
Save Water in your school

Water Saving Week
Why save water in your school?

  • Saving water at your school can help you save other resources: If you include the products we use as well as actual water use, our daily water consumption is 3400 litres! One sheet of A4 uses 10 litres of water to produce, so try and make sure it’s only used when essential!
  • Saving water at your school can save energy: Water needs energy to pump, treat and heat it, whilst energy needs a lot of water to produce it – so by saving one you’ll save the other! Saving water and energy will also save schools money as they are on a meter, as well as promoting sustainable behaviour and helping to protect the environment.
  • Saving water at your school can help educate people about the environment: By taking action and saving water (and energy as a result), your school will be actively demonstrating that anyone can use water more wisely and set a good example for future water consumers. Make sure you tell staff, parents and the wider community about your water saving actions!


ABC Customer Services have moved

ABC CrestAshford Borough Council (ABC) Customers services have returned to the Civic Centre in Tannery Lane.

Why are ABC moving?

ABC say that they believe this will improve the customer experience, efficiency and speed of response for all enquiries. The service is being tailored to provide self-help for customers that can, assisted self-help for those who need some assistance and providing the appropriate resources for those customers with more complex enquiries.

They have noticed a changing pattern in how residents interact with the council, moving away from the more traditional face-to-face and telephone contact to more modern online methods such as email and the internet.

With the introduction of Universal Credit and the development of further self-help facilities we expect to see a further reduction in the number of face to face visits.

How will it look

The new-look Civic Centre reception will see the meet and greet style approach introduced in a welcoming, open and light environment, which will help to improve visitors’ experiences and their first impression of the council.

Ashford Borough Council

‘Victoria Way’ EIA Screening Submitted

03-PRS-Developer U+I have requested that Ashford Borough Council screen their proposals for land at the junction of Beaver Road and Victoria Road (the ‘Victoria Way’ development) for the requirement to carry out an Environmental Impact Assessment.

The submission indicates that three applications will be submitted

  • Application A – Brewery (located on the junction opposite the Station) Residential and Commercial Units (located behind the Beaver Road Service Station)
  • Application B – Hotel (located on the junction opposite Home Plus)
  • Application C – Foodstore (located between Victoria Road and the Railway)

The developer concludes that the proposed development (individually and cumulatively) will not result in any significant environmental impacts that give rise to a need to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment. (more…)

Child Sexual Exploitation Day

Today is national child sexual exploitation awareness day. Do you know the signs to look out for? The following guidance is provided by Kent Police

Signs of child sexual exploitation

Op Willow image

Operation Willow is a partnership between Kent Police, Kent County Council, Medway Authority and the NHS to respond to concerns and promote awareness of CSE by working closely with schools, GPs, taxi firms, hotels and pubs.

Children and young people often don’t realise they’re being exploited.

If you’re a parent, you work with young people or you’re just concerned that someone may be at risk of CSE, there are a number of signs you can look out for:

  • Unexplained gifts or expensive items eg clothes, mobiles
  • Drug or alcohol use
  • Bruises or marks on the body
  • Suffering from sexually transmitted infections
  • Going missing or regularly running away
  • Missing school or not taking part in education
  • Getting into or out of different vehicles
  • Changes in behaviour eg aggressive, defensive, mood swings
  • Inappropriate sexual behaviour eg over familiar with strangers, sexting
  • Changes in appearance eg losing weight, malnourished
  • Hanging out with anti-social groups, gangs, known criminals and/or fighting
  • Having older boyfriends, girlfriends or friends
  • Involved in abusive relationships, feeling fearful of certain people.

Are you concerned about a child?

If you’re concerned a child is suffering or is likely to be harmed, you can either call:

More information is available on

Kent Police Child Sexual Exploitation page

Kent Safeguarding Children Board Child Sexual Exploitation page

Safer Sleep Week

Safer Sleep WeekFrom the 14-20 March 2016 The Lullaby Trust and partners aim to make sure parents in the UK know the importance of safer sleep and are aware of how to reduce the chance of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

It is not possible for any manufacturer to say that a particular product will prevent SIDS. It is possible, however, to significantly lower the chances of it happening by following this safer sleep guidance.  This advice is based on strong scientific evidence where, unlike many products, safety has been proven. (more…)

Beaver Road/Victoria Road Development Exhibition

01-Aldi-CGIDevelopment Group U+I are exhibiting proposals for the derelict sites on either side of Victoria Way at its junction with Beaver Road. U+I say that the proposed development, which they have named Victoria Way, is set to transform the two sites. The regeneration includes 222 new homes, a 120 bed hotel, a foodstore, Chapel Down’s new Curious Brewery and visitor centre and flexible office / retail floorspace.

The regeneration will see an increase of £3.9m in spend per annum by new residents and tourists visiting the town’s attractions. There will also be an increase in employment with the creation of 203 jobs and 40 new indirect jobs.

U+I are exhibiting their proposals:

  • On Friday 18 March 10am-6pm and
    Saturday 19 March 10am-4pm
    U+I will be in the foodcourt at McArthurGlen Outlet offering samples of the delicious Curious Beer and Cider. Come on down to County Square shopping centre
  • On Tuesday 22 March 11am-5pm and
    Wednesday 23 March 11am-5pm,
    they will be in County Square shopping centre giving away a free Easter egg in return for your opinions on our proposed scheme.

U+I have set up a website at

Stories from ITL Apprentices

National Apprenticeships WeekITLlogo

In National Apprenticeship Week 2016 South Ashford based Integrated Technologies Ltd have checked  in with their apprentices to see how they are getting on.

James- Hardware Engineer

“I joined ITL in 2010 as an apprentice and have not looked back since.  The company has put me through various career enhancing courses including NVQ’s, BTECH qualifications and IPC Certification.

“I am studying for a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering on a part time basis one day a week at the University of Greenwich.

“I am now nearing the end of my degree with only another year and a half to go. The course has been taught over 5 years instead of the traditional 3 but it has allowed me to work at ITL 4 days a week and study on the others when required. (more…)

World Consumer Rights Day

Citizens Advice logoUnderstand your rights & how you can use them

The Consumer Rights Act came into force on 1 October 2015 which meant from that date new consumer rights became law covering:

  • what should happen when goods are faulty;
  • what should happen when digital content is faulty;
  • how services should match up to what has been agreed, and what should happen when they do not, or when they are not provided with reasonable care and skill;
  • unfair terms in a contract;
  • what happens when a business is acting in a way which isn’t competitive
