
Sale of energy drinks to children consultation

Department of Health and Social Care

Opens: 30 August 2018
Closes: 21 November 2018

Energy drinks are soft drinks that contain higher levels of caffeine than other soft drinks, and may also contain a lot of sugar (though low- or zero-calorie energy drinks are available). Evidence suggests that excessive consumption of energy drinks by children is linked to negative health outcomes such as headaches, sleeping problems, irritation and tiredness.

Under current labelling rules, any drink, other than tea or coffee, that contains over 150mg of caffeine per litre requires a warning label saying: ‘High caffeine content. Not recommended for children or pregnant or breast-feeding women’. Despite the warning labels, however, children are still consuming these drinks; recent evidence shows that more than two thirds of UK children aged 10-17, and nearly a quarter of those aged 6-9, are energy drink consumers.

We are hearing strong calls from parents, health professionals, teachers and some industry bodies and retailers for an end to sales of high-caffeine energy drinks to children. Many larger retailers and supermarkets have voluntarily stopped selling energy drinks to under-16s. While we recognise the efforts of retailers who have already acted, there are still many retailers who continue to sell these drinks to children. Legislating to end the sale of high-caffeine energy drinks to children would create a level playing field for businesses and create consistency, helping ensure that children do not have access to energy drinks in any shop.

We are therefore consulting on ending the sale of energy drinks to children, but we are aware that the evidence base around these products and their effects is complex. We want to use this consultation to gather further views and evidence on the advantages and disadvantages of ending the sale of energy drinks to children, and on alternative options, before making a decision.


Consultation on ending the sale of energy drinks to children PDF, 269KB, 12 pages

Impact assessment: ending the sale of energy drinks to children PDF, 644KB, 46 pages

This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. 

Give Your Views

Online Survey

Department of Health and Social Care 30 August 2018

Evidence-Based Interventions Consultation

Evidence-Based Interventions programme

NHS England

Opens: 4 July 2018
Closes 28 September 2018


Research evidence shows some intervetions (medical procedures and treatments) are not clinically effective or only effective when they are performed in specific circumstances. And as medical science advances, some interventions are superseded by those that are less invasive or more effective.

At both national and local levels, there is a general consensus that more needs to be done to ensure the least effective interventions are not routinely performed, or only performed in more clearly defined circumstances.

NHS England has formed a new national collaboration with the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, NICE (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence), NHS Clinical Commissioners and NHS Improvement’ GIRFT (Getting It Right First Time) programme to turn this consensus into action – the Evidence Based Interventions Programme. This programme is counterpart to the items that should not be routinely prescribed in primary care programme launched in early 2018,

The proposals have been jointly developed by NHS England, NHS Clinical Commissioners, the Academy of Royal Medical Colleges, NICE and NHS Improvement’s GIRFT programme in collaboration with the Royal Colleges and patient groups such as Healthwatch.

The proposals aim to reduce avoidable harm to patients, save precious professional time, help clinicians maintain their professional practice in line with the changing evidence base, create headroom for innovation and maximise value and avoid waste for patients and taxpayers.

NHS England are publicly consulting on the design principles of the programme, the interventions we should target initially and proposed clinical criteria, the activity goals we should set and delivery actions, including proposed new terms in the NHS Standard Contract.

During the consultation period NHS England are also hosting face to face events and a series of webinars (online meetings), to gather further clinical, professional and patient views. This will include patient and public events, webinars for CCGs and providers, an event co-hosted by Healthwatch England for their members, events jointly run with Age UK, NHSCC, the Health and Wellbeing Alliance, The NHS Youth Forum and Choices. Please contact NHS England at to learn more about these events.

