Have your say on getting around in the county
The people of Kent are being asked whether they agree with Kent County Council’s priorities for the future of transport in the county.
A public consultation of the Local Transport Plan launches today (Monday) and runs until October 30.
The plan is broken down into five main sections:
- Transport in Kent – sets out KCC’s achievements so far, anticipated growth in the county and the background to transport issues.
- Strategic priorities – sets out KCC’s priorities which include A2 Bean and A2 Ebbsfleet junction upgrades and Crossrail extension, a new Lower Thames Crossing, splitting Dover port traffic between the M20/A20 and M2/A2 routes as well as expansion of the port, journey time improvements in Thanet and a parkway rail station, Ashford International Station signalling, and general rail and bus improvements.
- Kent-wide priorities – sets out KCC’s approach to road safety, highway maintenance, home to school transport, and its policy on aviation.
- District priorities – sets out district transport schemes that have been identified as necessary in each district.
- Funding Sources – sets out what funding sources are available and alternative funding strategies.