoples Sculpture Trail Sculpture Trail has been installed in Victoria Park in readiness for the official unveiling at Create Music Festival (www.createfestival.co.uk/ ➚) on Saturday. Ashford Borough Council commissioned artist Martin Brockman of Outdoor Studios (http://outdoorstudiosarts.com/ ➚) to create the sculptures with children from Ashford Oaks and St. Simon’s Primary Schools and Victoria Park Nursery. Martin Brockman will have a stand in the new Love Ashford Zone at Create and will be giving out maps, info and leading tours of the trail.

The trail has been funded by a Tesco ‘Bags of Help’ grant www.tesco.com/carrier-bags/ ➚.

KCC Waste Disposal Strategy Consultation

Kent County CouncilKent County Council (KCC) is consulting on its draft Waste Disposal Strategy 2017-35 ➚, which sets out their current position, identifies the future pressures and presents the Ambition and Priorities for the household waste disposal service.

They are keen to know what you think about the overarching ambition of the Strategy, the key priorities involved and the specific objectives they have set out.  KCC welcome any comments or concerns that will help us improve the Strategy before KCC moves forward to implementation, supported by further public consultation in 2017.

It is recommended that the draft Strategy is read in conjunction with the detailed evidence base ➚. (more…)

Ashford steps up on litter enforcement

ABC CrestWe all want to live in a clean and pleasant borough which is why Ashford Borough Council will be working in partnership with a private company to help tackle littering and other environmental blights in the borough.

The Council will be teaming up with Kingdom Local Authority Support Services (Kingdom) who will undertake litter enforcement on behalf of the council over a 12 month trial period. If the trial proves successful the council will look to procure a contracted service going forward.

Officers from Kingdom will have the authority to issue a £75 on the spot fine for those caught deliberately dropping litter or not clearing up after their pet, and there will be no reduction in cost for early payment. The officers do not have a target for issuing fines, but the council anticipates a significant number will be handed out over the 12 month period.

Three officers will be on patrol across Ashford and Tenterden. Two will be located in Ashford town centre and one will monitor Tenterden. Officers are flexible in their approach and are able to move to different locations if required, for example if places are in need of additional enforcement due to specific problems or major events. (more…)

Hubert Fountain gains II* listing

Hubert FountainThe Hubert Fountain in Victoria Park has had its designation upgraded to II* by Historic England.

The listing describes the fountain as “an ornamental cast iron fountain cast by the French foundry of the Val d’Osne, the largest art cast iron maker in France, first displayed at the 1862 International Exhibition in Kensington, then situated in the grounds of Olantigh Towers, Wye but moved to Victoria Park Ashford in 1912, is listed at Grade II* for the following principal reasons:

  • Design Quality: a monumental art cast iron fountain of three tiers with figures of cupids, atlantes and caryatids based on antique and classic models in the Ecole des Beaux Arts style, cast by a foundry which acquired a worldwide reputation for such fountains and described in the 1862 International Exhibition catalogue as ‘a fine monumental work’ and ‘of exquisite design and perfect form’;
  • Rarity: the finest of only three examples of listed cast iron ornamental fountains in England, one of only three surviving listed ornamental fountains in the country displayed at C19 International exhibitions, and the only listed ornamental fountain in England cast by a French foundry;
  • Comparators: comparable with the Ross Fountain in Edinburgh (listed Grade A), also exhibited at the 1862 Exhibition, the Hubert Fountain was considered in 1862 as the finer of the two fountains although the Ross Fountain now has stronger group value; Degree of survival: little altered.


Updated recycling and refuse guide

recyclingAshford residents are getting better at recycling, so to help them improve their recycling habits Ashford Borough Council have updated their Refuse and Recycling Guide and their Garden Recycling Guide with the latest recycling tips and advice.

You can download the updated guides for free via the Ashford Borough Council website at www.ashford.gov.uk/waste. Polish and Nepalese versions are also available upon request.

In 2014, Ashford climbed DEFRA’s league tables and was named the 34th best recycling local authority in England. Ashford Borough Council will continue encouraging residents to focus on the quality of the items they are recycling to help keep Ashford one of the top recycling local authorities in the country.

For enquiries relating to recycling and refuse collections, please contact streetscene@ashford.gov.uk or call 01233 331111.

Ashford Borough Council 13th April 2016 www.ashford.gov.uk/news/download-your-updated-recycling-and-refuse-guide-13th-apr-1336

Helping make travel cleaner, greener and cheaper

Kent Connected front page imageA new website has launched with the aim of reducing congestion, tackling air pollution, and saving time and money on journeys in Kent.

Kent Connected boasts many features, from advice and tips on changing and improving travel habits, to a journey planner that provides a range of travel options comparing time, costs, CO2, and calories burned.

Ambitions: we all have them

Kent Connected’s is to improve your journey in Kent.

They are passionate about making your journey easier, saving you time and money and reducing congestion. Sound impossible? It’s not! There are so many ways that you can achieve this, all while helping to improve the environment and your health through sustainable or active travel choices. (more…)