You can read more about the Evidence Based Interventions programme on the NHS England website,

Initially targeted interventions

17 interventions are proposed to targeted initially:

Interventions that should not be routinely commissioned

  1. Snoring Surgery (in the absence of OSA)
  2. Dilatation and curettage (D&C) for heavy menstrual bleeding in women
  3. Knee arthroscopy for patients with osteoarthritis
  4. Injections for nonspecific low back pain without sciatica

Interventions that should only be commissioned or performed when specific criteria are met

  1. Breast reduction
  2. Removal of benign skin lesions
  3. Grommets for Glue Ear in Children
  4. Tonsillectomy for Recurrent Tonsillitis
  5. Haemorrhoid surgery
  6. Hysterectomy for heavy menstrual bleeding
  7. Chalazia removal
  8. Arthroscopic shoulder decompression for subacromial shoulder pain
  9. Carpal tunnel syndrome release
  10. Dupuytren’s contracture release
  11. Ganglion excision
  12. Trigger finger release
  13. Varicose vein surgery

Consultation documents

What happens next

Responses will be taken into account and considered fully before deciding the final approach. Any wording which, following consultation, we determine should be added to the NHS Standard Contract will be included in the 2019/20 version of the Contract, to be published later this financial year.

Give Your Views

Online Survey

SACF September 2018 meeting

The next meeting of South Ashford Community Forum will take place
at 7:00 pm
on 5th September 2018
at South Ashford Baptist Church
Brookfield Road, TN23 4EY

The Agenda can be downloaded from this link and minutes of the previous meeting here or both from the Minutes and Agendas page on the South Ashford website.

Proposal to change the operation of South Ashford Community Forum

As a result of falling attendance at meetings, making the Forum less representative of those who live and work in South Ashford, the Agenda includes a proposal to change the way that South Ashford Community Forum operates. The proposal is that we cease to hold public meetings and move the discussion to internet based forums, which more people may be willing to participate in. Whilst I appreciate that this may prevent participation by a few residents that have attended meetings in the past, I believe that if the Forum is to retain any relevance we need to involve more people and that this will be a means of achieving that.

We would be pleased to hear your views on this at the meeting.

Public access defibrillators

You may have seen on the local news that British Heart Foundation are working with other organisations to create a database of Public Access Defibrillators. Known as the National Defibrillator Network this will allow any member of the public to quickly locate a defibrillator when one is needed. Unfortunately the service is not likely to be ready for several months.

In the meantime defibrilllators can be registered on the existing database operated by HeartSafe, who supply defibrillators. A defibrillator does not have to be supplied through HeartSafe to be included on its database.

If you know of an organisation that has a public access defibrillator please ask them to register it on HeartSafe.

Kent Fire and Rescue Service now have defibrillators at all fire stations.


Respond to your Annual Enquiry Form

The Electoral Registration Officer for Ashford has sent an annual enquiry to the addresses of all registered voters in Ashford.

You must respond to this form even if there are no changes to make:

  • by completing the hard copy and returning it,
  • completing the information online at the address given on the form
  • providing the information by phoning the number given

If you do not respond members of your household will be removed from the Electoral Register, so you will not be able to vote in future elections, and you could be fined £1000.

Did you know?

Many organisations rely on your being on the Electoral Register as evidence of your identity.

  • In one example a family were not permitted to stay in planned holiday accommodation because they were not on the Electoral Register.
  • You are unlikely to be able to open a bank account, take out a loan or mortgage or get a credit card if you are not registered to vote

Am I registered?

If you do not receive an Annual Enquiry Form or have any questions about Electoral Registration you can contact Electoral Services on 01233 330402. Please note Electoral Services will not discuss your registration with anyone else including family members.

Beware of bogus SSAFA collectors

Please be aware that there are bogus collectors purporting to be from SSAFA, they are operating on a door to door basis in Kent.

  • SSAFA does not conduct door to door collections.
  • All SSAFA collections are conducted at organised events, never door to door.
  • All SSAFA volunteers carry photographic Identity Cards.

These bogus collectors are operating in the Dover and Folkstone area and there have been further reports of bogus caller activity from other areas of Kent.

In the event that these bogus operators call on you, this is the action you should take.

  • Politely decline to contribute whatever is requested.
  • If you feel afraid or threatened by a doorstep caller, phone 999. For non-urgent calls, phone Kent Police 101.
  • If someone knocks on your door claiming to work for SSAFA, report it to SSAFA directly on 01622 792363.

