
Forum responds to Park Masterplan

Kentish Express 17 March 2016

Kentish Express
17 March 2016

South Ashford Community Forum are pleased that Ashford Borough Council’s Cabinet have recognised the importance of Victoria Park and Watercress Fields to the residents of Ashford and that the planned development in the area creates both the need and the opportunity to provide investment into the Park.

Some residents have expressed concern that the proposals might cause a loss of open space in the park but we believe that this results from misunderstanding of what is intended. It is important for people to understand that the Masterplan is Draft and constitutes outline proposals that will be subject to consultation. Detailed proposals will be developed from the Masterplan and implementation is dependent on the availability of funding from grants and contributions from developers, of sites such as the Powergen and Jemmett Road Campus. The timetable given in some of the information being circulated is the outline programme for Fountain Zone work, not the implementation of the whole plan. Even these proposals are subject to two successful bids to the Heritage Lottery Fund.

We look forward to working with the Council in development of the proposals and will continue to provide updates at our meetings and via our website and facebook page.

Transformation Plan for Young People

NHS Ashford CCG



The Kent Transformation Plan for Children, Young People and Young Adults has just been published. The Kent Transformation Plan was developed with children, young people, professionals and partners who have been working locally and across Clinical Commissioning Groups to deal with the challenging issues of mental health and wellbeing.

Local and county-wide needs have been examined and provision and good practice and have developed and designed for a whole-system for Kent which puts children, young people and young adults at the heart of services. (more…)

Release the pressure

Kent County CouncilLife can get really tough sometimes, but talking can help. A highly trained and experienced team waiting to provide you with support to get you back on track. So if you are beginning to feel the pressure, don’t suffer in silence.

Prefer to chat online rather than over the phone? A web chat service, is also available.

Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 45 in Kent. If you know someone who’s starting to feel the pressure ask them to call 0800 107 0160

Support is free and confidential, provided by an independent charity and funded by Kent County Council.

Get your dog microchipped

You must make sure your dog is fitted with a microchip by the time it’s 8 weeks old.

You can be fined up to £500 if your dog isn’t microchipped by 6 April 2016

Your dog’s microchip must be fitted by a trained professional

Victoria Park Masterplan

Victoria ParkFollowing the presentation by Chris Dixon at the South Ashford Community Forum September 2016 Meeting, Chris with other officers and consultants employed by Ashford Borough Council have produced a Draft Masterplan for the development of Victoria Park. The Draft Masterplan will go before ABC’s Cabinet on 10th March for adoption.

The first part of the proposals that will be developed is based on the heritage of the Park, focused on the Hubert Fountain. A Heritage Lottery Fund bid is planned to finance this part of the work. The first stage of the bid will be submitted this month, to fund Development of the heritage proposals. If the bid is successful, the Development Phase is expected to take a year to complete, after which a further bid will be made to fund Delivery (implementation) of the Proposals. The Delivery is expected to take 15 – 18 months from March 2018, completing between July and September 2019. (more…)

ITL recognised for charity support

KM Partnership AwardsSouth Ashford based firm, International Technologies, was one of fifty organisations honoured at the inaugural KM Charity Team Partnership Awards staged last week. The winners received accolades for playing a key role in helping the KM Charity Team deliver its range of services for schools and good causes.

Representatives from businesses that had supported the charity’s work past and present received a KM Charity Team Partnership Award trophy and framed certificate.

The Kent and Medway Charity Team was founded in 2001. At the start the organisation was called the Kent and Medway Walking Bus Group. It changed its name and logo in 2009 to reflect a broader range of services delivered. The charity works alongside the KM Group, Kent’s biggest multi-media publisher, to support the organisation’s charitable work whenever the objectives of the two organisations are shared.

South Ashford Community Forum Meeting

A copy of the Draft Victoria Park Masterplan will be available to view before the start of this meeting
This meeting is open to those from outside of the SACF Area who have an interest in Victoria Park

Please join us

at 7:00 pm
on Wednesday 9th March
at South Ashford Baptist Church
Brookfield Road TN23 4EY

All who live or work in the unparished area of South Ashford are welcome

Agenda includes:

  • Police Report
  • Victoria Park
  • Council Tax
  • M20 Junction 10A

Full Agenda available from the Minutes and Agendas page

ADT Security Scam

Stop the ScammersThere are reports of people, claiming to be from ADT Security knocking on doors in Ashford saying that they are undertaking security surveys. We are not currently sure of the reason that these people are knocking but it appears very suspicious. They could be rogue traders, scammers or criminals looking for burglary opportunities.

Do not allow these people into your home.

The Community Safety Unit have been notified but