
Victoria Way development application submitted

junctionviewDeveloper, U+I has submitted a planning application for redevelopment of land at the junction of Beaver Road and Victoria Road.

Three applications have been submitted:

U+I exhibited their initial proposals in March this year. South Ashford Community Forum’s comments on the consultation documents can be viewed from the Publications page on the South Ashford website

We have reproduced the application details on our Planning Notices page. The developers website for the proposals is

False claims by solar panel salesmen

Kent Trading Standards Alerts logoHomeowners with solar panels are being contacted by salesmen making false claims about their existing solar panels.

False claim one

Salesmen are encouraging homeowners to replace their existing solar panels and claiming that fire crews will not attend a fire involving older solar panels.

This is false! The Fire Service will always attend a fire no matter the cause.

For more information visit Kent Fire and Rescue.

False claim two

Salesmen are offering free health checks on Solar PV installations in conjunction with The Microgeneration Certificate Scheme (MCS) (an industry-led and nationally recognised quality assurance scheme).

This is false! MCS has not partnered with any installation or maintenance companies and does not carry out health checks or maintenance.

For more information visit the MCS website.

Report calls to KCC Trading Standards via Citizens Advice consumer helpline.

By online form 

By telephone: 03454 04 05 06
Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Kent County Council Trading Standards 4 August 2016

Have your say on getting around in the county

Local Transport PlanThe people of Kent are being asked whether they agree with Kent County Council’s priorities for the future of transport in the county.

A public consultation of the Local Transport Plan launches today (Monday) and runs until October 30.

The plan is broken down into five main sections:

  • Transport in Kent – sets out KCC’s achievements so far, anticipated growth in the county and the background to transport issues.
  • Strategic priorities – sets out KCC’s priorities which include A2 Bean and A2 Ebbsfleet junction upgrades and Crossrail extension, a new Lower Thames Crossing, splitting Dover port traffic between the M20/A20 and M2/A2 routes as well as expansion of the port, journey time improvements in Thanet and a parkway rail station, Ashford International Station signalling, and general rail and bus improvements.
  • Kent-wide priorities – sets out KCC’s approach to road safety, highway maintenance, home to school transport, and its policy on aviation.
  • District priorities – sets out district transport schemes that have been identified as necessary in each district.
  • Funding Sources – sets out what funding sources are available and alternative funding strategies.


SACF responds to Local Plan

Help shape our Local Plan

South Ashford Community Forum have submitted five representations to the Draft Local Plan published by Ashford Borough Council.

Extracts from the Local Plan have been included on the website under Local Information / Planning and Development / Local Plan. Each section is a separate post allowing you to make comments. A link is provided to open the relevant part of the Plan online so that you have access to the full text. You can, of course, make your own submissions via the Council’s Consultation Portal but comments need to be in the form of an objection with justification showing that the part of the Plan concerned is not ‘sound’.

Ashford Borough Council’s consultation on the plan closes on Wednesday,10th August, after which no more comments can be submitted.

The representations SACF have submitted relate to the following parts of the Plan:

Result of Beaver Ward by-election

Ballot boxRyan MacPherson has been elected as councillor for Beaver Ward. Beaver Ward is now represented by Ryan McPherson and Beverley Murphy.

The result of the Beaver Ward by-election, announced by Ashford Borough Council, is as follows:

  • Joanna Gideon (Conservative) 240
  • Caroline Harris (Labour) 243
  • Ryan MacPherson (UKIP) 373
  • Elizabeth Wright (Green) 31

The turnout was 21.3%

The declaration was made just after 11.10pm on 4th August

The political composition of Ashford Borough Council is now as follows:

  • 35        Conservative (C)
  • 2          Labour (L)
  • 3          Ashford Independent (AI)
  • 1          Liberal Democrat (LD)
  • 2          UK Independence Party (UKIP)

Ashford Borough Council 5 August 2016

Case for change for health services in Ashford

Ashford Clinical Commissioning GroupPlans to transform local health and care services in Ashford stepped up a gear today (Thursday 4 August 2016) as local NHS and social care organisations published a new document, Better health and care in east Kent: time to change, setting out hard-hitting reasons why services need to be transformed if they are to be fit for the future.

Over the last six months, local NHS doctors, nurses, clinicians, social care workers and leaders have been getting together to talk about what needs to change and share thinking about ways to make that happen.  Better health and care in east Kent: time to change is the result of these conversations and presents a comprehensive view of how despite their best efforts, health and social care organisations are under real strain to deliver the services that local people need, to the standards that they should expect. (more…)

Roadworks Chart Road 15 August

Chart Road Gas Mains ReplacementSouthern Gas Networks are undertaking gas main replacement in Chart Road between 15 August and 26 August 2016. During the works, that will be taking place opposite the Brunswick Road Junction, two-way traffic signals will be used to control the flow of traffic and Bruswick Road will be closed at the junction.


Local Plan Representations

Help shape our Local PlanDuring a review of the Draft Local Plan published by Ashford Borough Council, we have extracted those parts of the Plan that we think are most relevant to those who live and work in South Ashford. These extracted sections can be reviewed on the South Ashford website under Local Information / Planning and Development / Local Plan.

We have now prepared five representations on the Plan. Representations can only be made on the Soundness or Legality of the Plan, as explained in the Council’s  ‘Guidance Notes for submitting a representation’ and ‘Guidance note on Legal Compliance and Soundness’ that can be downloaded from Consultation page on the Council’s website. The representations we have prepared relate to the following parts of the Plan:

The representations have been added as comments under the extracts from the relevant part of the Plan. We welcome your views on these representations and suggestions you have for further representations.

Big Boys Do Cry

We're in your cornerA new initiative has been launched by Ashford Samaritans, supported by Ashford Borough Council, which aims to reduce what has been called the ‘silent epidemic’ of men’s suicide within the borough.

Men are almost three times more likely to take their own lives than women and more middle-aged men are killed by suicide than by cancer, heart disease or traffic accidents.

The campaign, Big Boys Do Cry, aims to break down the barriers preventing men from seeking help when it seems there is nothing left to live for. (more…)

Fake text messages targeting parents

Mobile phone imageFraudsters are sending out distressing messages to parents in the hope that they will reply and send mobile phone top-up voucher codes.

Victims initially receive a text message from a loved-one which says they are in hospital and that the only way that they can make contact is via text message.

One example message reads: “Mum i did try and phone from some else phone signal is really bad, there has been a terrible car accident. I’m in the ICU ward in hospital my phone ain’t switching on and needs charging. I’m on this mobile number please make sure you reply to this number, my friend didn’t make it he died before we got to hospital and his sister’s fighting for her life. Mum i had my seatbelt on, i’ve got a head injury but i’m ok. Going into Xray to be seen, please make sure you message me back and don’t phone cause mobile phones aren’t allowed here so please text in case I’m in there. I will go outside and phone you mum its really bad i need you to do me favour before it’s too late, as soon as you get my text please reply by text i need you to do me a favour mum, time is running out and i need you to do something mum”. (more…)