NEVER agree to work being done by or paying cash to someone you have just met on your doorstep.

Report it

If you have you fallen victim to a doorstep criminal? Report it to KCC.

For advice and to report issues to KCC Trading Standards contact the Citizens Advice consumer service

Give safely to SSAFA

You can give to SSAFA

  • online at
  • by telephone: 020 7463 9225
  • by post: send a cheque made payable to SSAFA toSSAFA
    The Armed Forces Charity
    4 Dunstan’s Hill
    London EC3R 8AD

SSAFA  16 July 2018

Beware of internet banking scams

Kent County Council (KCC) have received reports of fraudsters tricking people into giving them access to their internet banking.

The criminals pose as employees from broadband providers and claim that someone has hacked into their account, the user is then tricked into giving access to their computer and told to log into their internet banking.

So far, Police have identified 45 victims with a combined loss of £128,000.

A current trend is for victims to be sent an automated message stating that their router has been compromised. Please do not respond to this message but instead contact your broadband provider directly for advice.

Never allow a caller access to your computer. An internet provider will never ask for your bank details.

NEWSFLASH: Ashford man loses £21,000 to internet banking scam.

For more information on how to keep you and your family safe from scams, visit the KCC Public Protection website.

Report it

For advice and to report issues to KCC Trading Standards contact

Citizens Advice consumer service on 03454 04 05 06
Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.


Kent County Council 20 July 2018
(KCC distribute Consumer Alerts via Mailchimp)

Brookfield Court improvements underway

… resurfacing work, is due to commence on Monday 16th July for two days …

Resurfacing works at the Brookfield Court shopping area car park, located just off Brookfield Road, South Ashford is just one of many planned improvements in the area.

The changes are being driven by the Bybrook, Bockhanger and Ashford South Advisory Committee (BBASAC), which was established by Ashford Borough Council. Its remit is to engage and liaise with accredited local user groups, assess the needs and aspirations within their wards and then achieve both immediate and sustainable improvements within their local environment.

The Committee has been working hard to secure renovations at this site. Along with the much-needed resurfacing work, which is due to commence on Monday 16th July for two days, it is planned that the broken tiles on the side of the main shop’s building will also be fixed.

Biffa, the external contractor, is currently conducting a thorough deep cleanse of the car park and footpath areas, which involves the removal of litter, spraying and removal of weeds. In order to address the ongoing litter problems, two litter bins will be relocated to positions that should increase their use and an additional litter bin will be installed at the alley way located between the Co-op and Budgens.

Aspire Landscape Management has cleared the moss from the cobbles at the front of the car park, removed the damaged knee rail from the grassy area and cleared the footpath next to Paddy Power. Planned future works include painting of the remaining knee rail, power washing of the paving slabs outside of all of the shops to remove the grime, the repair and planting of shrubs near to the Co-op, the removal of brambles and weeds in all areas on site, pruning of the trees near the entrance and the removal of the 1960s broken bike racks.

Cllr Bill Barrett, Vice Chairman of the BBASAC, said: “The Bybrook, Bockhanger and South Ashford Advisory Committee sought from its very inception to seek out the areas within its remit that were in need of attention and the Brookfield Court Shops complex  is a prime example of that. The group’s goal is to improve such areas quickly and efficiently; making best use of council assets and resources. I know the work undertaken will improve the shops for the local community and the businesses alike and I have been proud to have been part of the endeavour.”

Cllr Andrew Buchanan, Chairman of the BBASAC, said: “I hope that all users, be they local residents or regular visitors will notice and appreciate the hard work from everyone involved and enjoy their enhanced environment.”

Ashford Borough Council  12th July

Various frozen vegetable products recalled

Greenyard Frozen UK Ltd has taken the precautionary step of voluntarily recalling various frozen vegetable products, sold under a number of brands, because they might contain Listeria monocytogenes.

Product details


Brand / Product Pack size Batch code Best before


Aldi Four Seasons Frozen Vegetable Steamers All All All codes to Jan 2020
Aldi Frozen Four Seasons Mixed Vegetables All All All codes to Jan 2020
Aldi Four Seasons Supersweet Sweetcorn All All All codes to Jan 2020

Growers Pride

Growers Pride Mixed Vegetables 12x450g All July 2021
Growers Pride Mixed Vegetables 12x750g All July 2020
Growers Pride Supersweet Sweetcorn 12x450g All July 2021
Growers Pride Supersweet Sweetcorn 12x750g All July 2020


Iceland Frozen Mixed Vegetables 900g All All codes to 22 June 2020


Independent Mix Vegetables All All July 2019


Lidl Frozen Freshona Vegetable Mix All All All codes to July 2020
Lidl Frozen Green Grocer Supersweet Corn All All All codes to Jan 2020

One Stop

One Stop Frozen Sweetcorn All All All codes to Jan 2020


Pinguin Frozen Cut Beans All NA July 2020
Pinguin Frozen Mixed Vegetables 1×10 kg All July 2020
Pinguin Frozen Sweetcorn All All July 2020
Pinguin frozen Golden Rice and Vegetables All All July 2020
Pinguin Mixed Vegetable All All July 2020
Pinguin Supersweet Corn 1×10 kg All July 2020
Pinguin Supersweet Sweetcorn All All July 2020
Pinguin Sweetcorn 1×10 kg All July 2020


Ross Mixed Country Vegetables 10x1kg All July 2020
Ross Mixed Vegetables 10x1kg All July 2020
Ross Mixed Vegetables 12x450g All July 2021
Ross Sweetcorn 12x450g All July 2021
Ross Sweetcorn 10x1kg All July 2020


Sainsbury Frozen Basic Mixed Vegetables All All All codes to Jan 2020
Sainsbury Frozen Carrot Broccoli and Sweetcorn All All All codes to Jan 2020
Sainsbury Frozen Mixed Vegetables All All All codes to Jan 2020
Sainsbury Frozen Rice Broccoli and Sweetcorn All All All codes to Jan 2020
Sainsbury Frozen Special Mixed Vegetables All All All codes to Jan 2020


Tesco Broccoli Frozen Sweetcorn Peas and Spinach Steamer All All All codes to Jan 2020
Tesco Frozen Broccoli, Carrot and Sweetcorn Steamer All All All codes to Jan 2020
Tesco Frozen Every Day Value Sweetcorn All All All codes to Jan 2020
Tesco Frozen Mixed Vegetables All All All codes to Jan 2020
Tesco frozen Mixed Vegetables and Peppers All All All codes to Jan 2020
Tesco Frozen Sweetcorn All All All codes to Jan 2020
Tesco Frozen Growers Harvest Carrot Peas and Sweetcorn Steamer All All All codes to Jan 2020
Tesco Frozen Growers Harvest Mixed Vegetables All All All codes to Jan 2020
Tesco Growers Harvest Frozen Mixed Vegetables All All All codes to Jan 2020


Waitrose Essential Mixed Vegetable E1kg All All up to Dec 2019
Waitrose Essential Supersweet Sweetcorn E1kg All Oct 2019 Nov 2019 Aug 2019
Waitrose Fine Cut Vegetable Steamer E640g (4x160ge) All All up to Jan 2020
Waitrose Love Life Vegetable Medley Steamers E640g (4x160ge) P6163 P7021 P7080 May 2018 Jul 2018 Sep 2018


No other Greenyard Frozen UK Ltd products are known to be affected.

Risk statement

The products listed above might be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes.

Symptoms caused by this organism can be similar to flu and include high temperature, muscle ache or pain, chills, feeling or being sick and diarrhoea.

Some people are more vulnerable to listeria infections, including those over 65 years of age, pregnant women and their unborn babies, babies less than one month old and people with weakened immune systems.

Action taken by the company

Greenyard Frozen UK Ltd are recalling the above products. Point of sale notices will be displayed in all retail stores that are selling these products. These notices explain to customers why the products are being recalled and tell them what to do if they have bought any of the products listed above.

Advice to consumers

If you have bought any of the above products do not eat them. Instead, return the product to the store from where it was bought for a full refund.

Food Standards Agency  5 July 2018